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  1. V

    Writing Superhero Member story thing? Chapter 2 Is up People :)

    Yeah, I cant wait for the next one.
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    The College Thread

    I want to go to duke.
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    Earth hour?

    ..., lol, well we just turn off the easy stuff, lights, computer,ect.
  4. V

    Finished Rate my SIG (You-person-person-you)

  5. V

    How many times must I tell you? The game that gets better over time!

    RE: HoW MaNy TiMeS Do I HaVe To TeLl YoU? (yppy) hmtdihtty, legos are gonna take over the world? I like to go to the beach
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    Finished Crush A Wish! (you-person-person-you)

    no wish, you die. I wish for happyness.
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) Some times I think It should be staff count to 50 before members post. Sigh 1
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    Who is going to buy a Rising rival booster box?

    WEll, if anyone pulls a energy, let me know. I really need one of those. :p
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    Repokemon (rename pokemon)

    umm, I'll take pikachu. thundersqueak next is weedle
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    Juliacoolo's Hand drawn Pokemon competiton!

    Well this will be funny.
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) This game is fail. 1
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    Finished Werewolf III; Clash of Legends. - Day 5 begins, 8 votes to lynch.

    RE: Werewolf III; Clash of Legends. - Day 4. Z-man is right, we dont have much time to find a wolf before its too late. I dont care if this day goes on for 20 years, we need to find a wolf. ER, maybe I will care after 20 years... but you get the point.
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    Finished Werewolf III; Clash of Legends. - Day 5 begins, 8 votes to lynch.

    RE: Werewolf III; Clash of Legends. - Day 4. Ok... At least that percent of the player is not big, or mewtwo could of become dangerous. Not that it matters now though.
  14. V

    Finished Would you rather: The game that is played... in America!

    RE: Would you rather... B. lol, this means I'm good enough to win states A. live the rest of your life on a roller coaster B. live the rest of your life on a jet plane.
  15. V

    bored? draw here

    ... ... ... ....O777..777..... 7//@...