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  1. monpyro97

    The Night Sky Clan! Is now dead :(

    RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Will miss you guys ;_;
  2. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 What kind of pokemon will be in the Dream World?

    The rarest ones i think (Evee,Pikachu,Ditto and stuff)
  3. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Dual Type Moves

    To Confusing i hope that doesnt happen
  4. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 New Vehicle??

    Car and airplane sound good.Probaly Skateboard too and there is a special place to do tricks and stuff
  5. monpyro97

    The Night Sky Clan! Is now dead :(

    RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* ^Probaly.But will not happen cuz still HM will be undeleteable.But yeah this is bad very very bad :@
  6. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 What will your team be for B&W? (So far)

    1.Mijumaru 2.Hihidaruma 3.Shimama 4.Rankurusu 5.Kibago 6.Mempato
  7. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 How will Zoura evolve?

    in a new evolution way like they said before
  8. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Emonga's pre-evolution?

    IDk they look similiar too much .Probaly it is Emonga
  9. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Where will the gyms be & what gym types will there be?

    RE: Where do you think the gyms will be and what gym types will there be? the map i guess is bigger and there are more gyms that we dont see
  10. monpyro97

    (1) Clear CoroCoro Scans FINALLY Leaking [8/9]

    ^Yeah that would be cool(Meant to Ice Arceus)
  11. monpyro97

    (1) Clear CoroCoro Scans FINALLY Leaking [8/9]

    Some news are really good but the way you will use TMs and the way that you can use items on Wifi battling are bad
  12. monpyro97

    Software for Banners/Avatars?

    Or you could just download a portable Photoshop version
  13. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Infinite use TMs!

    Thats defenitlely not good -.- really you can teach to everyone strong moves .It will be a big lose to Pokemon
  14. monpyro97

    The Night Sky Clan! Is now dead :(

    RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* All out offence is genial ,but more like Bulky ssweeper Example: Jirachi or even in a way D-nite
  15. monpyro97

    Graphic Design Club [Welcoming New, Aspiring, and Experienced Graphic Artists] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Some easy tutorials especially the Cuboone one. Anyways Welcome members Or you can go to Delta isions register there and go to tut. Beginner .
  16. monpyro97

    Graphic Design Club [Welcoming New, Aspiring, and Experienced Graphic Artists]

    Better in a way that the other one i will link you with some awesome Begginner Tutorials
  17. monpyro97

    DP series finale.

    ^Probaly yeah but i think Ash will win this time and will lose against Cynthia
  18. monpyro97

    RSE/FRLG Psynuke's Saphire solo run!

    That looks cool Hat i wish you good luck and fun at playing :D