Search results

  1. BlackstarBatty

    Ohio leagues

    Or you can tell us where you are from in Ohio, because there are leagues all over the state. Northern Ohio is not the only place that has them.
  2. BlackstarBatty

    Tattoo Fanatics/Owners

    Are you kidding me? This has got to be the most judgmental thing I've heard in my life. I have 5 tattoos myself, and I don't regret any of them. To me, it's a way to express personality.
  3. BlackstarBatty

    What happend with the website?

    Take a look at the news stories section. that will answer your question.
  4. BlackstarBatty

    PBMA(Pokebeach Music Awards!)

    Favorite Male Group: Kill Hannah Favorite Male artist: Conor Oberst Favorite Female Group (or female fronted): A Kiss could be Deadly Favorite Female Artist: Maria Taylor Most Overrated band: Nickelback.
  5. BlackstarBatty

    Reviving Shops?

    If one thing bothers me more, it's when people put "kthxbai" (or any other setup of the word) because it gives the idea of a rude demeanor coming from the OP. "Read the rules, K?" seems pretty rude to me. If it was worded along the lines of "Here's what I found. The forum rules are a great...
  6. BlackstarBatty

    Reviving Shops?

    Don't Minimod, k?
  7. BlackstarBatty

    New Trading rule feedback thread!

    You wouldn't have had to mention "another popular website." I'm a moderator over there too, and one of the three trading mods. I'm attempting to bring my expertise from there over to here, and adapt it in a way where we aren't making such huge changes. If the changes were so big and all at once...
  8. BlackstarBatty

    New Trading rule feedback thread!

    It's changed. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? I know you won't be. but then again, this isn't Vilebeach.....
  9. BlackstarBatty

    New Trading rule feedback thread!

    The trading council is an advisory body. WE DO NOT TELL PEOPLE HOW TO MAKE THEIR TRADES! We don't sit and breathe behind their necks and tell them what they have to do. These rules are there so everyone knows what should be done. We say the ref rule is to be followed, but do we know who is...
  10. BlackstarBatty

    New Trading rule feedback thread!

    You talk so much about loving the rules of Pokegym. These are pretty similar to them. How about you just go over there then? If you're so worried about getting ripped off here, then just don't trade. Simple as that.
  11. BlackstarBatty

    New Trading rule feedback thread!

    Did you even bother to read the rules? Changes that were made: -Verified sellers-you can't sell until you go through us. -The 15 refs/3 months rule is gone with trades. It was pointless and caused more trouble than it was worth. -When selling, the buyer will always send first. -Easier to read...
  12. BlackstarBatty

    New Trading rule feedback thread!

    We have IP banned them. You do know that dynamic IPs do exist, right? By making them send first until we can prove they are trustworthy seems to be the least racist way to do it. By banning them from trades completely, it's unfair. By banning all IPs from Portugal from the site is unfair. None...
  13. BlackstarBatty

    New Trading rule feedback thread!

    Users have always been able to choose who they've been able to trade with. I did't realize that had to be mentioned in the rules. I forget we're working with a much younger group to users on here.
  14. BlackstarBatty

    New Trading rule feedback thread!

    Really? I'm really not sure how else to phrase that the TC are really the ones responsible for the ripping. Um....what? What does Pokegym have to do with Pokebeach? And how are the TC members responsible for ripping? No one grabbed you by the hand and said "YOU MUST TRADE HERE." You'e making...
  15. BlackstarBatty

    New Trading rule feedback thread!

    The new trading rules are up! This is a feedback thread for those to express their opinions on the new ruleset. I'm hoping these will work out for people and prevent people from having to worry about getting ripped off. Please address your concerns here.
  16. BlackstarBatty

    What do YOU want to see changed in the Trading Forum?

    Closing, and making a feedback thread.
  17. BlackstarBatty


    Illegal refs. Closing.
  18. BlackstarBatty

    What do YOU want to see changed in the Trading Forum?

    Most of the members of the trade council are young, and of course are going to want to dismiss everything. As one of the oldest members of the trade council, I'm going to be the one to take the initiative to get the new rules written down and set up. I don't want to see people's ideas getting...
  19. BlackstarBatty

    What do YOU want to see changed in the Trading Forum?

    Vile, I was the one who deleted the topic. I feel that there are so many stickied topics for users to have to look at, that it scares them away. Since I was the original author of said topic, I was able to get rid of one of them. It was in no way a way to hide from your questions. We know the...
  20. BlackstarBatty

    What do YOU want to see changed in the Trading Forum?

    I'm not wanting to play devil's advocate in any way with this, but I'd like to see some of the opinions of the members of this site as to what they would like to see changed on this trading forum. The trade council is in the works to build you a good trading ruleset, and something that people...