Search results

  1. ssman0017

    Pokemon Why does everyone hate Pokémon?

    No problem, just good to get facts straight. Ruby rocks! Its what got me back in to Pokemon. Though I still love silver, I wish my silver was not corrupted : ( .
  2. ssman0017

    Tattoo Fanatics/Owners

    You are quick to judge. I know professors with tattoos that are very highly esteemed. Some people like them because its a representation of who they are or what they like. I was going to get a tattoo but then I saw how much it would be for the one I want ( close to $1500) and I said na. I would...
  3. ssman0017

    Pokemon Why does everyone hate Pokémon?

    You were a little off Hitler was a fascist, and Stalin was a communist.
  4. ssman0017

    Dream job

    An illness could be like a car crash or something severe. That would make you drop for one or more semester. If it accumulated bills that you need help with and can not finacally afford then you would have to get a job just to pay for the bill not including collage(which is expensive). Just...
  5. ssman0017

    Pokemon Why does everyone hate Pokémon?

    Cool is in the mind on the beholder, if you think its cool then it is. I personally don't see any thing cool or interesting about Halo. But I love Warhammer and Warhammer 40k(which is like Halo, kind of but not really). If I could I'd dress up as some of the characters just for fun, but I don't...
  6. ssman0017

    Team Galactic

    I like them in the game, they have done the most "evil" and accomplished the most. In the anime I want to see Mars and Jupiter, but they are pretty cool, I like how when Team Rocket was doing there intro they just attack and did NOT wait tell the end.
  7. ssman0017

    Pokemon How has the anime affected the game?

    That would be kind of cool, pinsir pinsir. Samuri "pinsir crush his metapod" Ash "metapod use harden" samuri "a so you are wise in the ways of metapod"
  8. ssman0017

    Difference Between Old and New Pokemon Shows.

    RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows. I liked the Johto episodes the best.
  9. ssman0017

    Pokemon How has the anime affected the game?

    Its hard to imagine because it has not happened, but say like you said that Pinsir was the mascot then you might find it hard to believe that a Pikachu would be the mascot.
  10. ssman0017

    Difference Between Old and New Pokemon Shows.

    RE: Have you ever noticed?, Pokemon shows. Sig not up. And I will agree the original are way better, but the new ones entertain me.
  11. ssman0017

    What freaks you out?

    Spiders and when my mother in law is angry, ya I am good with most anything else. Even nudity, and clowns.
  12. ssman0017

    Pokemon How has the anime affected the game?

    It has effected the game but in small ways, like what you said. But as for plot, I don't think so.
  13. ssman0017

    Dream job

    lol I want to teach ether biology or Social science ( history). I'd be the teacher that give some homework, but lets you turn it in late and all that. I'd really like to be like some of my old high school teacher. Their the ones who motivated me into becoming a teacher.
  14. ssman0017

    Dream job

    I think he means Michigan, I had to look at his profile because I though U of Miami. lol
  15. ssman0017

    Pokemon Most Handsome (Male) Pokemon

    I am going to have to say Quilava too. or Roserade, Hes got the five o' clock shadow going on. I try to pull that off but I only look like a weirdo : ( And welcome to the forum
  16. ssman0017

    Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

    RE: Pokemon Plotholes! Two words, ninja wailord. Its good exercises for you, all those rice cake donuts made you gain a couple of pounds.
  17. ssman0017

    Dream job

    Some people like teaching, if your teacher did not like it then where would you go to school?
  18. ssman0017

    Any Reptile Owners/Fans?

    LOL snakes on a plane!!! I'm tiried on these mother ____ snakes on this mother ___ plane! I saw it too, en made me laugh.
  19. ssman0017

    Straight Edge

    oo that point. Well i drink just to relax and enjoy the food I am having the drink with. I see no sense in getting so drunk you cant remember what you did. Alcohol is to be drank causley in my schema of things.
  20. ssman0017

    Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

    RE: Pokemon Plotholes! LOL makes more sense. lol