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  1. Deck Tester

    What do you watch Friday Nights?

    I usually channel surf while playing DS. Whenever I find a funny/good show, I just stick with that. I usually do that all weekend nights however.
  2. Deck Tester

    Take your Child to Work Day.

    I guess that I will bring my DS :P BTW, I still will go even if this is boring, but the question is: Was it fun?
  3. Deck Tester

    Take your Child to Work Day.

    Yum... food. Wow, I can't believe that people are allowed to miss school for that. But, do you actually learn anything? Or is it a fun day (boy, I could use one of those...)?
  4. Deck Tester

    Take your Child to Work Day.

    Cool. So what do the kids do at their parents' work exactly? There's not exactly a lot to do...
  5. Deck Tester


    Bakugan is a game where you roll magnetic spheres (lolz not balls) and hope they stick to the back of a magnetic card and some effects take place and stuff. My friends also wanted me to try this. It wasn't horrible, but when they told me to buy some for myself..., well let's just say I bought...
  6. Deck Tester

    Take your Child to Work Day.

    I will be going (unless there is something important in school that day). I have not yet been to my dad's work :]
  7. Deck Tester

    Away problem

    The \ button is right next to the backspace button. Happens to me a lot :P
  8. Deck Tester

    Pokemon REAL noobs Are SOOOOOOOOOOO anoying!

    I'm pretty sure that Juliacoolo = Anthony but, couldn't you just beat him with his pack around him so that they would know if he was the one that turned the game off? Also, couldn't you just show them your record of wi-fi battles?
  9. Deck Tester

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. That would be good for a pre-release. I got another LA pack today (must get Uxies!) and pulled a Mesprit. Not bad.
  10. Deck Tester

    Ruling Call + Giritina PT

    Call Energy.
  11. Deck Tester

    Ruling Call + Giritina PT

    Giritina PT's ability (Let Loose) says that you have to play it from your hand for its power to activate. However, I have seen some threads that say that Call can activate its effect. Is that true?
  12. Deck Tester

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. Just opened a LA booster. Pulled Dragonite, RH Vileplume, and Buck's Training. Pretty decent for 1 booster.
  13. Deck Tester

    The "I pulled something bad" Thread

    Found a random unopened Platinum pcak in my room. Maybe I shouldn't have opened it. 1 Luvdisc, 1 Lickillicky RH, NO traniers Wow, that failed.
  14. Deck Tester

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. 4 Packs for getting 8th at states. I got: Landmin Lv.X Honchkrow G RH Level Max Life Herb Crobat G 3 Skuntank G (Now I have 16) Shaymin (Energy Blow) RH Altaria Giritina (Dragonbreath) Galactic HQ RH Rainbow Energy Dialga (Reverse Time)...
  15. Deck Tester

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. Got two packs today. In the first one, I pulled a Luvdic -_-. But in the second one, I pulled a Dialga G Lv.X!!! =D Only 1 more Lv.X from Platinum until I have all of the Lv.X's. >=D
  16. Deck Tester

    SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

    RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread. Link is not the exact same as Melee, he now has Cyclone Boomerang. That's not much of a difference, but his spin attack can be charged. Also, his hook shot homes on to the nearest ledge, as compared to Melee where it did not. Not too many major...
  17. Deck Tester

    Acronyms and Terms for Newcomers

    I didn't see this on there so, BTW = By the way
  18. Deck Tester

    Pokemon Most annoying...

    I hate how in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl how there is snow which slows you down! What's the point of that, anyway? It's just there to slow you down...
  19. Deck Tester

    Deck Types?

    There are T2 decks such as Machamp and Kingdra which can donk.
  20. Deck Tester

    Ruling Palkia Lv. X/ Retreat

    You can retreat as many times as you want during your turn, so to answer your question, after using Palkia's ability, you can retreat.