Thanks Zygarde :)
Musharna was my first attempt two years ago and I don't have file with layers any more, only this version overlaid with some creepy texture..
Card texts aren't important to me as I'm making fakes for the graphic fun. The best approach I can think about is to team up with...
Feel free to browse and suggest attacks, abilities and ancient traits for cards :) You can also request next card from the set to make!
Hoenn Excellence
Cards in need of changing set logo and number are marked with *
Preview cards waiting for attack suggestions are marked...
As always, there is one exception - EXP. ALL is Modified legal (but Exp. Share reference card is needed)
But Gust of Wind is nice league proxy, I use them all the time :)
yesterday was sooo long day. Working hard in work, working hard on league, working hard at home.. I'll send you link with my last week project via PM. :)
And how's things in US?