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  1. Frezgle

    (1) Honedge's Evolution Revealed [9/25]

    Time to sit back and watch a thousand people complain about "uncreativity", whilst a thousand more people point out that these exist: magnetondugtrio I like it though. The purple looks nice :D
  2. Frezgle

    DPPt/HGSS Masuda on the Azure Flute: "I thought it would be confusing for people"

    Meanwhile, R/S/E had a whole puzzle quest in braille, with only a couple of NPCs barely alluding to its existence, first set off in an underwater cave that is incredibly easy to miss. K. Really though, couldn't they have included instructions alongside the item's distribution promotion?
  3. Frezgle

    (2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

    The Psyhic type is also associated with the color gold (Abra line, Drowzee line, Jynx, Girafarig), which Fennekin's line already has. Of course, final evolutions for starters often DO have rather different color schemes, something that fan artists tend to miss... But yeah. Agree with you there...
  4. Frezgle

    YOU. I like you. Your posts make sense. Welcome to PokéBeach. c:

    YOU. I like you. Your posts make sense. Welcome to PokéBeach. c:
  5. Frezgle

    (2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

    This happens with every new generation. A notable example is this fake Shaymin Sky Forme that had most people fooled for a short time. People don't seem to realize just how good some have gotten at the Sugimori style. Or making boxes, for that matter d: It's not like the official things are made...
  6. Frezgle

    Pokemon Interesting Pokédex Entries

    RE: Interesting Pokedex Entries To all future posters in this thread: Remember to post what you think of the entry you post, not just the entry itself. Those who have posted already, please update your posts to include this information.
  7. Frezgle

    (2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

    Those boxarts look a little shoddy, particularly the Pokemon X/Pokemon Y logos on the spines. All of the pictures on the back are identical to prerelease screenshots we've seen before (except for what looks maybe like a perfectly round Wailmer balloon?). Boxes are NOT hard to fake; I recently...
  8. Frezgle

    Wi-Fi Trades 3DS Friend Code and Pokémon X / Y Friend Safari Registry

    RE: 3DS Friend Code Registry & X/Y Pre-Registry Well, since Rumble Blast doesn't have any online multiplayer and doesn't utilize Friend Codes, it can't be added to the list. This registry is to feature only online-compatible 3DS games. (This is a general reminder to everyone else as well.)...
  9. Frezgle

    (2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

    It's statements like these that make me think I'm the only one with access to the holy grail that is Google Images... Badger Weasel It's not debatable. Anyway, the "we already have a Pokemon based on that" argument kind of fails across more than one generation because we have tons of Pokemon...
  10. Frezgle

    Wi-Fi Trades 3DS Friend Code and Pokémon X / Y Friend Safari Registry

    RE: 3DS Friend Code Registry & X/Y Pre-Registry Kafyre, can you update your post to include what game "PRB" stands for? We don't have that abbreviation yet. Thanks!
  11. Frezgle

    (2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

    Except Chespin is most definitely more like a porcupine than a hedgehog, despite when some of its names in other languages imply. Quilladin is a little more h'hogish with its nose and ears (if those even ARE ears; they look just like its tail!), but it's like the Psyduck argument all over again...
  12. Frezgle

    (2) New Set of X/Y Rumors, Xerneas/Yveltal Half Decks [9/23]

    Quillom AND Quilladin? Weird. None of it seems especially fake-ish, but nothing is too exciting either. Except Fairy-type Dunsparce. Hell yeah. Even if it goes yet another generation without an evolution, I'll still be happy for it if this turns out to be true.
  13. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Rumors & Speculation If it's another Eeveelution, I'm going postal. Is eight generic cat-fox-rabbit things really not enough? There are so many older Pokemon that could benefit from evolutions. Dunsparce, Jynx, Qwilfish, Corsola, Chatot... Just to name a few. By the way, there's not...
  14. Frezgle

    TCG Artwork (Best/Worst)

    Dark Ampharos from Neo Destiny has always been my favorite art-wise. Something about the color contrast, lightning bolts, and holo pattern just blends together perfectly. The worst? Anything with 3D model art besides Porygon. >_>
  15. Frezgle


  16. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Rumors & Speculation Item switching/removing moves do not work on Giratina holding the Griseous Orb, or Arceus holding a Plate. Basically, if removing the item would cause a mid-battle forme change, you can't remove it. I would think Mega Stones will have the same immunities.
  17. Frezgle

    XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

    RE: Shiny Pokémon: Less Rare and More Special I like the rarity they have now. I don't want to see them become even more common, because I enjoy having a freak-out whenever I find one. (You can probably imagine how much flailing was involved when I encountered Giratina as a Shiny in Platinum)...
  18. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Rumors & Speculation It remained Electric/Ghost, though. The type changes with its forms didn't happen until gen 5. I think we've exhausted the "how many Ice types are in gen 4" line of discussion, so let's get back on topic, shall we? d:
  19. Frezgle

    (2) New Evolutions, XY Anime [9/19]

    Rock/Ice = neutral damage from Fire. But, plenty of Dragons also carry Earthquake, so... It's kind of a shame because it is quite a neat typing. 4x weakness to Fighting (one of the most popular offensive types in the current metagame) and 4x weakness to Steel (already popular defensively and...
  20. Frezgle

    Ho-hohhh, looks like you got modded after all. Congrats ;D

    Ho-hohhh, looks like you got modded after all. Congrats ;D