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  1. thom ye

    Expanded Yveltal EX / Darkrai EX

    This deck is susceptible to weaknesses. Think about adding Shadow Circle. draw support a bit light. work in a AZ or Cassius to clear pokemon from the field. definitely an Enhanced Hammer and/or Xerosic to counter special energy decks.
  2. thom ye

    Standard Giratina EX / Regice

    you may want to "budget" an amount for sycamore. they aren't terribly expensive on ebay. just be careful NOT to buy world championship cards (typically with silver border). they are cheaper but are not legal for tournament use. sycamore is one of those cards that all players need a stable of...
  3. thom ye

    Expanded Blastoise / Keldeo EX for Seniors

    just some notes. my son is basically same age. he's played in many tournaments and ran the classic Blastoise/Keldeo/Black Kyurem. you have too much Energy. drop it to about 10-11. you have to sacrifice everything to get Blastoise going. don't worry about juniper'ing all your cards if you...
  4. thom ye

    Standard Giratina EX / Regice

    since you are a newbie.... as a start. I suggest that you don't use such a large variety of pokemon and/or trainers/supporters. simplify first and learn the nuance. go Giratina/Regice and maybe Hydreigon. up the count. get more draw support. Prof. Sycamore x4. Shauna x4. etc.. it helps to...
  5. thom ye

    Starting Competitive Play

    to steer it back to the original question. the energy count is typically fairly low. but its dependent on the type of deck. but rarely more than the teens. same with pokemon. the name of the game is in supporters/trainers. typically in the 35+ range. most decks are about moving as many cards...
  6. thom ye

    TCG Ancient Origins/XY: Launch Kit vs Booster Box vs Trainer Kit

    I would recommend you take a look at a couple of deck lists and think what you might like to play. there are a lot of staples that you can buy online. these would be the standard trainers that you need to run in any deck. Sycamore, UltraBall, etc... before you invest too too much into the...
  7. thom ye

    What's a Good, Cheap Deck to Make for a Returning Player?

    don't worry too much about absolutely have the Shaymins. you could always make due with just a Sycamore, Shauna, etc... instead. not perfect, but it'll still work. plus in some circles, it forces your opponent to work for all 6 prizes and not get 2 prizes by taking a Shaymin.
  8. thom ye

    Some late, last-minute help...

    a very rough guideline. run 30 trainers/supports. 15 pokemon. 15 energy. the name of the game is to work as many cards through your hand per turn as possible. run x4 Junipers/sycamore/N/Colress/Shauna (not sure what you have). run Ultraball, Level Ball, cards to get your pokemon. do NOT rely...
  9. thom ye

    Expanded Destruction (Black Kyurem / Blastoise / Eeveelutions)

    Variety is not always a good thing. Draw support and speed usually wins games. I highly doubt you would ever need or want 30 energies in a game. I rarely see more than the low teens. and most players run no more than x2 different energies. work in multiple copies of Juniper/Sycamore, N...
  10. thom ye

    Standard Yveltal EX / M Manectric EX

    you don't need so many energy. you can get some back with Manectric and/or baby Yveltal. try 6 darkness, 3 lightning. maybe 1 less DCE if people run a lot of hammers. 2 VS Seekers should be enough. fill the slots with extra sycamore, colress, or shauna for more draw support. add 1-2 more...