What do you do with all your junk cards?


Aspiring Trainer
Well, I want to get into Tournament play and I recently realized my mountain of cards in my room is full of cards that are no longer modified.

What do you think I should do with em'?

And how do you propose I get a bunch of cards to get started in a league?
1. I just leave them there. Otherwise, sell them or trade them. Ebay is a good option for selling.
2. Get a box, starter deck with about 5-6 boosters...
Thanks for answering my questions so quickly!

One more for you guys, um, is there a special section in Tournaments for unlimited decks aor do people just play them for fun?
Usually, tournaments are Modified-ONLY. So your unlimited deck is pretty worthless there unless you find people who brought an Unlimited deck too.

However, usually Liga's tend to allow Unlimited too, so check in with your local liga for that.
meshrin said:
Well, I want to get into Tournament play and I recently realized my mountain of cards in my room is full of cards that are no longer modified.

What do you think I should do with em'?

And how do you propose I get a bunch of cards to get started in a league?

1. If there are any Holo-Foils, see them to get your money back.
2. Give to other people who wants to play Pokemon.
Uses for junk cards.

1) Use to feed the Fire
2) A little kid is annoying you. Throw the card like a frisbe and run!
3) No toliet paper left.....
4) Use them for spitball target practice.
5) Set them in the freezer and place a stick ontop of it. Pokemon Popsical Anyone?
6) You got shoes that are too big for you because you're small. Add junk cards and insantley tall.
7) Try to remember when you first got the card. If you get frustrated you can't hurt it's feelings.
8) So who can eat the Most?:p
9) Hide them in your yard and have your friends try to find as many as possible. The prize? All the junky cards!
10) Mess with there names, attack names, Poke power/body ect.
11) Write over them with sharpie King Queen Jack ect. until you have a deck of playing cards.
12) Wrap your lost teeth in them before you go to sleep. Mabey the Tooth Fairy will leave a tip.
13) Cheap easy to get last minute B-day gifts.
14) Use them for more colorful orogami.
15) Some kids make fun of Pokemon Players. If there's a kid like around you fill his backpack with them. When he opens his back let him taste his own medicine.
16) Keep them! You never know who might want them.

That's all for now.
Hm... You must have had a lot of time on your hands.
I just store all my cards in Promo Tins. Every once in awhile I put some music on, and search through my seven tins for the anoying little basics that I need for a deck.
I'm Selling my Old (Un)commen Cards, Give Some away for who Collects Them (Like Torchic, Growlith and RK9) and Keep The Nidoran/Nidorina's and prolly some Pidgey's too. Keep the Trainers and Rare's.
It depends on how much of a collector you are really. If you have loads and loads of copies of some cards you could try and see if you can make a complete or almost complete set. These sell ok. Or you could do what I do when I sell on ebay and search all through them and have an ebay lot where there are no doubles. Obviously certain people prefer to collect different sets but if you make it worth their while they will bid. Otherwise, trade for more recent cards if you are interested in a modified deck.
Me and my mates put all our old cards in a box and took it down to the local games shop. Every now n then we shuffle it all up and deal them out to do a sealed tournament... like pre-release. Its great to see old favorites again... like base set Hitmonchan and stuff :)
Everyone pays one pound to enter then we buy prizes with the money... I won some good stuff in them, you should try it.
That sounds really fun Vile!

I should definitly sell some of my least favs on Ebay.

I keep a play set of every card from all modified legal sets.

I sell my junk common and uncommon cards to little kids that can then play or do what ever they like with them. Most kids just want them for the pics on the cards.
My suggestion would be,
For each set, get a Binder, Fill each slot according to it's number.
Start collecting. NOW!
I have not checked there in a while, but sometimes www.cardhaus.com want to buy cards too. They used to have this list on their site. Not sure if you have to be in America to do it though and they have to be in near mint condition unless otherwise stated.
1. Put them in binders and collect them like I do.
2. Get a starter deck that will beat your opponent.:)