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  1. Amt

    Happy Birthday WPM!

    Happy birthday.
  2. Amt

    Congrats to all new moderators!

    He hasn't been a mod before, he's just been banned around three/four times. Aw, Myles was demoted. :(
  3. Amt

    Congrats to all new moderators!

    congrats d master and esperante.
  4. Amt

    Ruling Machamp

    If the Pokémon is Basic Pokémon, Take Out doesn't even DO 40 damage to it.
  5. Amt

    SteveP's Deck list program needs update

    Orrrr you could use the one on PokéGym until WPM updates this one with SV.
  6. Amt

    Ruling Nidoqueen and Poison

    edit: skjhsadjkashdn
  7. Amt

    Ruling Ditto

    He doesn't copy the name. Ditto only copies the attacks and maximum HP of the opponent's Active Pokémon so no, you would not be able to.
  8. Amt


    ^ lol. Losing is not fun. Going to a tournament and not winning a single match is not fun. I don't mind losing a game or two, but if I go 0-X in an event cause I didn't play a card just because everyone else did.. \=
  9. Amt


    tl;dr. Usually if you don't play Claydol or an Uxie, you're not going to win at a tournament unless your opponent doesn't either. Cosmic Powering every turn lets you get set up, rather than just waiting to topdeck something you need. Set Up does the same, but is usually more helpful early game...
  10. Amt

    (1) Pokemon League Prize Support Promos [9/11]

    It's about time we get good cards for playing. =]
  11. Amt

    LEGENDS: Your opnion on the HGSS tcg

    Lumineon MT, Pelipper GE and there's Swampert GE if you want to move those energy to something, perhaps Ho-Oh LEGEND.
  12. Amt

    LEGENDS: Your opnion on the HGSS tcg

    Not this season. Maybe next season when Beedirll is rotated out, though.
  13. Amt

    (2) 14 HGSS Card Images, New 'LEGEND: HeartGold and SoulSilver Collection' News [9/3]

    RE: (1) New 'LEGEND: HeartGold and SoulSilver Collection' News [9/3] if Furret isn't one of the "Great Pokémon" then the company sucks.
  14. Amt

    Uxie and Claydol GE as leagues promo for 2009-2010 season;

    RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season If you read the thread on 'Gym, Mike confirms it being LA IIRC. edit: screw you brawler
  15. Amt

    Ruling Energy Question D:

    Yes, you can use energy cards form older sets, as long as they are reprinted in the current modified format.
  16. Amt

    Ruling Energy Question D:

    1) Yes. 2) You can use any Darkness Energy that has been reprinted in the modified format, such as Special Darkness and Basic Darkness energies.
  17. Amt

    Ruling Question regarding: Armaldo-LA

    1) - the effect is on the Defending Pokémon 2) - All effects on the Defending Pokémon are cleared when you evolve, retreat, level up, Poké Turn / Warp Point. 3) - Unown G's GUARD does not prevent damage, so you get the added 40 damage (unless they do any of the above actions).
  18. Amt

    IFX's Art Gallery - Update: Pokemon, Drawing, Digital, and more

    RE: Rate my Playmatz and Random Drawings :) (((Update- Added Lt.Surge playmat))) Please comment =] <3 my flygon/furret mat. :] nice Lt. Surge mat, too.