Search results

  1. M

    Wi-Fi Trades Squirtli's Pokemon X Trades! Giving Away Pain Split Koffings!

    Sounds like a plan! :) And correction, you're going to get a Gible with Outrage, Iron Head, and Iron Tail because I'm out of Larvitar and am breeding Gibles.
  2. M

    I never set that... I changed it though lol

    I never set that... I changed it though lol
  3. M

    Wi-Fi Trades Squirtli's Pokemon X Trades! Giving Away Pain Split Koffings!

    I would like #17, I'll give you a Larvitar with Dragon Dance.
  4. M

    Wait, I never set one, what does it say? :P

    Wait, I never set one, what does it say? :P
  5. M

    Shadow's XY Buy List (Aromatisse, Xerneas)

    RE: Shadow's Buy List I have locked your old Want to Buy thread, but in the future please contact a moderator to lock the old thread before creating a new one, or just edit and bump the old thread. ~Muddy68
  6. M

    But he doesn't need to that :P

    But he doesn't need to that :P
  7. M

    portugal have landorus promo plasma

    NarcoticHobo, 7. You may only close your thread if nobody has posted on it for two weeks. After two weeks without any new posts, it is considered a dead topic and nobody else is allowed to post on it. Reviving a dead thread (other than your own), will result in a warning. If you would like to...
  8. M

    Wi-Fi Trades xDkoYx's Trading Centre - {Perfect 5iv HA Unova Starters!!}

    RE: xDkoYx's Trading Centre - FILL MY DEX Hey there, for your Pokedex wants, are you alright with trading and then trading back? I have a lot of the ones you need, and I think you could help me out with getting legendaries that I still need.
  9. M

    No problem, thank you!

    No problem, thank you!
  10. M

    I have a ton more of what you need, more than you have what I asked for, so feel free to trade...

    I have a ton more of what you need, more than you have what I asked for, so feel free to trade stuff you need evolved and what not
  11. M

    WTB: PTCGO Unused Codes

    RE: WTB: PTGO Unused Codes TFP, PM me to reopen.
  12. M

    Wi-Fi Trades Akwila's Trade Buzz! More Free Stuff everyday! Now updated with PokeBank!

    It's Nicholas. I'm gonna be online for a few hours, so just shoot me a trade request and we can trade back and forth. I still have the same wants.
  13. M

    Anytime, thank you!

    Anytime, thank you!
  14. M

    Oh and my IGN is Nicholas

    Oh and my IGN is Nicholas
  15. M

    I'll just take that one, it works.

    I'll just take that one, it works.
  16. M

    I'm online if you're ready to trade. My friend code is in my sig and profile.

    I'm online if you're ready to trade. My friend code is in my sig and profile.
  17. M

    Wi-Fi Trades Akwila's Trade Buzz! More Free Stuff everyday! Now updated with PokeBank!

    Awesome, I no longer need the Landorous and Tornadus, but the rest I do, so let me know when you're online and we can trade and trade back legendaries. Which ones do you still need? I believe I have a lot of them.
  18. M

    Trades [USA] H: Plush Toys VS + EX + FA ULTRA RARE Japanese Promos More W: Many

    RE: H: plush toys EX SECRET FA ULTRA RARE SHINY Japanese promos more W: many The-Kaiser, 7. You may only close your thread if nobody has posted on it for two weeks. After two weeks without any new posts, it is considered a dead topic and nobody else is allowed to post on it. Reviving a dead...
  19. M

    Wi-Fi Trades The Trade Now Thread - Request Any Quick & Simple Trade

    RE: PokeBeach's XY Drive-Thru Trade Thread I'm on now so just send me a trade request. Edit: traded, thanks so much :)
  20. M

    Wi-Fi Trades Akwila's Trade Buzz! More Free Stuff everyday! Now updated with PokeBank!

    I have a lot of the Pokebank Legendaries that you need, do you by chance have Reshiram, Landorous, Tornadus, Giratina, Dialga and Kyurem? I would be more than willing to trade and trade back to fill Pokedex entries.