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  1. jix99

    Discussion This Format is nuts because of Lele

    Just play greninja is the best advice I give to newew players. XD
  2. jix99

    Ruling Starmie 31 EVO Help

    Starmie's ability space beakon says: Once during your turn (before your attack), you may discard a card from your hand. If you do, put 2 basic Energy cards from your discard pile into your hand. (You can't choose a card you discarded with the effect of this Ability.) It says "(You can't choose...
  3. jix99

    Discussion Expanded Tier List

    Well expanded is not in any way my most knowledgeable format but think M Scizor has a way better chance than sceptile (i'm assuming Bulu) Tool drop is great but T1 latios is probably not very viable because you are dead if you dont go first which is bad in a best out of three format. Mega...
  4. jix99

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    This is REALLY good!
  5. jix99

    Discussion Expanded Tier List

    I agree with all this basically except the tier 3's I have alot of problems with!
  6. jix99

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    Crap I never liked that evil aegislash card and now we have another one. Z-C-L-O-L-G-O! Nb grnv szh xlnv gl yfim! R rmelpv gsv zmxrvmg kldvi gszg R nzb ivgfim!
  7. jix99

    Discussion Competitive Tier List

    I honestly think Darkrai deserves tier 2 ATLEAST.
  8. jix99

    Discussion Greninja BREAK 2018

    Aanyone who thinks that you can't play it because of tina promo I have a easy solution it's called 2-1 / 2-2 Alolan Muk.
  9. jix99

    Discussion Greninja BREAK 2018

    P.S. If it helps heres a competitive players list I found elsewhere! Pokémon (16) 1x Tapu Lele GX 4x Froakie 4x Frogadier 4x Greninja 3x Greninja BREAK Trainer (25) 3x Evosoda 2x Field Blower 1x Rescue Stretcher 1x Super Rod 4x Ultra Ball 2x Brooklet Hill 1x Lillie 4x N 4x Professor...
  10. jix99

    Discussion Greninja BREAK 2018

    Just gonna put this out here @Trainer Josh 's list is VERY similar to mine besides the fact that I use 1 Starmie and 1 Staryu instead of Talonflame and 2 Lillie - 1 Guzma and some other random techs and extra counts of certain cards, so in other words I agree with it being one of the BEST lists...
  11. jix99

    Standard Noivern GX/Garb decklist help

    Ok Thanks for the tips!
  12. jix99

    Standard Noivern GX/Garb decklist help

    So do you reccomend still runing exp share or something else?
  13. jix99

    Standard Talonflame/Beedrill

    Oh thanks for the clarification!
  14. jix99

    Standard Talonflame/Beedrill

    Personnaly I am against skyla and wally. In my frog list I run 4 n 3 lillie and 4 sycamore. Rare candy is good but you don't really need it and I found a maximum of 1 is good. Also what is lusamine for? I also don't think Mount Lanikala is the best stadium choice like Aether paradise...
  15. jix99

    Standard Talonflame/Beedrill

    Hey alolan vulpix is actually a really good idea! greninja uses it so why not bees? I also realised that greninja has splash energy to power it up you might wan't to conider something like 4 rescue stretcher and maybe even a couple of buddy buddy rescues!
  16. jix99

    Standard Noivern GX/Garb decklist help

    Heres my noivern gx list the point of this deck is to use distort to item lock your opponent to make all of their stup cards unavailable and with garb you have abbility lock! ##Pokémon - 18 * 4 Noibat BKT 132 * 4 Noivern-GX BUS 99 * 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60 * 4 Trubbish BKP 56 * 2 Garbodor GRI...
  17. jix99

    Help So I didn't realize I could've gotten a better deck, help?

    In my opinion Greninja is the best budget deck and on of the best decks out there! I'm sorry my advice won't be that helpful but if you wan't omnipoke has a very good decklist and great video for newer greninja players . Not only that but tablemon one of the best players and probably THE best...
  18. jix99

    Standard Talonflame/Beedrill

    Lele can really help but the problem is that now you have an easy guzma 2 prize target while the point of the deck is to have 1 prize attackers.