TCG Artwork (Best/Worst)


The Temporal Destroyer
Lately I've been really diggin' (yeah i said it) the art aspect of Pokémon cards. So I went through and started looking through the cards and notice some really nice artwork that makes the card for me. Some people would say that nowadays the artwork has been pretty meh or to 5ban heavy. I could understand that last point because I'm pretty sure that most, if not all, Team Plasma Pokémon are done by 5ban.

So what do you think about the quality of artwork on Pokémon cards throughout the years. And which card showcases your favorite artwork or least favorite of all time. Or which set do you think included the best art of all! (Please try to include a scan of or link to the card.)

My all time favorite artwork is incredibly hard for me to pick. One of my favorites would be Rayquaza ex from the ex-Deoxys set. Oh and Dark Tyranitar, and Dragonite Delta Species, and... well, more.

So what do you think? What's your favorite or least favorite card.
is my favorite card because I am proud I actually have a kadabra card.

Edit: you know not in this language but the same card

Dark Ampharos from Neo Destiny has always been my favorite art-wise. Something about the color contrast, lightning bolts, and holo pattern just blends together perfectly.
The worst? Anything with 3D model art besides Porygon. >_>
I have so many favorite artworks for cards, but pretty much anything with copy+pasted Sugimori artwork over a background is pretty lame.
My favourite group of cards is the Crystal Pokemon, with Crystal Celebi being the best looking of the bunch. I just really love how the holographic sections on the crystal cards look.


I think the reason why I prefer the look of the old school rares is that they aren't trying to overwhelm me. Modern rares like the Pokemon EX always use extreme and menacing poses, are coated with triple digit figures, coated with glitter... They really come across as trying too hard, if that makes a lick of sense. P: