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  1. MarshalBry

    News Regirock from SM4 Revealed!

    Rocky Mountain Howl sounds like a knock-off cereal brand name
  2. MarshalBry

    News Alolan Exeggutor-GX from SM4 Revealed!

    Here's hoping for plasma egg reprint! (It'd be funny if they did reprint the exeggcute that was better than this exeggutor)
  3. MarshalBry

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: August 2017 - Light & Heavy - Text-Based Results Up!

    Sadly didn't have too much time for other stuff during the month, but managed to make something with 4 hours left on the clock (it's pretty fun to do with a time constraint like that too). References: Celebi (XY93): Theta stop text Machoke (GUR): Daunting Pose text Garbodor (BKP): Garbotoxin...
  4. MarshalBry

    News 'Mysterious Power Tins' in October!

    Ho-oh and Marshadow look like their artworks are gonna be good
  5. MarshalBry

    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    I mean, the secret one does
  6. MarshalBry

    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    Welp, Rotom Dex is now valueless.
  7. MarshalBry

    Help Raichu BREAK with Raichu from burning shadows?

    Sure, but the ability is on the Raichu card, Raichu-BREAK retains the ability but "this Pokémon" is still Raichu and not Raichu-BREAK. Either that or it's because it retaining the abilities of previous evolutions doesn't happen until after you've played it, I'm not entirely sure which.
  8. MarshalBry

    Help Raichu BREAK with Raichu from burning shadows?

    No, because you're playing Raichu-BREAK from your hand to evolve Raichu, not the Raichu from your hand to evolve a Pokémon.
  9. MarshalBry

    News 'Silvally Box' and 'Marshadow Box' in November!

    There's also the massive box with the Best of XY full arts and secrets
  10. MarshalBry

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: July 2017 - Johto PokéDex - Results Are Up!

    I've just noticed I've accidentally covered up the aschefield101 credit on the blank I used. Does the extension apply from the time of the post or from the deadline?
  11. MarshalBry

    Contest PokéBeach Create-A-Card: July 2017 - Johto PokéDex - Results Are Up!

    Inspiration I've always liked the poison theme going on in Phantom Forces (on the Crobat, M/Gengar-EX etc.), and while looking down the list of Johto (& other allowed Pokémon) I thought it'd be neat to give something similar a go with a Pokémon I felt was a little underrated from Gen 2. Ariados...
  12. MarshalBry

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Wasn't it predicted the 8 GXs would be the ultra beasts plus Silvally-GX because the numbers worked? Though with Kartana and I forget which the other one was neglected from the two collections, who knows.
  13. MarshalBry

    News August's English TCG Set: 'Burning Shadows'

    Seems like Seviper will be the promo to hope for. Here's hoping I get Seviper and Zygarde as my staff promos for judging 2 pre-releases (Zygarde is gorgeous looking).
  14. MarshalBry

    Discussion What Counts as a Legal Pokemon Player?

    Would the rabbit not need to be old enough to count as a Junior? Do rabbits live that long?
  15. MarshalBry

    News August's English TCG Set: 'Burning Shadows'

    I'd kind of like to see a set where the pre-release promos aren't announced and it ends up being down to box open leaks.
  16. MarshalBry

    Discussion SM4 Ninja Box for Future Standard?

    Do you mean Marshadow-GX? Baby Marshadow makes both players shuffle their hands into their decks and draw 4
  17. MarshalBry

    Help Base Set Cards in Standard

    So long as the card is printed with the exact same Pokémon name, health, attack names, attack damage, attack subtext, weakness, resistance, retreat cost etc. you can use the older versions of the Pokémon.
  18. MarshalBry

    PTCGO Are Coin Flips Really 50/50 in PTCGO?

    I don't 100% understand how computer RNG works more than it being based on the time of a computer (or something to do with time and timers), however at a point where you (of course) cannot rig it. I could be totally wrong in this as this is just in my experience, but I've found very often the...