Search results

  1. PsychedelicBreakfast

    W; Lots! H: Ex's Old holos etc

    RE: W: Genosect EX Virizion EX Landorus ex Meta cards Supporters Malamar ex FA CYL H: Neo Shinings Neo Holos etc. Darn. The only shinings I need for my collection are Charizard and Raichu, and I don't see Raichu listed. Maybe another time, thanks.
  2. PsychedelicBreakfast

    W; Lots! H: Ex's Old holos etc

    RE: W: Genosect EX Virizion EX Landorus ex Meta cards Supporters Malamar ex FA CYL H: Neo Shinings Neo Holos etc. Unfortunately the only other Pokemon I have is Malamar EX, FA or RA. I don't have Virizion and I only have the one Genesect...
  3. PsychedelicBreakfast

    W; Lots! H: Ex's Old holos etc

    RE: W: Genosect EX Virizion EX Landorus ex Meta cards Supporters Malamar ex FA CYL H: Neo Shinings Neo Holos etc. CML for Shining Charizard? From your wants I have Genesect EX, G Booster, Jirachi EX, DCE, Trick Coin, and a few different sleeves. Mega Lucario from the Elite Trainer Box...
  4. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    Holy cow, yes, take that deal! M Blastoise alone sells for around $20 on eBay, M Lucario somewhat in the same range too.
  5. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    Nah, I wouldn't do that personally, but you may want to if you play in an expanded format frequently, though $17 seems a bit steep. I only play standard so almost everything there is useless to me. I've seen the promo Rayquaza EX sell for as little as $2-3 on eBay, by the way.
  6. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Assault Bite (Crobat / Wobbuffet)

    I keep losing horribly against Yveltal/Seismitoad/Garbodor decks, online and in RL. Yveltal EX one shots Wobb with a Band. Seismitoad EX locks item usage. Garbodor cancels all the abilities, which are needed for a victory with this deck. Does anyone know of a remedy, or is it just doomed against...
  7. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Assault Bite (Crobat / Wobbuffet)

    I really like this deck. I run a variant on PTCGO and it's very successful. I run into trouble, and it's pretty much game over, if I can't get at least one Zubat on the bench during turn one. I play Roller Skates, Bicycle, and Tierno to help with the needed draw power. I don't have the Bands and...
  8. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    I'd be trading for the Flying Pikachu. I just need it to complete my WotC promo set. I wouldn't say it's as hard to get as you say. I could buy it on eBay for 7 bucks if I wanted to, but I'd rather trade first before buying. Any other input on a Genesect EX - Seismitoad EX/Flying Pikachu trade?
  9. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Trades [USA] Trading for FA Shaymin, Others

    RE: H: Genesect EX, Blastoise EX, Palkia EX, M Charizard EX W: Manectric EX, Seismitoad EX, Head Ringer Nah, not really.
  10. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Trades [USA] Trading for FA Shaymin, Others

    RE: H: Genesect EX, Blastoise EX, Palkia EX, M Charizard EX W: Manectric EX, Seismitoad EX, Head Ringer Would you trade the SR PLS Charizard for it?
  11. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Trades & Sales [USA] Curious Cleffa's Bulk Trades! Updated with Guardians Rising!

    RE: Updated! H: Gengar EX FA, W: Set Completion Stuff! *rereads your thread* No. :(
  12. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Trades [USA] Trading for FA Shaymin, Others

    RE: H: Genesect EX, Blastoise EX, Palkia EX, M Charizard EX W: Manectric EX, Seismitoad EX, Head Ringer Let's trade.
  13. PsychedelicBreakfast

    [H] Binder pics, PTCGO Codes, lots of others [W] Toxicroak EX (pref. FA)

    CML for Head Ringer and Electrode (Magnetic Draw)? Link in signature.
  14. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Trades & Sales [USA] Curious Cleffa's Bulk Trades! Updated with Guardians Rising!

    RE: Updated! H: Gengar EX FA, W: Set Completion Stuff! Hi there. Your x2 FA Reshiram RC for my x1 Florges EX?
  15. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Swampert, Sceptile, Torchic Promo with 'Ancient Traits' [11/13]

    I don't get why they're being called half arts. The art, not the Pokemon, takes up the whole card, but the body of the card overlaps the bottom portion. You can see the ocean floor and rocks in the Swampert one and grass and a rock on the Sceptile one. Anyway, I don't know how I feel about these...
  16. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Collecting "How Much is This Card Worth?" / "Is This a Good Trade?"

    What do you guys think about trading Genesect EX for a Seismitoad EX and a Flying Pikachu #25 promo card? T&T's price for Genesect seems way high (which is the case for most cards there), as they're selling it for $10+ than what it goes for on eBay. I'd just like some advice before finalizing...
  17. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Cyber Monday/Black Friday Deals?

    Seriously? Wow. My TRU runs a BOGO 20-40% off about twice a year. They charge $5 a pack, so of course they're overrun with packs. They still have a ton of Next Destinies-Boundaries Crossed packs. I wish they'd run a BOGO free special every once in a while.
  18. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Puff's New Season Trades! H: ALL the Phantom Forces! W; VirGen, Plasma Storm Boxes

    RE: Puff's New Season Trades! H: ALL the Phantom Forces! W; CYL, Plasma Storm Boxes CML for your Manectric EXs, RA or FA, and megas please?
  19. PsychedelicBreakfast

    Trades [USA] Trading for FA Shaymin, Others

    RE: H: Genesect EX, Blastoise EX, Palkia EX, M Charizard EX W: Manectric EX, Seismitoad EX, Head Ringer Bump.