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    blargh257, too long :P

    blargh257, too long :P
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    Klinklang (Shift Gear)

    RE: Klinklang This deck has tried to keep up, but with the loss of Rainbow Energy... it's much more difficult. It has seen a mini revival late in the City Championship competitions, however, it does not seem to have what it takes to keep up with the big dogs. A more important question for this...
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    Hammertime (Darkrai EX / Sableye / Hammers)

    City Stats so far: 1st place - 9 2nd place - 5 3rd/4th place - 13 = 27 total Top 4's It seems to be good enough to make the cut still, however, I would imagine a closer look would reveal the majority of its losses are to Blastoise/KeldeoEX.
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    Aspertia City Gym / Eelektrik and Mewtwo EX / Eelektrik

    RE: Eelektrik Toolbox This decks stats so far: 1st place - 9 2nd place - 8 3rd/4th place - 15 = 32 total Top 4's It has represented itself fairly well, and has the same amount of City Championship Top 2's as DarkraiEX/Hydreigon does, with 13 less appearances overall.
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    Darkrai / Hydreigon

    Here are the decks stats so far: 1st place - 9 2nd place - 8 3rd/4th place - 28 = 45 total Top 4's This deck gets you to the Top 4 the majority of the time, however, why does everyone think that the deck can only get you to the Top 4 and not the winners circle more often? It's only won 17% of...
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    Big Basics (Landorus EX / Tornadus EX / Mewtwo EX)

    RE: Landorus EX Variants (Includes Tornadus EX) Here are the stats for this deck so far: 1st place - 15 2nd place - 17 3rd/4th place - 21 = 53 total Top 4's This is clearly one of the best decks we have (if not the BDIF). What makes this deck so good?
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    Ho-oh EX Variants

    We have Tier's so that new players can know what is decent and what will keep them at the bottom. We don't want unsuspecting new players to look at see a Garchomp/Altaria thread with a lot of posts and think "well, this must be the best deck!" I recently added 1 Cobalion (NV) to my list...
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    Blastoise / Keldeo EX / Black Kyurem EX

    RE: Keldeo EX / Blastoise @Pegnas oops... I was like... I have four spots left.. what are they. Yeah... there are 4 Pokemon Catcher in the deck XD
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    Darkrai EX / Landorus EX

    RE: Darkrai EX/Landorus EX The list my sister used to win a City (note: we didn't own any ACE SPEC's at the time). 3 Sableye 3 DarkraiEX 3 LandorusEX 1 KeldeoEX 10... 7 Darkness 5 Fighting 1 Water 13... 4 Pokemon Catcher 4 Dark Patch 4 Potion 4 Energy Switch 4 N 4 Professor Juniper 3 Cheren...
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    Blastoise / Keldeo EX / Black Kyurem EX

    RE: Keldeo EX/Blastoise Blastoise does not enjoy a late game N.
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    Blastoise / Keldeo EX / Black Kyurem EX

    RE: Keldeo EX/Blastoise Don't forget to run a Heavy Ball. I mean.... it sure beats having to use Ultra Ball to get out a Blastoise. Here is a list I made for a *senior* here: 4-1-3 Blastoise 3 KeldeoEX 1 MewtwoEX 1-1 Musharna [BC-NXD] 1 Regular Keldeo 15.. 12 Water 12.... 4 Rare Candy 4...
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    Darkrai EX / Mewtwo EX

    RE: Darkrai EX/Mewtwo EX I'll get the discussion started. This is what I won my CC with a couple of weeks ago: 3 MewtwoEX 3 DarkraiEX 2 Sableye 2 Sigilyph 1 Meloetta 11... 4 Professor Juniper 4 N 4 Pokemon Catcher 4 Ultra Ball 4 Dark Patch 3 Cheren 3 Energy Switch 2 Bianca 2 Eviolite 1...
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    1st Place at Cities with this Klinklang Deck

    The deck has pretty decent matchups against everything that isn't Hammertime or Rayquaza/Eelektrik. Were the 2 Tool Scrapper necessary?
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    Your Christmas Spoils (2013)

    RE: Your Christmas Spoils (2012) I should note that mine was for the great holiday of Hanukah. :P
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    Clay, Nice O :

    Clay, Nice O :
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    Your Christmas Spoils (2013)

    RE: Your Christmas Spoils (2012) I did the giving this Holiday Season. I got my sister a reactive bowling ball (she's been stuck with Plastic her whole life, so, needless to say she was VERY PLEASED with that. Claiming she is going to kick my butt now :p) My dad a Miami Dolphns mug. A family...
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    Congratulations to everyone and their cats :D
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    Unusual Card Play in the TCG

    RE: Unorthodox uses of cards In the past.... attaching a Rainbow Energy to my own Dunsparce so that it would get KO'd and I could win the game. Present, I would have to say my Tynamo Spark taking 3 prizes at once during Regionals. lol
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    Darkrai/Zoroark For Cities

    RE: Help me with my deck. I think you forgot to post Energies :P Anyway, for what I see... I think a 4th Dark Patch would work wonders, since it is a Dark Pokemon deck. Also, I think you can drop Switch since your Pokemon are going to have free retreat cost and add in a 4th Ultra Ball and the...
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    I know, what I meant was that you can go from Ditto to Zoroark (via Zorua) in a single turn without having to reveal that you have a Zoroark in your deck.