Search results

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    DPt: Rise of Champions! Spoiler makers are wanted, as well as a graphic artist!

    Paras (lv 19) 50 HP {G} Basic Pokemon [.] Spread Spores Search your deck for a pokemon named Paras or Parasect and put it into your hand. If you searched for a Paras, you may put it onto your Bench instead. {G}{G} Sleep Inducer 10 You may switch the Defending Pokemon with one of your...
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    DPt: Rise of Champions! Spoiler makers are wanted, as well as a graphic artist!

    Pinsir (lv 34) 80 HP {G} Basic Pokemon Poke-Body: Hyper Cutter If Pinsir was damaged during your opponent's last turn, each of Pinsir's attacks does 10 more damage to the defending pokemon. {F}{F} Seismic Toss 40 This attack's base damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any...
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    #1: Future Technology: What do you expect?

    You're just one step away from saying the Holocaust was a good thing. IIRC, Hitler was greatly influenced by eugenics. Inferiority through genetics? As decided by whom? By those in power of course. Do you want to be forcefully sterilized because someone deemed you "inferior"? The only way to...
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    Pharyngitis - inflammation of the pharynx I guess that's what you meant.
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    Finished Would you rather: The game that is played... in America!

    RE: Would you rather and the Corner of Secrets B. >: ) WYR: (in the TCG) A. Give your opponent a free turn B. Put you opponent's discard pile into his hand
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    Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

    RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Legendary Beasts, Ho-Oh added. Nice. Now I know where all those cool avvies I see are coming from. Could you do a Missingno.?
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    DPt: Rise of Champions! Spoiler makers are wanted, as well as a graphic artist!

    You might want to change the name of Brock's Training. It could cause confusion with the existing card Brock's Training Method. I'll do spoilers if I may, but not of the SP pokemon.
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    iKyleZ First Ever Fake Card Spoiler Competition : ROUND 3 STARTS

    RE: iKyleZ First Ever Fake Card Spoiler Competition You misspelled "grammar." :P I'll join. Example card: Unown S (lv 20) 70 HP {P} Basic Pokemon Picture: Unown S in an old bathroom stall, with a hole in the wall behind it where several bricks have fallen out. Through the hole is a very...
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    Pokemon Top Design - Round 3 is up (Rotom)

    RE: Pokemon Top Design - Challenge 1 is up (Crystal Pokemon) Seeing as you're still accepting entries, I'd like to join. Example card: Unown S (lv 20) 70 HP {P} Basic Pokemon Picture: Unown S in an old, dirty bathroom stall, with a hole in the wall behind it where several bricks have fallen...
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    New Techs: Rising Rivals Edition

    Vibrava RR - late-game OHKO for 1 energy
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    Ruling Rainbow Energy + Dawn Stadium

    When you attach a Rainbow Energy to a {G} or {W} pokemon while Dawn Stadium is up, can the damage counter placed by Rainbow Energy be immediately removed by Dawn Stadium?
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    The Next Big Engine

    If GE is out, we have a legal Porygon-Z lvX AND Porygon-Z promo without a legal line to evolve from. Y'all forgot Unown R, btw.
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    so yeah... i have multitude questions..

    Nincada. Tyrogue. Castform. DITTO!
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    Ruling Kecleon RR + Cherrim SF

    Kecleon RR + Cherrim SF Does Kecleon count twice, as {R} & as {G}, or once? I.e. +10 or +20? I'm more inclined to think +10, but I want to be sure.
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    Ruling Undevelop

    ^ or retreat to a benched Eevee, and evolve that one.
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    [[Retro Redux]] :: All your favorite retro decks and cards, in one place.

    Extremely old decks: 1. Weezing (fossil)/Magnemite/Magneton(base) + Defender + Dodrio (jungle) Spread with multiple Selfdestructs, then clean up with a charged Dodrio. 2. Mr. Mime + Alakazam + big fat basics + Scoop Up Swap damage off Mr. Mime to a benched basic like Chansey (120 HP). Scoop...
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    Petition for a new TCG video game

    Nintendo is a company, driven like any other company by the opportunity of profit. This would be a very profitable endeavor for Nintendo, so I think they might do it. I have joined the petition.
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    Ruling Does The Effect Of Dialgia G's "Deafen" Still Work If Either Active Pokemon Retreats?

    Smokescreen is an effect on the pokemon, so it gets removed. Sputter is an effect on the player, so it does not. ... I think.