Whoops, forgot to make a thread! Discuss!
Rambagos said:D...did you see Kyogre and Groudon in that cover? Probably they will release the remake game of R/S/E .
Rambagos said:D...did you see Kyogre and Groudon in that cover? Probably they will release the remake game of R/S/E .
SoulSilver said:I love how people are still in denial about R/S remakes. "BUT IT JUST SAID B/W/2!! NOT R/S REMAKES HURDUR" Yes, because the remakes have TOTALLY been officially announced by Nintendo/GameFreak...*rolls eyes* I'll say it right now, we'll know of them by latest March.
Besides, why else would Kyogre and Groudon be on the page when they'll likely have exactly nothing to do with the movie? Cheering Genesect on while wearing tutus and carrying pompoms? >.> The Groudon and Kyogre event is over in Japan, and as we all know, CoroCoro is a Japanese publication so it would not announce them for NA/EU/AU. So what are we left with? Ruby and Sapphire remakes.
I'll guarantee you Pokemon Sunday (or Pokemon Smash, call it what you wish) will just reiterate what CoroCoro provided us with -- Shiny Genesect. No generation VI Pokemon, just the shiny. As we all know the Unova region is not ending till at least late 2013 for Japan because now they're shifting all focus over to N and Team Plasma which was already revealed to be its own saga, not a mini 3-episode series. So really, do you think GameFreak will sit there waiting for Unova to end while doing nothing?
No, they'd cash in with some pretty dang good R/S remakes imo. They know that HG/SS sold very, very well and they won't want to stop that momentum by saying "Well, you see, we COULD remake R/S, but naaaaaaaah. We got enough money!". Would be dumb.
SoulSilver said:I love how people keep saying such and such isn't proof of R/S remakes and don't provide any evidence as to why they aren't proof to the remakes. I get it, you all don't like R/S or Hoenn as a whole, but that bias won't stop GameFREAK from cashing in on remakes. I don't see why else they'd pick Groudon and Kyogre over all other legendaries.
In a previous topic I listed many reason as to why R/S will be remade, and yet no one could back up their claims of "R/S won't be remade" with solid proof. Kind of makes your arguments weak, don't they? Especially with WPM, his whole thing was the anime going faster through Gen. V and thus Genesect movie would introduce 1 or more Gen. VI Pokemon. Specifically a silhouette would be shown this month. Well, we got CoroCoro and the reveal was a Shiny Genesect which is, obviously, a Gen. V Pokemon and I doubt Pokemon Sunday will give us anything beyond that. Thus, no Gen. VI Pokemon hinted at.
Please, people, before you argue, make sure your argument isn't flimsy.