Search results

  1. TheLostZone

    Twilight Zone Trade Thread-Have: Stuff. Want to CYL.

    Anything else you are looking for?
  2. TheLostZone

    Twilight Zone Trade Thread-Have: Stuff. Want to CYL.

    Oh alright. I only wanted it for a collection, rather get meta stuff for my landy. thanks!
  3. TheLostZone

    list is going through some changes *not updated*

    RE: U.S. and Canada. simple trade list! first time trading! Could you CML for a Holon Phantoms Rare Candy and Holo Holon Phantoms Stamped Rare Candy
  4. TheLostZone

    Have: FA Bianca, FA META EX Want: Lugia EX FA, Hypnotoxic Beam

    RE: Have: Computer Search, Landorus EX FA, Tons of EXs Want: Mewtwo EX FA, Bianca FA I really liked Darkrai EX FA ENG and Tornadus EX FA ENG. Care to offer?
  5. TheLostZone

    Twilight Zone Trade Thread-Have: Stuff. Want to CYL.

    anything in particular off my list for that SR rayquazza?
  6. TheLostZone

    Updated with (crystal lugia) (skyla, keldeo fa, black star pros)

    Yeah never mind I wouldn't be willing to do something in you favor. I really only value it at 30$. Thanks!
  7. TheLostZone

    US-Have Lots Need Lots

    could you CML for x2 tornadus EX FA?
  8. TheLostZone

    Updated with (crystal lugia) (skyla, keldeo fa, black star pros)

    Could you CML for Keldeo EX FA, thanks
  9. TheLostZone

    Have: FA Bianca, FA META EX Want: Lugia EX FA, Hypnotoxic Beam

    RE: Have: Computer Search, Landorus EX FA, Tons of EXs Want: Darkrai EX FA, Bianca FA Nothing, sorry :/ Didn't really see anything unless you have some unlisted wants of mine.
  10. TheLostZone

    Nightmare Gear - Klinklang/Stuff

    RE: Klinklang/Stuff Trust me I do this all the time, I run 5 dark, 4 GFDP blend and 3 Prism. Let's say I only need to discard 2 energy to OHKO you Terrakion/Klinklang/Finishing off Keldeo that has 30 damage from a previous Night Sphere, I will con of losing 2 dark (remember doesn't have to...
  11. TheLostZone

    Have: FA Bianca, FA META EX Want: Lugia EX FA, Hypnotoxic Beam

    RE: Have: Computer Search, Landorus EX FA, Tons of EXs Want: Darkrai EX FA, Bianca FA BUMP! Have some landy EX!
  12. TheLostZone

    Best Way to Get Into the Game

    If you go for a box, I'd say go with Dark Explorers as you can pull reprint supporters and new ones. Over all I would buy singles for what deck you want to play, you'll feel a lot better knowing you have everything for your deck compared to you spending the same amount of money on packs and...
  13. TheLostZone

    Nightmare Gear - Klinklang/Stuff

    RE: Klinklang/Stuff Love, love, lovin' this deck Alan. I'll offer my advice! - x3 Metal energy + x1 Super Rod + x1 Keldeo EX + x1 Dark Energy Super Rod is always a great way to get back Pokemon you need in a pinch and Keldeo EX for obvious reasons. I really don't see metal too necessary as...
  14. TheLostZone

    Have: FA Bianca, FA META EX Want: Lugia EX FA, Hypnotoxic Beam

    RE: BC UPDATE! Have: Computer Search, Tons of EXs Want: Landorus EX FA, Darkrai EX FA Hey, sorry but I traded for this stuff at league today.
  15. TheLostZone

    Have: FA Bianca, FA META EX Want: Lugia EX FA, Hypnotoxic Beam

    RE: BC UPDATE! Have: Computer Search, Tons of EXs Want: Landorus EX FA, Darkrai EX FA I do, I could do that
  16. TheLostZone

    Have: FA Bianca, FA META EX Want: Lugia EX FA, Hypnotoxic Beam

    RE: BC UPDATE! Have: Computer Search, Tons of EXs Want: Landorus EX FA, Darkrai EX FA Don't really see anything else on your list unless you have some unlisted wants of mine. EDIT: I read your response wrong. Uh something like 5-6$
  17. TheLostZone


  18. TheLostZone

    Klinklang (BW # 76) {12/14/12}

    Pretty good card overall, but would rather run Hydreigon over this. Klinklang has good high powered attackers but not too much support overall. And with with my testing of Hydreigon against it, I haven't lost yet. Still a pretty cool card and might be cheaper to play depending on what you use as...
  19. TheLostZone

    Mina's Thread! [H]: LOTS! [W]: LOTS!

    Hey I got some more of your wants: Cresselia EX non FA Secret rare rocky helmet Zekrom EX FA I'm interested in Cheren FA but most importantly Darkrai EX FA LMK if you think we could work something out. You
  20. TheLostZone

    Have: FA Bianca, FA META EX Want: Lugia EX FA, Hypnotoxic Beam

    RE: BC UPDATE! Have: Computer Search, Tons of EXs Want: Landorus EX FA, Darkrai EX FA Is that the only thing you need off my list?