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  1. R

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    RE: The Tin or Promo Box "Pull Rates" Thread Aaaaages ago I bought my girlfriend a Reshiram EX tin, when they were brand new. She pulled a Zekrom EX and the SR Pikachu.
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    Collecting The English Booster Box "Pull Rates" Thread

    Two. He also got only three Ultra Ball.
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    Collecting The English Booster Box "Pull Rates" Thread

    RE: Pull Rates on Catcher REprint From what I've seen, it's anywhere between 2-5 per box, plus any RH you might get. I think this has been discussed already on this thread.
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    I've not seen a single deck ever running 4 Scrappers, not even after Plasma Blast. If people run three, that's 6 out of your 15ish tools gone if they can get them all out, and with this deck's massive consistent draw power from Bicycle it's not a problem getting literally every single tool on...
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    Toad Deck (Seismitoad)

    RE: toad deck Hey man, I've tested this deck out myself a bit too. Instead of playing 4-3-2 Seismitoad, try 3-1-3 and 2 or 3 Rare Candies. Rare Candy is an item card that lets you skip Stage 1, so you can put a Seismitoad straight onto a Tympole without needing Palpitoad at all. The Deoxys-EX...
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    Collecting The English Booster Box "Pull Rates" Thread

    Watched a PLB box opening on YouTube, they got - Shiny Rare Candy FA Virizion EX FA Jirachi EX Virizion EX Palkia EX G-Booster
  7. R

    H: Lots of Full Arts, EXs! W: Palkia EX, Prism Energies CYL

    RE: H: Full Arts, various EXs + more, W: FA Supporters, Plasma Blast Highly hopeful bump. Still haven't seen my first trade yet :(
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    Collecting The English Booster Box "Pull Rates" Thread

    lel, my local shop when it does do pre-releases sees a maximum attendance of about nine people. 50 would be huge around where I live.
  9. R

    Create a broken card

    RE: Broken card? Super Energy Removal. That card needs no changing, being able to play four of those was broken as is!
  10. R

    Collecting The English Booster Box "Pull Rates" Thread

    This sucks. I've opened four boxes over time and only pulled one secret rare from them, the BCR Terrakion. Now it's seemingly even less likely to get me a badass gold-bordered secret. :(
  11. R

    Latios EX in Plasma Blast?

    I suppose Latios could be used in Seismitoad/Mr. Mime, but that's nothing competitive and is just a fun League deck. In that case it could be a late game card when your Seismitoads have died and you could Catcher out an EX with a bit of damage on it? Just theorizing here.
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    You don't need the Ultra Balls, everything in your deck has 90HP or less and the 4 Level Ball is plenty. You also probably won't need Rescue Scarf. What this deck does use really well is Bicycle. I've watched a few Japanese videos of games with this deck and they all played 3-4 Bicycle, and they...
  13. R

    Thoughts on Steel decks?

    PlasmaKlang says hi.
  14. R

    Flygon/Dusknoir, where to start?

    I've taken almost all the comments made and put them in, and I've filled out my list now. This is what I have currently built, and it's absolutely slaughtering my girlfriend's Zapdos EX/Thundurus EX/Umbreon deck! Oh, and, Ultra Ball is so low when I know it should be much higher because I...
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    New player in the UK

    The Arcanine is legal for tournament play, you'll find it in the Next Destinies set :) As for your Virizion/Genesect list, with just the 4 Genesect EX, 4 Virizion EX and 1 Tropical Beach alone that's about £350. Tropical Beach is anywhere between £90 to £120, and both Genesect and Virizion are...
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    Prerelease decks?

    I haven't been to a pre-release (lack of any happening locally), but Sawk is amazing. Capable of [C] for 50!
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    X/Y League Prize Support - What are you hoping for?

    Wait, people actually quit the TCG because they were dissatisfied with the things they were getting for free? Wow. I was pretty happy with the code cards and the badge at the end of the season. Maybe a physical promo card would be cool too though, like instead of getting all the promo energies...
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    TCG: Your Wants Thread

    RE: X&Y Card Series: Your Predictions and Wants Noooo. Just, no. Please, TPCi, never do any of these things. Oh, and, I don't see EXs carrying over at all. When has an Ultra-Rare card mechanic ever carried over into a new generation? I don't see it happening now. What I do predict is not an...
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    (1) 'Plasma Blast' Scans! [7/27]

    You've seen the Genesect theme deck list? Do spill!
  20. R

    H: Lots of Full Arts, EXs! W: Palkia EX, Prism Energies CYL

    RE: H: Full Arts, various EXs + more, W: FA Supporters, Latias EX Final bump of the week :)