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  1. Elbow

    Discussion Ho-Oh EX Discussion Thread

    I think the concept overall is not good. First off, the attack is hard to set up. Yes, I do know Smeargle exists, but so does Silent Lab, Wobbuffet, Hex Maniac, the new Greninja, etc. In your specific setup, manually attaching and relying on Max Elixr is unreliable. What if you face against Toad...
  2. Elbow

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    Elbow wins vs. @RogueChomp 2-1 Not GGs opponent was bad and terrible games. Wish I could have played anyone else. Bad luck in your matches.
  3. Elbow

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    Round 6: Elbow vs @OmniPoke 2-1 Elbow wins Awesome series, best one by far. Almost was able to take six prizes in game 2 btw (if I hadn't dropped a milotic too early). Played from 4:50-6:15 (wow that was long) EST
  4. Elbow

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    Elbow vs. @ironcladmerc Elbow wins 2-0 Games played 8:50-9:15 EST. GGs!
  5. Elbow

    Trades & Sales [USA] Curious Cleffa's Bulk Trades! Updated with Guardians Rising!

    I also have: Ninetales 19/124 Garchomp 90/124 (RH) Empoleon 29/108
  6. Elbow

    I finally figured out what your name meant and it made me laugh XD

    I finally figured out what your name meant and it made me laugh XD
  7. Elbow

    Trades & Sales [US-WW] PSA Cards and other stuff

    I am from the US and willing to (preferably) sell and trade off my PSA Collection. Here's what I have: PSA 7 Crystal Ho-Oh PSA 8 Shining Mew CoroCoro PSA 8 Rayquaza EX 97/97 Dragon Frontiers PSA 10 PikaKarp and PikaDos (PikaDos is mislabeled, but currently talking to PSA about it). PSA 9 Shining...
  8. Elbow

    "Pack to Power" in Pokémon

    I have actually done something similar to this. In Pokemon it's called the 'Trade-Up' game. It's essentially the same thing: Start with a pack, bad EX, some uncommons/commons, energy, or in my case a broken sleeve and try to trade until you get cards worth more and more value. It's best to do...
  9. Elbow

    Trades & Sales [USA] Curious Cleffa's Bulk Trades! Updated with Guardians Rising!

    Interested in: Darkrai EX FA Xerneas 107/162 x1 Have: Thundurus EX FA 110/116 Gold Potion 140/149 Gardevoir 57/99
  10. Elbow

    Blog Benchwarmer - Gengar-EX Deck Walkthrough and City Report

    Any reason why you didn't go with the Wally/Trevenant Garb version? I like that one a lot and the damage output is similar. With bats I feel like often you will miss a OHKO whereas with a lock you won't mind hitting for a 2HKO.
  11. Elbow

    Sableye / Garbodor

    Do you have a sample list of this? I don't think you can fit in PoT with LaserBank tbh.
  12. Elbow

    Discussion In the zone: Zebstrika actually seems quite good

    That's four cards that wins you against 2 Tier 1/2 decks (Entei and Giratina, which are hard matchups to begin with). Sometimes you have to lose consistency to be more consistent (if you catch my drift).
  13. Elbow

    Discussion In the zone: Zebstrika actually seems quite good

    The prior thread was for it's usefulness against Shaymin-EX, which is very doubtful as most cards OHKO it already. All of the reasons you posted above are correct (some I hadn't even thought of) and do prove why it is a great card for decks with electric attackers. The ability sure does go...
  14. Elbow

    Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

    I went 2-1 Vs. @Arneboy11 Played between 630 PM - 7 PM
  15. Elbow

    Sableye / Garbodor

    I was building this deck and was wondering what to cut for 4 Puzzle of Time? Do you drop the 4 trainer's mail or make it 2 and drop something else? What are your opinions?
  16. Elbow

    M Manectric-EX Variants

    It's a terrible start though. Can't get out Shaymin-EX.
  17. Elbow

    Collecting Potentially Fake EX Sandstorm Packs?

    Those are not fake. I can see the Lairon is not a fake card. I can't really explain the nintendo thing but I bet someone else here knows more about that than myself. I can tell you based on the Lairon (Rest In Peace(s)) that the packs are real.