3 Klinklang BW
3 Klink (1BW / 2DEX)
2 Darkrai EX DEX
2 Mewtwo EX NXD
2 Terrakion NVI
1 Sigilyph DRX
4 Rare Candy
4 Ultra Ball
3 Heavy Ball
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Tool Scrapper
3 Max Potion
3 Eviolite
1 Super Rod
4 N
4 Juniper
3 Skyla
4 Prism
4 Blend WFLM
4 Dark
Things I want to add:+1 Eviolite
Alternatives- 1 Keldeo EX, -2 Dark.
This is one of those decks where you play what you need when you need it. It works similarly to Darkrai/Hydreigon but in a much wider perspective. You can have energy all around and free retreat all around by Moving energies and using Darkrai's ability. Tool Scrapper keeps you from losing to Garbodor decks/techs. this deck is highly relient on it's abilites so they are key to the success. Your main offense will be Darkrai and Terrakion, while Sigilyph is for walling and beating Keldeo decks. Mewtwo becomes very powerful later in the game since you can move energy to it and deal massive damage (if they're mewtwo is gone, of course.) Klinklang's attack is OK if you're lucky, too. This deck does not need dark energy, but it keeps Klinklang from being catcher'd and destroyed. You usually only need 1 in play, maybe 2 so it is important to have it able to retreat. WIth Lucky flips, though, Klinklang is good to go! You'll still need to retreat it, though. Max Potion is fantastic in this deck and let's you keep on trucking even when you're already hurt.