Umm... hi. I had a somewhat active shop for a few months, but I wasn't able to use the Internet for a few weeks. Now my shop is dead. Am I allowed to take more requests, now that I'm back?
Forum Rules said:Do not post in or "revive" dead threads
You may not post in a thread older than two weeks old, unless it is a stickied thread, your own trading thread, your own "My Player" thread, your own fanfic or your own shop in Celadon Mart. If you wish to revive any other thread legally, including your own clan or club, approach me a moderator by PM requesting for permission. It's best to approach me (Noobnerd), as I never ignore PMs that aren't stupid. Violators will receive a warning.
d master342 said:Forum Rules said:Do not post in or "revive" dead threads
You may not post in a thread older than two weeks old, unless it is a stickied thread, your own trading thread, your own "My Player" thread, your own fanfic or your own shop in Celadon Mart. If you wish to revive any other thread legally, including your own clan or club, approach me a moderator by PM requesting for permission. It's best to approach me (Noobnerd), as I never ignore PMs that aren't stupid. Violators will receive a warning.
Read the rules, k? Kthxbai. :]
dmaster out.
d master342 said:He asked for a question. I gave him one RIGHT from the Rules. It wasn't mini-modding. If it was, he should've asked for a Mod to answer his question, not just any member.
dmaster out.