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  1. monpyro97

    The Night Sky Clan! Is now dead :(

    RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Gengar does a good job with it i guess.
  2. monpyro97

    Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

    I finded everytime a Ploth this: How does Ash or any other trainer know always which Pokemon it is.For example: Ash:Bayleef ,Go! where does he know which Poke Ball is the one with bayleef
  3. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Japanese or English?

    ^ pretty much that i myself will wait for the English one
  4. monpyro97

    Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

    RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations! Sorry didnt have time for tis RPG. *Searches for his friedns* Hi Joey, so is anything new popping?.
  5. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 New ad!

    Thats an awesome thing probaly it is Team Plasma saying come join us or The World will be at our hands.And probaly he is N's father but N doesnt know that
  6. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Shikijika=Grass type?

    Grass/Normal i guess.That would be pretty cool
  7. monpyro97

    When will U.S. Pokemon DP End? *Thoughts*

    ^pretty much yeah.
  8. monpyro97

    The Night Sky Clan! Is now dead :(

    RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Ninjask can be screwed by Taunt so i dont like it .My favourite eads are:Azelf,Ambipom,Machamp
  9. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Would you mind older Pokemon replacements?

    I dont really care much but would not replace them and BTW Hypno and Drowzee are awesome
  10. monpyro97

    Who wants to be a PokeMillionaire?

    /me fills Application i want to join
  11. monpyro97

    people following Ash and friends? or coincidence?? [PICTURES ADDED]

    ^Agrre there are a lot more which is a little odd.Probaly they dont have more ideas or something like that
  12. monpyro97

    RBY Pokemon Red: Is it THAT rare?

    RE: Pokemon Red. Is it THAT rare? I think it deserves it that (kind)of game made a lot of kids happy and like said before Collectors item and stuuf. And yeah Charizard is much more cooler than Blastoise(Hopw WPM doesnt see this):P
  13. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Rising Tower

    A catsle Team Plasma looks so and maybe the eil plan of them is to destroy the technology and bring the old KIng Time back. Anyways CASTLE EDIT:700'th Post wohoho
  14. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Starter Pokemon and EVO TYPES (possibilities)

    Tsutaaja-Grass/Poison.>Grass/Fightning(Tsutajja looks live a aggresive and sstrong poke) mijumaru-Water/Ice(A penguin Otter) Pokabu-Fire/ground(-.- a big fat pig nuff said)
  15. monpyro97

    The weirdest game you've played...

    this time iam with the ol' Gale Superman N64 version was very bad bcuz you cant accelrate it good
  16. monpyro97

    What was the first game you ever beat?

    ^ like that but the game i beat was Sapphire
  17. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 New Characters

    They are probaly N's family and they ask you for help to deafeat N and bring him back like he was(Make him good again)
  18. monpyro97

    The Night Sky Clan! Is now dead :(

    RE: The Night Sky Clan! *Always Recruiting* Porbaly happens or Reshiram will be Red(Fire type) and Zekrom(yellow or Blue)I would be a freak if Zekrom would be blue BTW can i have my Rankup battle .
  19. monpyro97

    Free Websites?

    Freewebs is actually good they have i think over 300 templates to chose from. Just created one there :D
  20. monpyro97

    The Most Embarasing Thing Ever

    '-' that is interesting. For a emberrasing moment was when i didnt recongize Zyflair on the chat '-'