Wi-Fi Trades Squirtli's Pokemon X Trades! Giving Away Pain Split Koffings!

Is it possible for me to ask for Koffing #8? I have a Charmander with the Outrage Egg Move that I do not use in exchange; if it is a bonus, it is German so it would count as foreign as well
Muddy68 said:
I would like #17, I'll give you a Larvitar with Dragon Dance.

Galaxy Hunter said:
Hey, I'd like Koffing #16 if that's alright, I'll offer anything off of my in-stock list for it.

I added both of you on my 3DS. I'll trade with you next time I see you online :3
Sounds like a plan! :) And correction, you're going to get a Gible with Outrage, Iron Head, and Iron Tail because I'm out of Larvitar and am breeding Gibles.