Search results

  1. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] GM's Trade Thread! H: New and Old Ultra Rares W: Cards for Decks!

    Do I need floats? No. Do I have floats? Yes. Unsure what you mean. I have one laser atm, possibly 4 more. What else in general may you need staple trainer wise
  2. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    I had one but I sold it to a card shop I have Jamming net though. and yes Dex is alright.
  3. Emperor_Gaius

    Monsterblood's Trading Thread

    I have Ancient Trait swampert. Do you have any of my wants unlisted?
  4. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] One RAW Master - LF: FA Trainers H: Secret Rares

    eh..I may want these depending on how many you have: Slurpuff 69/119 Any RH DCE? Acro Bike (how many?) Enhanced Hammer (how many?) X Furfrou
  5. Emperor_Gaius

    WTB Lots of stuff.

  6. Emperor_Gaius

    Plasma Dragons Trading Post. H: Yveltal-EX, Cobalion-EX, and Keldeo-EX +much more! W: Stuff

    I have M Gardy. CML and lmk if you have anything I need
  7. Emperor_Gaius

    Freemares Trading List Updated 3/18/15

    Confused, where do your needs stop and your haves start?? CML in case you have stuff I need lol
  8. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] One RAW Master - LF: FA Trainers H: Secret Rares

    I have N, Float Stone, Teammates. Do you have anything from my list besides random holos/rares?
  9. Emperor_Gaius

    Suikun's TCG Trade Thread!

    I have M Gardy. CML and let me know if you have anything I need
  10. Emperor_Gaius

    Pie's Trading Thread

    I have prerelease Bronzongs. Do you have anything from my list?
  11. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] Trading for FA Shaymin, Others

    I have: N, Manectric scr, N, Skylas I like: Your Birch's Observations Do you have an RH Sycamore or RH Ultra Ball? I'll try to think of ex's I could want if you want my scr Mega.
  12. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] GM's Trade Thread! H: New and Old Ultra Rares W: Cards for Decks!

    I have Lasers, Bills from HGSS. Do you have any Prof Birch Observation? I'll take all of them that you have lol
  13. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    RE: H: EX's, Charizard * W: Gold Ultra Ball, Professor Birch Observations Bump
  14. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    RE: H: Playmats, Charizard * W Aegislash ex, various other things! Bump
  15. Emperor_Gaius

    XY5 'Gaia Volcano' and 'Tidal Storm' Leaking! [12/10]

    I wonder if Maxie/Archie will be "Basic" pokemon once fully translated. I'd love to drop Blastoise from my discard pile though xD
  16. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    RE: H: Playmats, Charizard * W: M Gengar, Slowpokes, Rhyhorns, Misc stuff I don't think I have any that you need, plus a lot of my wants have changed. Updated my Wants!
  17. Emperor_Gaius

    Question for you all

    Sounds not too bad assuming you can also search the thing for the code itself, Like if I have Phanpy I can search the thing for "Phanpy" and perhaps it would also list the specific code for the card so I can just c/p that.
  18. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    RE: H: Playmats, Charizard * W: M Gengar, Slowpokes, Rhyhorns, Misc stuff I did. The only thing I really see is Virizion, sorry
  19. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    RE: H: Playmats, Charizard * W: M Gengar, Slowpokes, Rhyhorns, Misc stuff Nothing sorry Like $50, unsealed sold for $25 on ebay recently "Japanese Tyranitar No. 248 - Very Rare" Info on this? Possibly Virizon ex. I may have these: x1 Fan Rotom x1 Frost Rotom x1 Heat Rotom x1 Mow Rotom...
  20. Emperor_Gaius

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    RE: H: Playmats, Charizard * W: M Gengar, Slowpokes, Rhyhorns, Misc stuff I checked and there's not much I need besides maybe the Toad or Misc ex's for my collection, sorry.