EX Power Keepers:8/10
EX Dragon Frontiers:7/10
EX Crystal Guardians:6/10
EX Holon Phantoms:?
EX Legend Maker: 8/10
EX Delta Species: 7/10
EX Unseen Forces:10/10!
EX Emerald:7/10
EX Deoxys:7/10
TRR, FRLG,HL,TMTA,SS,DR and R/S are an average of 8/10...
RE: IPM's Original Shop! status=OPEN! No need to use forms!
Well, you can help here, you can come here very often, if no one does the work, You can help me!
Absol, Electrike, Leafia, Vaporeon, Venusaur *, Latias *, Luxray, Misty's Luvdisc, Pichu: Too broken
Blaziken, Umbreon, Metagross: Too weak
All of them have 1 thing in common, NO RIGHT FONTS! And sometimes wrong placements...
I think theres a thread like this by Gus_Maia, but anyway I play PokemonCrater and battleon, my account on PokemonCrater is papontee, and my battleon account here...
They're all done in Paint! You could have used Photoshop...Copied and pasted the energy symbols from other cards. Evo symbol is sprited, wrong fonts, wrong placements, and wrong illustrations. And there's no Stage 4. Gosh! That's a lot of mistakes, please read the tutorials!