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  1. camohunter19

    TCG Fakes TFP's Text-Based Fakes!

    I really like the idea of the Blind Dive attack. It really creates an incentive to put techs in your deck.
  2. camohunter19

    TCG Fakes Camo's Text-Based Cards--Current Set: Adamant Diamond and Lustrous Pearl Base

    The first set is going to be called Adamant Diamond and Lustrous Pearl Base Set, in honor of my first Pokemon game, Pokemon Diamond (also I really want Gen IV remakes) This set will feature the Sinnoh starters, the Creation trio, 10-EX cards, 4 MPokemon-EX cards, and 123 different Pokemon...
  3. camohunter19

    Standard Raichu / Magnezone / Manectric

    Most decks incorporate some sort of strategy. Like Night March, it tries to get enough Night March Pokemon in the discard pile to hit 180 damage consistently. What's your strategy? Also you need to tell us what set the cards you are using came from.
  4. camohunter19

    Ruling Computer Search

    Which would explain why it is much cheaper. Thanks for the quick reply.
  5. camohunter19

    Ruling Computer Search

    Would I be able to use Computer Search from base set in expanded?
  6. camohunter19

    Standard XY-On: Palkia / Regice / Kyurem

    You could try Team Aqua's Secret Base. It sounds weird but you don't have to worry about retreat cost because of Manaphy, and other stadiums don't give you any benefit. It makes a good Lysandre play costly for an opponent.
  7. camohunter19

    Expanded Wobbats (Wobbuffet / Crobat)

    It's in PTCGO, which might explain the mulligans. I think I disagree with this one, as the Laser helps to stack damage counters, but I might try the other suggestions you made. EDIT: These are the changes I made: -3 Trainers mail -1 Miltank +1 Juniper +1 N +1 Random Reciever +1 Dedenne
  8. camohunter19

    Standard XY-On: Palkia / Regice / Kyurem

    Do you find yourself not starting Palkia often as you only play two?
  9. camohunter19

    Expanded Wobbats (Wobbuffet / Crobat)

    The name is pretty self-explanatory. The idea of the deck is to get Wobbuffet attacking with the aid of Bats getting damage counters on Pokemon. The Wob locks down abilities from non-psychic types, which can prevent my opponent from setting up or going on the offensive. This is my first deck...