Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

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@Keeper of Night Mitsh goes to inspect the newly made crack in the boulder, and for any signs of it blocking an underground path.
Litwick walks over to the boulder, but the crack isn't deep or wide enough to see through.

@Keeper of Night I'll use Disarming Voice on the walls. Maybe it could disarm any traps set here?
Swablu screams into the cave! Nothing happens.

@Keeper of Night I'll bounce around and try to use the echoes to detect hidden passages, because Spoink is at this point so dehydrated and hungry that she thinks she's a bat.
It did rain last night, I think it's safe to assume you got to drink something. :eek:

Spoink bounces around the room. Nothing stands out to her while doing so.

@Keeper of Night I phase through the nearby walls to see if any passages are on the other side.
Duskull phases through the walls. He didn't go far, but the walls around them seemed solid.
However, he could sense there could be more waiting beyond their area...

@Keeper of Night
I look forlornly at the snowy mountain peak.
Vulpix stares out the cave entrance. Maybe she's finally lost it.

@Keeper of Night
I smash my head (the grey hard part) against the boulder
Bagon smashes his head against the boulder again. It cracks even further, nearly splitting it in half.
Perhaps moving it would have been easier.

I say we let whatever the rumbling thing is to catch up to us and then fight it. It may be dangerous, but at least it will be more exciting than wandering aimlessly around the wilderness.
@Keeper of Night
I smash my head against the boulder again
Oh yeah, Vulpix is the one that's lost it.

Let's speed this up a bit. @Keeper of Night I'll use Gear Grind to chip away at the boulder.
Somebody with opposable thumbs get that compass away from the Bagon and Trapinch. Dx
*looks at Klink clearly dazed*
Usually only takes one hit but sure we found your significant other...again
*walks to edge of mountain*
If I can't break a boulder with one hit...what is my purpose in life we are all specs of dust in this vast universe where whatever we do is pointless anything we do will be forgotten just like we will what if the point of life isn't to make a difference but to endure it and make the journey more bearable for others
*vomits over edge of mountain*
@Keeper of Night I will pick up the compass and examine it.
Duskull picks up the compass. He recognizes the design of the case, it's very similar to the one they had found before in the forest.
However, the inside seems pretty standard. No numbers, just the letters N, S, E, and, W to indicate direction.

Duskull, facing the back of the cave, sees
the needle pointing South.
If the needle is pointing south, then it's pointing toward something large and magnetic. Maybe we shouldn't, uh, walk in blindly? ^.^

And as for the compass ... hey Duskull! You should come pass it to me! :D

... I kid, I kid. :U#

so the back of the cave is southwards, or else there's something yuge and metal behind the wall.

let's check it out. who is a good digger?

*i move one grain of rock away from the back wall*
actually the needle is pointing out of the cave because duskull is facing the back of the cave meaning the north side of the compass is facing the back wall and south is facing out of the cave...we might have gone the wrong way let's go back down
actually the needle is pointing out of the cave because duskull is facing the back of the cave meaning the north side of the compass is facing the back wall and south is facing out of the cave...we might have gone the wrong way let's go back down
I understood, uh, none of that.

The back of the cave, the wall opposite the entrance, is being indicated by the compass as "S" or south.
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