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  1. scuba steveE

    (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

    RE: (1) PokeBeach's Live Discussion and Coverage of Pokemon Direct! [1/8] I just can't get over how amazing the two Legendaries look. I'm still shaking from this.
  2. scuba steveE

    (1) Pokemon’s Big Announcement Coming via ‘Pokemon Direct’ Video Conference Tomorrow [1/7]

    I'm just going to go ahead say that I think the titles are going to be Cobalt and Mercury, no particular reason, just a wild guess. :P
  3. scuba steveE

    (1) Pokemon’s Big Announcement Coming via ‘Pokemon Direct’ Video Conference Tomorrow [1/7]

    One user: Martijn Müller. He's the reason why WPM doesn't post any rumors without a source.
  4. scuba steveE

    (1) Pokemon’s Big Announcement Coming via ‘Pokemon Direct’ Video Conference Tomorrow [1/7]

    I would actually love to see an official pokemon castle defender, I didn't really like the fan made one. Yeah it's to the point where it would be a bigger surprise if it's not Gen. 6.
  5. scuba steveE

    (1) Official Japanese Pokemon Website Also Posts About the January 8th Announcement [1/4]

    Seems like you're the only person who thinks that.:rolleyes: I can sit here and tell you why we're at the end of the 5th gen., but you're probably won't agree with me and post 40 reasons why it's not, so I'm not even going to try. I'm just going to sit back and wait for the announcement and...
  6. scuba steveE

    (1) Official Japanese Pokemon Website Also Posts About the January 8th Announcement [1/4]

    Ok I'm have to say something here. For starters, I would like a link to where Nintendo, GameFreak, or TPC confirms this. Right now there are only four scheduled DS to come out this year and none of them are 1st party games. Again there's only FOUR. At this point it would just not be a smart...
  7. scuba steveE

    (1) Official Japanese Pokemon Website Also Posts About the January 8th Announcement [1/4]

    Even though it has a similar name has the DS, it is not part of the DS family. This is because it is a next gen. gaming device that has it's own playable games that can only be played on that system(It's 8th gen. along with the Vita while the DS family is 7th gen. along with the PSP family)...
  8. scuba steveE

    (1) Shigeki Morimoto to Appear on January 6th’s ‘Pokemon Smash’ [12/31]

    Since everyone likes to make every little thing a hint.... Shigeki Morimoto to Appear on January 6th’s ‘Pokemon Smash’ to Appear on January 6th’s January 6th’s 6th Hey it's better than "The 2s on the the box art of BW2 are hinting RSE remakes."
  9. scuba steveE

    (1) Shigeki Morimoto to Appear on January 6th’s ‘Pokemon Smash’ [12/31]

    What about they reveal Gen 6 games AND RSE remakes, as two separate duos of games?
  10. scuba steveE

    New Forum Banner Discussion

    RE: Banner Discussion Huh, after that other pokemon forum tried to allowed nudity on their site, I'm sort of surprised that this one will be the next. If Xous is going to start drawing nude pics for the site, I expect them to be detailed, very detailed.
  11. scuba steveE

    Do you believe extraterrestrial life exists?

    RE: Extraterrestrial life? You'll care when you're getting probed. Though speaking of probing, why does everyone think if aliens do visit Earth, they would be unfriendly? If we do end up fighting them, it would probably be because we started.
  12. scuba steveE

    (1) Announcement from Pokemon Coming January 8th: 6th Generation? [12/29]

    The thing is, there's so much evidence pointing to it being the 6th gen. now, that I would be more surprised if it was something else. Though I'm still not getting my hopes up to much because it could always be something stupid like spiky-eared eevee.
  13. scuba steveE

    (1) Extremespeed Genesect [12/12]

    This whole quote is just, wow. You can have your opinions and your views, but I will say this, they're really screwed up. Hating remakes because they somehow ruined your original experience with the original game? What? Also at the bold part: I want to say so many things to you, but I won't...
  14. scuba steveE

    (1) Extremespeed Genesect [12/12]

    Extremespeed Genesect? That's such a weird title, though I guess it will be changed when it hits the west. And a mini-movie featuring Eevee, hmmmm...
  15. scuba steveE

    (1) New Trailer for 'Best Wishes Season 2: Episode N' Reveals Debut of Plasma Characters [12/6]

    Pfft Mewthree, what about Mewnegativeone?:rolleyes: Hopefully we'll get to see more of Ash's old pokemon, like Totodile. Edit: 500th post! Took me 4 years lol
  16. scuba steveE

    (1) 'Plasma Storm' Theme Decks, Blister Packs [12/3]

    Druddigon theme deck! YES!! >_> Druddigon > Darkrai
  17. scuba steveE

    (1) 6th Generation Coming Soon? [11/26]

    Chill, I was somewhat joking.(though looking at both of them, their heads and arms do look similar) I've just always thought it was interesting that in the Nacrene City Museum, they have that stone slap that has Armaldo on it. I mean why Armaldo and not one of Unova's fossil pokemon? Along...
  18. scuba steveE

    (1) 6th Generation Coming Soon? [11/26]

    My Genesect theory is that the pokemon that Team Plasma used to create it is Armaldo. :o
  19. scuba steveE

    (1) 6th Generation Coming Soon? [11/26]

    That's interesting, does anyone want to translate that?
  20. scuba steveE

    (1) 6th Generation Coming Soon? [11/26]

    I'm ready for new pokemon, and I rather have them, but I'm cool with 3rd Gen. remakes. Also, I know a lot of people don't like the ideal, but I wouldn't mind seeing a new type, just to shake things up. I don't really believe those rumors, I mean full 3D models? Didn't Masuda expressed that he...