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  1. F

    (1) X/Y Pokemon Direct [9/4]

    I'm late seeing all the new stuff because my router hates me! MEGA VENUSAUR - It now has a cheap pink toupee! Um. Good for it. MEGA CHARIZARD - It now has, um... a prosthetic lower jaw? That thing looks like it'll come flying off if it so much as takes a Tackle to the face! MEGA BLASTOISE -...
  2. F

    XY What Do You Think of the Starters?

    This is the most I've liked a set of starters since Gen II! In general, I feel like the new Pokémon designs this gen are looking less stiff and more naturalistic, and it makes me happy. Would you have guessed that Fennekin's my favorite? Well, he's my favorite! And it'll be nice to have a...
  3. F

    Pokemon Your Very First Shiny? What Did You Think, And How Did You React?

    The first shiny I encountered was Red Gyarados, but the first proper shiny I encountered was a Metapod in Ilex Forest in Gold. At the time, I didn't know what shinies were and thought it was something to do with the "forest guardian" thing the shrine mentioned, for some reason. I was a dumb kid...
  4. F

    XY The Dumbest Thing You Did in Pokémon Games?

    RE: What is the dumbest / most mindless thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing? This is minor compared to some of these, but I used to have this really bad habit of using up TMs as soon as I got them just to see what the attack did. I think the dumbest one...
  5. F

    Pokemon Most Annoying Pokemon

    RE: What do you think is the most annoying Pokemon? While I'm definitely tempted to nominate Tentacool because I'm currently replaying Sapphire, I think I'm gonna go with Metapod/Kakuna/Cascoon/Silcoon. HATE the Bug Catchers with them in really early parts of the game when I don't have Pokémon...
  6. F

    XY Are You Going to Spoil Yourself This Generation?

    Yeah, I'll spoil myself. Yeah, it'll probably make the main storyline a little less enjoyable for me. I don't care. When it comes to Pokémon, my curiosity gets the best of me, every single time. I simply HAVE to absorb all possible information into my brain as soon as possible. It's honestly the...
  7. F

    (1) Worlds Opening Ceremony Reveals Mega Kangaskhan [8/10]

    What I find the most interesting is the way Mega Baby Kangaskhan takes the lead and actually stands in front, whereas Mama Kangashan just hangs out in the back, completely unchanged. This makes me wonder if Parental Bond might actually be balanced by having Mega Kangaskhan's defense stats...
  8. F

    Thanks! :)

    Thanks! :)
  9. F

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  10. F

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Reveals Mega Pokemon and Three Kalos Pokemon [8/8]

    Absol's entire shtick is that it tries to warn people about disasters, but just ends up getting blamed for them. From that perspective, I feel like it makes sense for Mega Absol to be, in a very literal sense, a Dark-type guardian angel. I understand what they're getting at. Now, if they'd...
  11. F

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Reveals Mega Pokemon and Three Kalos Pokemon [8/8]

    I'm reluctantly behind this idea. It's something that could go horribly wrong, but so far I think they look cool! Mega Absol is probably the best design, in terms of subverting what we previously knew about that Pokémon, but Amphabio is my favorite. Because I'm a dork. Also, because...
  12. F

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi, everybody! I'm Jess. 23. I'm stuck in Montana for now, but that's not gonna last much longer. I got Yellow when it first came out, and I've been hooked on the series ever since. Sometimes I feel like just about the only "old" fan who doesn't actually hate the newer Pokémon....with a few...