I am here to get people's opinion on a format my friends and I adapted from Magic.
It is called "The Cube."
If you have any questions, please ask. I am sure I missed something. lol.
Any improvements are welcomed too. :)
RE: Major Update! Need older cards!
RCA: See nothing sorry.
Pheony: See nothing sorry.
Latias EX - Which one?
Deoxys EX - Which one?
Jirachi EX
Walrein EX
Kingdra (neo destiny) -- Wasn't in that set.. which set?
Bellossom (neo destiny) -- Wasn't in that set.. which set?
Picture This Gengar
Background - Your choice
Border (Optional) - Your Choice
Quote - Why so serious?
Style/Colors - Your choice
You have the creative control :)
You are wrong DNA.
I will copy from pokegym because they said it best:
The current game term for a Pokemon in play that is in play directly and not evolved from a previous stage is "Unevolved".
Older cards such as Azelf MT (the change in terminology is only a year or so old) use the term...