Ho-oh EX Variants


Use this thread for all discussion of all Ho-oh EX variants. This includes strategies, playstyles, and techs.

You may post decklists here, but only as a means of adding to the discussion. Don't post decklists here for advice.

All discussion not related to Ho-oh EX decks will be moved or deleted. All shallow or uninformed discussion will also be deleted by the mods.

Basic List:

3 Ho-Oh EX
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Terrakion NV
1 Sigilyph DRX
1 Landorus-EX
1 Cobalion-EX

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
2 Skyla
4 Ultra Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Energy Switch
3 Super Scoop Up
3 Switch
1 Max Potion
1 Computer Search

4 Double Colorless Energy
3 Fighting Energy
2 Psychic Energy
2 Metal Energy
1 Grass Energy
1 Fire Energy
1 Water Energy
1 Lightning Energy
1 Dark Energy
Tier placings were merely a way of organizing the threads, so don't take them as the final decision of Pokebeach or something. I based the tiers off of current City results, and Ho-oh hasn't won nearly as much as the decks I listed as Tier 1.

In the future, please explain more then you post something like that.
Shouldn't the OP have a few lists so we can discuss? Because I'm having a hard time starting a discussion on this. Also, if Ho-Oh is played right it is easily a Tier 1 deck.
Again, Tiers are merely based on the current results, nothing else. A lot of Tier placings are opinion so going off of the results was an easy and simple way to do it without having arguments.

I'll be glad to start the discussion. What do you guys think are the best attackers to run with this and why? If certain decks are popular in your meta, what techs should you run to counter those decks? The possibilities with this deck are endless and nearly any attacker in the game can be run with Ho-oh. Mewtwo EX tends to be the main attacker in most Ho-oh lists, but other than that, attackers can range from Bouffalant and Terrakion to Rayquaza DV and Giratina EX.

Personally, I prefer the standard version which includes 3 Mewtwo, and Terrakion as a backup attacker. I use Sigilyph as a tech because it trolls Blastoise hard and is just good against decks that don't have much of a non-EX attacker. I have been testing the Aspierta version with Tornadus EX and Bouffalant, but it's more tight for space and relies heavily on DCE, which I don't particularly like.
It requires coin-flips, also you don't want to start with Ho-oh Ex. Tier 2 is just fine as it's a kinda luck based deck.
Then why do we have tiers?

I do agree with the standard version, except I took out quiet a few things in favor of more Tool Scrapper, and Tornadus EX. The list is quiet consistent. My list is completely teched up against Blastoise Keldeo and Landorus EX. Because these are the things ran here.

How many Terrakion do you run?
I run 2 Terrakion. It's a nice extra attacker and Darkrai hates it. I've been considering taking out Terrakion for a Tornadus or Tornadus EX though, I'm still not sure due to the popularity of Bouffalant and Darkrai in my area.
We have Tier's so that new players can know what is decent and what will keep them at the bottom. We don't want unsuspecting new players to look at see a Garchomp/Altaria thread with a lot of posts and think "well, this must be the best deck!"

I recently added 1 Cobalion (NV) to my list because I couldn't think of anything good(already had the standard attackers), and, surprisingly... it has not sucked haha. It does decent against KeldeoEX and MewtwoEX, and, it makes MewtwoEX/LandorusEX decks waste a switch when I do the second attack. I am in no way endorsing this in any competitive Ho-oh deck...I am just saying it's one of the more fun techs around.

@Blah: I think the Terrakion count matters on the Bouffalant count you play. If you play 2+ Bouff's then 1 Terrakion is good.
Martini said:
Shouldn't the OP have a few lists so we can discuss? Because I'm having a hard time starting a discussion on this. Also, if Ho-Oh is played right it is easily a Tier 1 deck.

Yeah, especially for this kind of deck, it'd be nice to have a sample list in the OP (wouldn't be a bad idea for all of these, but whatever).

Here is my own personal list from right now and honestly not that much changed between my list from last format and now.

Pokémon (12)
3 Mewtwo EX
2 Ho-Oh EX
2 Terrakion NV
1 Landorus EX
1 Tornadus EX
1 Bouffalant DRX
1 Sigilyph DRX
1 Meloetta

Trainers / Supporters / Stadiums (33)
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
2 Skyla
4 Ultra Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Energy Switch
4 Switch
1 Energy Search
1 PlusPower
1 Tool Scrapper
1 Computer Search

Energy (15)
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Fighting Energy
3 Psychic Energy
1 Grass Energy
1 Fire Energy
1 Water Energy
1 Lightning Energy

Really, there's not really a _wrong_ way to build the deck at least when it comes to attackers (the lists can vary a ton). But if you want to have a good record, you really have to pay attention to what's going on with your metagame and use the appropriate attackers or it could end up badly for you. This is also obviously not the best build by any means (I actually thought my list from last format was way better), but this is a good jumping off point.

dmaster out.

I dont believe this is anywhere near a Tier 2 list. Some people just may not know how to build or run it properly. The claim that its a tier 2 because it is luck based is absurd. You play the deck as if you dont have Hooh, and just use its effect for energy acceleration. The deck is basically landorus/mewtwo but with hooh tech. If you play it like that, you will win, and win consistently.

I lost twice yesterday, not out of bad draws, not out of inconsistencies with the deck, but i lost once to a mewtwo/energy retrieval topdeck (was a blastoise/keldeo deck), and another baited into time, catcher stall where i couldnt hit the switch i needed to KO and go to sudden death where i wouldve won.

If it means anything, i beat a world champ as well who was running landorus/mewtwo, with my hooh deck.
I play the keldeo/Darkrai combo in my Ho-Oh. Makes you have more attack options, no reliance on switch, you can hit Lando now, snipe with Darkrai, and Pokemon Center! (i don't run it, but its an option). Plus Dark just adds to the energy types.
Dang dood, I've been looking into adding a Darkrai for free retreat, and the ability to Catcher + KO Dusknoir, which is played a lot here. Post you list pwease :)
MrGatr said:
Dang dood, I've been looking into adding a Darkrai for free retreat, and the ability to Catcher + KO Dusknoir, which is played a lot here. Post you list pwease :)

You should just steam roll Dusknoir anyway. If you want a more Darkrai centered list here's my regional one modded to BCR.

3 Darkrai
2 Terrakion
2 Hooh
2 Sableye
1 Mewtwo
1 Landy

9 Dark
4 Fighting
1 Psychic
1 Grass

4 Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
4 Dark Patch
4 Energy Switch
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
3 Skyla
2 Eviolite
1 Tool Scrapper
1 CPU Search
^I have a list similar that, and find it has trouble with Keldeo. Otherwise I like it.
Zangoose said:
MrGatr said:
Dang dood, I've been looking into adding a Darkrai for free retreat, and the ability to Catcher + KO Dusknoir, which is played a lot here. Post you list pwease :)

You should just steam roll Dusknoir anyway. If you want a more Darkrai centered list here's my regional one modded to BCR.

3 Darkrai
2 Terrakion
2 Hooh
2 Sableye
1 Mewtwo
1 Landy

9 Dark
4 Fighting
1 Psychic
1 Grass

4 Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
4 Dark Patch
4 Energy Switch
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
3 Skyla
2 Eviolite
1 Tool Scrapper
1 CPU Search

That doesn't really seem like Ho-Oh, just Darkrai/Terrakion/Landorus with Ho-Oh EX tech.