Uses for junk cards.
1) Use to feed the Fire
2) A little kid is annoying you. Throw the card like a frisbe and run!
3) No toliet paper left.....
4) Use them for spitball target practice.
5) Set them in the freezer and place a stick ontop of it. Pokemon Popsical Anyone?
6) You got shoes that are too big for you because you're small. Add junk cards and insantley tall.
7) Try to remember when you first got the card. If you get frustrated you can't hurt it's feelings.
8) So who can eat the Most?
9) Hide them in your yard and have your friends try to find as many as possible. The prize? All the junky cards!
10) Mess with there names, attack names, Poke power/body ect.
11) Write over them with sharpie King Queen Jack ect. until you have a deck of playing cards.
12) Wrap your lost teeth in them before you go to sleep. Mabey the Tooth Fairy will leave a tip.
13) Cheap easy to get last minute B-day gifts.
14) Use them for more colorful orogami.
15) Some kids make fun of Pokemon Players. If there's a kid like around you fill his backpack with them. When he opens his back let him taste his own medicine.
16) Keep them! You never know who might want them.
That's all for now.