I know there has been a thread about Breakpoint Zebstrika and it's attack. But I haven't seen too much about it's ability which honestly seems pretty useful.
"Zap zone
Damage from the attacks of your
Pokémon isn't affected by any effects on your opponent's Active Pokémon."
I think this card is an amazing tech, possibly even a staple in decks like manectric/bats, M Manectric, and possibly even nightmarch.
This ability would allow you to hit Regice, with any EX lighting attacker, namely Manectric and M manectric. It would also allow you to hit Pyroar with Raikou, Manectric, and joltik. Giratina's renegade pulse would no longer cripple M Manectric and Aegislash would be more manageable for Night march and possible decks running Flash Energy or DCE.
Other applications could allow you to revenge kill a jirachi promo with a joltik, It could get around the buff of assault vest and heat tackle in Entei (not sure about this one). Lastly, if Mega Ray makes a comeback (which it won't but I wish it could) it would nullify the Altaria and allow you to hit for weakness.
The more I think about it the more viable this card seems to become. Possibly I'm reading it wrong or something so feel free to correct me!
"Zap zone
Damage from the attacks of your

I think this card is an amazing tech, possibly even a staple in decks like manectric/bats, M Manectric, and possibly even nightmarch.
This ability would allow you to hit Regice, with any EX lighting attacker, namely Manectric and M manectric. It would also allow you to hit Pyroar with Raikou, Manectric, and joltik. Giratina's renegade pulse would no longer cripple M Manectric and Aegislash would be more manageable for Night march and possible decks running Flash Energy or DCE.
Other applications could allow you to revenge kill a jirachi promo with a joltik, It could get around the buff of assault vest and heat tackle in Entei (not sure about this one). Lastly, if Mega Ray makes a comeback (which it won't but I wish it could) it would nullify the Altaria and allow you to hit for weakness.
The more I think about it the more viable this card seems to become. Possibly I'm reading it wrong or something so feel free to correct me!