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  1. ShayminSky

    New character to join Ash

    @Blizz: Wow, after watching that preview, I called PETA. XD I am hoping Paul, Belle, or White will join Ash, or Paul continue as Ash's rival. Shooti, I could care less, he's like the Tracey of BW.
  2. ShayminSky

    Ash vs Takuto Team/Battle Discussion.

    ^Infernape hasn't been confirmed in the battle.
  3. ShayminSky

    New character to join Ash

    I clicked the link and got an Error, page not found. :/ And Ash was revealed in CoroCoro, so I don't think that would happen.
  4. ShayminSky

    New character to join Ash

    Maybe Shuuti, or however it's spelled. I hope it's either White, Paul(I can hope, so don't start trollin'), Cheren, or Belle. Well, we'll see Thursday. Blizz, where did you get this?
  5. ShayminSky

    Does anyone else find it weird that Kibago is in Iris's hair?

    RE: Umm ??? Can anyone stay on topic? Maybe it's just like Pikachu being on Ash's shoulder. I don't find it weird at all.
  6. ShayminSky

    How CN Airs Pokemon

    Then you don't need to post.
  7. ShayminSky

    Will Ash go to the Battle Frontier in Sinnoh?

    They aren't gonna cancel Best Wishes.
  8. ShayminSky

    Ash vs Takuto Team/Battle Discussion.

    RE: Ash vs Takuto Team Discussion. ^This is gonna be EPIC!
  9. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 New Hopes for the Pokemon League?

    I'd really like to see this in action. Any more ideas?
  10. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 New Hopes for the Pokemon League?

    Oooh right! That would be awesome! If this doesn't happen, then what? XD
  11. ShayminSky

    Avatar: The Legend of Korra

    I did a search on the page for Katara, and found nothing with "Ka" :P But it's obvious. XD YES! Finally! I wish there would be a new season(with old characters), but there can't be one, since there wouldn't be much of a plot. What happened to Zuko's mother though? This seems like a plot...
  12. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Meguroko on two legs or an evo?

    Because we haven't gotten news in a while, so they feel like blowing things way out of proportion.
  13. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Meguroko on two legs or an evo?

    Since it's confirmed real, does anyone know the Pokemon since R/B/G in the Pokemon League and Gyms (maybe other important Places) that's silver and is on a platform? Maybe this is it for Isshu.
  14. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Pokemon ruby/saphire remake after the fifth gen

    ^DSI and 3DS. Not everyone can, and a remake is due, unless Pokemon Colosseum 3/Pokemon Stadium 4 comes out.
  15. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Isshu Region is based on Chugoku?

    This is getting old, why can't we leave Isshu alone and say it's a new region not based off of anything?
  16. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 New Hopes for the Pokemon League?

    What do you mean by missions?
  17. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 New Hopes for the Pokemon League?

    And maybe you can get wifi challenges, like the Battle Tower and Room Leaders. Wow, I didn't think this topic would go far like this, I thought it would be the same idea over and over again. :P
  18. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 New Hopes for the Pokemon League?

    ^Lol maybe you'll actually become champion, and you can be called up for a match. And if you decline, You have to escalate back up the top to be recrowned Champion. I was laughing at what I just said in this post at first, now it looks like a great idea. XD
  19. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Racial Drama?

    I don't mind this. Maybe America's changed, but I'm sure Japan is very aware of this, and so is PInternational(Or whatever it is now). I always thought Brock was black, same with Dahlia. Now that Iris and Aloe are obviously black, it just shows we have differences in skin color/races. Is it...
  20. ShayminSky

    How the Diamond and Pearl saga will end *SPOILER*

    (Isn't there a thread for this already?) I think After the Darkrai fight, Ash wins, but his Pokemon are SEVERELY injured, and Nurse Joy seems to be missing, so Brock steps in. Ash is forced to drop out of the league, and I really don't know how it's going to end. Seriously, I can't think of...