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  1. P3DS

    Standard Speedy Entei-Emboar

    I used to be a fan if Night March, but then I found this, and fell in love with the versatility and power of it. Just needs some help in some match ups. Pokemon 4 Entei (AOR 15) 2 Emboar-EX 3 Shaymin-EX (ROS 106) Trainers 4 Blacksmith (FLF 88) 2 Lysandre (AOR 78) 1 Professor Sycamore (BKP...
  2. P3DS

    Discussion Medicham Viablity?

    Someone I know is using it, and tells me it is pretty nasty against night march, as it attacks twice. Because of that, it can remove 2 night marchers, and keep up the prize trade. IIRC, he told me that he managed to get the medicham up to doing ~130 per hit on an EX, and that would be...
  3. P3DS

    Discussion Should we add a 20 questions deck guessing forum?

    What's the night march match up like?
  4. P3DS

    Standard Wailord Stall for UK Nationals

    Really interesting deck. Hope you do well. I'll be there too, but on the VGC side
  5. P3DS

    Standard Glaceon-EX / Jolteon-EX

    There are multiple judge rulings stating that, one being: It isn't an evolved pokemon, but is an evolution card (as the actual rule book states stage 1/2s are evolution cards).
  6. P3DS

    Standard Glaceon-EX / Jolteon-EX

    Thing is, the wording pokebeach has for the glaceon is incorrect. As seen here: the translation is evolution pokemon, and garchomp is an evolution pokemon, but unevolved, so should be affected by the glaceon, but there needs to be a judge ruling on it, and there won't be one yet due to the...
  7. P3DS

    Standard Glaceon-EX / Jolteon-EX

    If its going to be a mew toolbox, add a couple of seismatoad in for a single energy quaking punch.
  8. P3DS

    TCGO and Night March Trash Talking

    Heh... I'm a VGC player mainly, but I get that stuff all the time. In VGC 14/15 I played Perish song, which is a very powerful/annoying strat, and the hate was real. I just got a think skin, and then just had fun back. They never bothered me. It's now got to the point that I call my flat mate...
  9. P3DS

    Standard Archie's Swampert! (Swampert / Regice / Wobbuffet)

    With that many energies, I would really suggest adding 4 max elixers, to improve consistency, and get a T1 Hydro pump off for 130. Combined with the diving search, it lets you stream that energy to the top of your deck, making it certain you have what you need. Also, maybe try finding room for a...
  10. P3DS

    Blog Busting In! A Look at Dragonite-EX / Bats

    Nice deck, and a pleasure to read. GL in the future with it
  11. P3DS

    Talonflame BREAK, Captivating Pokepuff Promos!

    Lucario+Captivating Pokepuff anyone? I see zoroark and raichu decks tecking a couple of those just to fill up opponent benches
  12. P3DS

    Pokemon Pokemon Company Courting Hollywood for Live Action Pokemon Movie!

    *Has dreaded flashbacks of Avatar: The Last Airbender* Please, let's not go through that again *Shudder* Anyways, it would need ash, and hopefully the CGI for the pokemon would be decent
  13. P3DS

    Discussion The Best XY-On Set?

    Best imo was Phantom forces. It gave us a few new archetypes, and some really solid cards that are staples in the format
  14. P3DS

    New 'Premium Champion' Set, Blastoise Mega Battle Special Pack!

    Night march is reprinted ?!?!? I'm up for that. Plus, another set with shaymin in... pretty sweet too
  15. P3DS

    New 'Premium Champion' Set, Blastoise Mega Battle Special Pack!

    Noooooooooo.... Seismatoad is back... ;-;
  16. P3DS

    Greninja BREAK

    If you look, it is only a skeleton. there are 4 slots free, so 2 float stone is something you can do.
  17. P3DS

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    So... Target Whistle+Lucario anyone? Anyways, will get the lucario, cause the art is just... amazing :)
  18. P3DS

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    I feel the magnezone/EX toolbox coming on soon
  19. P3DS

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    Long live the night march. That new mew is gonna cause problems... and also, why N ;-; But the N artwork looks pretty sweet.