DPt: Rise of Champions! Spoiler makers are wanted, as well as a graphic artist!


Aspiring Trainer
This set has a tin that goes along with it, this is the promo:


Holo Rares:

Bellossom Lv.38 110 HP [G]
Stage 2 - Evolves from Gloom

Poke-Body: Flower Link
If you have another Bellossom in play with the "Flower Link" Poke-Body, each of your [G] Pokemon can use the attacks of all of your [G] Pokemon in play.

[G][G][C] Solarbeam 90
Unless you have at least 4 [G] Pokemon on your bench, either discard 2 Energy Cards attached to Bellossom or Bellossom cannot use Solarbeam during your next turn.

Weakness: [R] +30
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Charizard Lv.42 110HP [R]
Stage 2 - Evolves from Charmeleon

Poke-Body: Flame Change
When you attach a Fire energy card to Charizard, all Energy cards attached to Charizard provide [R] as well as the other type provided, until the end of the turn.

[R][C] Flame Toss 20+
You may discard as many Fire Energy cards as you want from Charizard. This attack does 10 more damage for each energy that you discarded this way.

[R][R][R] Inferno Burst 110
The defending Pokemon is now burned. If the defending Pokemon was knocked out by this attack, discard 2 energy cards attached to Charizard.

Weakness: [W]+30
Retreat Cost: [C][C]

Jirachi Lv. 35 70 HP [P]
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Power : Nightly Wish
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may ask your opponent to choose either a Trainer Card, Supporter Card or a Pokémon Card. Search your deck for that card. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Nightly Wish Poké-Power each turn. You can't use this power if Jirachi is effected by a Special Condition.

[.] Star Help
Search your discard pile for a Supporter card and use it's effect as the effect of this attack. Send that card in the Lost Zone afterward.

[P][M] Metallic Force 50

W - [R] +20
R - [P] -20
RC - [C]

Metagross Lv. 55 130 HP [M]
Stage 2 - Evolves from Metang

[P] Gravity
Place a Gravity Marker on a Stadium card in play. As long as a Gravity Marker is in play, each player's Pokemon need to pay [C] more to retreat and have no Resistance. If the Stadium card that a Gravity Marker is on is discarded, discard the Gravity Marker. You cannot have more than 1 Gravity Marker on a Stadium card.

[M] Bullet Punch 30+
If any of your Pokemon evolved into Metagross this turn, this attack does 30 damage plus 50 more damage.

Weakness: [R] +30
Resistance: [P] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C][C][C]

Raichu Lv.49 90 HP [L]
Stage 1 (Evolves from Pikachu)

[L] Recharge
If Raichu used Discharge during your last turn, search your discard pile for up to 2 [L] energy cards and attach them to Raichu.

[L][L][L] Discharge 60
Flip 2 coins. If at least 1 is Heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. Discard all energy cards attached to Raichu.

Weakness: [F] +20
Resistance: [M] -20
Retreat Cost:

Salamence Lv. 71 140 HP [C]
Stage 2 Evolves from Shelgon

[C][C] Aero Crash 30+
If the Defending Pokemon has more than 3 Energy cards attached to it, discard 1 of those Energy cards, and this attack does 20 more damage.

[R][R][C] Flame Burst 70
Discard a [R] Energy attached to Salamence.

[C][C][C][C] Outrage 70
For each damage counter on Salamence, flip a coin. For each heads, this attack does 20 more damage. If Salamence does 110 or more damage this way, Salamence is now Confused.

Weakness - [C] +30
Resistance - [F] -20
Retreat Cost- [C][C][C]

Snorlax G Lv. 43 100 HP [C]
Basic Pokemon (SP)

Poke-Body: REM Sleep
If Snorlax G is Asleep, Snorlax G's attacks do 10 more damage to the Defending Pokemon.

[C] Deeper Sleep 10
Remove 2 damage counters from Snorlax G. Snorlax G is now Asleep. (This attack can be used even if Snorlax G is Asleep.)

[C][C][C] Snore 50
This attack can only be used while Snorlax G is Asleep.

Weakness - [F] x2
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C][C][C][C]


Dustox Lv. 45 120 HP [P]
Stage 2 - Evolves from Cascoon

Poke-Power: Insect Impulse
Once during your turn (before you attack), if Dustox is your active Pokemon, you may change Dustox's type from [P] to [G]. If you do, search your deck for a [G] Energy card and attach it to Dustox. You can't use this Power if Dustox is affected by a special condition.

[P] Toxic Wing Scales
Put a Toxic Wing Scales marker on the Defending Pokemon, and each of your opponent's Pokemon that have the same name as the Defending Pokemon. Whenever a Pokemon with a Toxic Wing Scales marker is an active Pokemon, that Pokemon is now Poisoned. Put 2 damage counters on the poisoned Pokemon instead of 1 in between turns.

[G][G][G][C] Silver Powder
This attack does 20 damage to all of your opponent's Pokemon that aren't [G] or [P] type. During your opponent's next turn, all Pokemon that were damaged by this attack can't use any Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies.

Weakness - [R] +30
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [-]

Meowth R 60HP [D]
Basic Pokemon [SP]

[.] Funds
Draw 1 card. If you have less cards in your hand then your opponent, draw 3 more cards.

[D][D] Dark Claw 50
Discard cards from your opponents hand until both players have the same amount of cards in their hand.

W - [F]x2
R - [P]-20
RC - [.]

Parasect Lv.39 HP100 [G]
Stage 1 - Evolves from Paras

Poke-Power: Absorb Toxin
Once per turn, (before you attack) you may use this Poke-Power. Remove a special condition from one of your opponents Pokemon, then remove 6 damage counters from Parasect.

[G][G] Deep Poison Shock:: 30
The defending Pokemon is now poisoned. Your opponent cannot remove special conditions by evolving, devolving, leveling up, or by the effect of a card his Pokemon during your opponents next turn.

Weakness: [R]+20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Pikachu C

Raticate Lv.26 80 HP [C]
Stage 1 - Evolves from Ratatta

[C] Concealed Fang 50-
This attack does 50 damage minus 10 more damage for each energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon.

[C][C] Hyper Fang 30+
If the Defending Pokemon evolved during your opponent's last turn, this attack does 30 damage plus 50 more damage.

Weakness: [F] +20
Resistance: --
Retreat Cost: [C]

Staraptor Lv.54 130 HP [C]
Stage 2 (Evolves from Staravia)

Poke-Body: Store Power
If Staraptor had the energy requirement to use one of its attacks but didn't use that attack, double the damage done by that attack until after you use that attack. If Staraptor wasn't your active Pokemon during your last turn, ignore this effect.

[C][C] Swift Dive 20+
Flip a coin for each Pokemon on both player's bench. This attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each heads.

[C][C][C] Sky Bomber 100
Staraptor does 30 damage to itself. Flip a coin. If Tails, Staraptor does an additional 10 damage to itself.

Weakness: [L] +30
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreat Cost:

Weezing R Lv. 45 80 HP [P]
Basic Pokemon (SP)

Poke-Power: Volatile Burst
Once during your turn (before you attack), if Weezing R is your Active Pokemon, you may put damage counters on Weezing R until it is Knocked Out. Then, put that many damage counters on one of your opponent's Pokemon. You can only use this power if Weezing R has at least 1 [P] Energy attached to it.

[P][C] Noxious Fumes
If the Defending Pokemon isn't affected by a Special Condition, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. If the Defending Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. If the Defending Pokemon is affected by 2 Special Conditions, the Defending Pokemon is now Burned.

[P][P][C] Photochemical Gas 20x
This attack does 20 damage for each Special Condition on Weezing R and the Defending Pokemon. If either Weezing R or the Defending Pokemon isn't affected by a Special Condition, Weezing and the defending Pokemon are now Poisoned. Put 2 damage counters instead of 1 on that Pokemon between turns.

Weakness - [P] x2
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C][C]

Wobbuffet R Lv. 55 100 HP [P]
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Body : Counter Coat
If Wobbuffet R would be effected by the effect of an attack, Poké-Power, Poké-Body, Trainer or Supporter card, you may discard a card from your hand. If you do, apply the effect to the Defending Pokémon instead of Wobbuffet R.

[P][D][C] Psychic Force 70
Discard an energy attached to Wobbuffet R.

W - [P] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C][C][C]


Cascoon Lv. 21 70 HP [G]
Stage 1 - Evolves from Wurmple

Poke-Body: Endurance
If Cascoon has no damage counters on it, prevent Cascoon from being Knocked Out by an opponent's attack.

[G][C] Poison Silk
The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned, and can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

Weakness - [R] +20
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C]

Charmeleon Lv.26 HP70 [R]

Stage 1-evolves from Charmander

Poke Body: Learned Skill
This Pokemon can use any moves, Poke-Powers, or Poke-Bodies of the card under it.

[R][R][C] Flame Smash 30+
You may discard a Fire energy attached to Charmeleon. If you do, this attack does 30 more damage.

Weakness: [W]+20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Golduck Lv.37 Hp90 [P]
Stage 1 - Evolves from Psyduck

Poke-Power: Psychic Wave
Once per turn, before you attack, you may put 1 damage counter on each of your opponents Pokemon that has a Water or Psychic Energy attached to it. You cannot use this poke-power if Golduck is affected by a special condition.

[P][W][C] Hyper Beam 60
Flip a coin. If heads, discard one Energy Card attached to the defending Pokemon.

Weakness:Lightning +20
Retreat cost:

Gloom Lv.23 80 HP [G]
Stage 1 - Evolves from Oddish

[.] Bad Smell
The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. You may discard up to 2 energy cards attached to Gloom. If you discard 1 energy card, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned and Confused. If you discard 2 energy cards attached to Gloom, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned, Confused, and Burned.

[G] Razor Leaf 20

Weakness: [R] +20
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Kingdra GL Lv.40 HP110 [C]
Basic Pokemon - SP

Poke-Power: Swift Swim.
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may change Kingdra's type to [W]. You can't use this Power if Kingdra is affected by a special condition.

[W] Dragon Wave 30
Filp a coin. If tails, discard an energy card from Kingdra GL

[W][C] Dragon Burst 50x
Discard as many Water Energy cards as you wish from Kingdra GL. This attack does 50 damage times the amount of Water Energy cards discarded.

Weakness: [L]x2
Retreat: [C][C][C]

Metang Lv.27 70 HP [M]
Stage 1 - Evolves from Beldum

[M][C] Iron Strike 20x
Search your deck for as many Beldum as you like and discard them. This attack does 20 damage times the number of cards discarded. Shuffle your deck if you searched your deck.

[M[M][C] Double Claw 40x
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads.

Weakness: [R] +20
Resistance: [P] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C][C]

Mothim Lv.31 80 HP [G]
Stage 1 (Evolves from Burmy)

Poke-Power: Glittering Wings
When any of your [G] Pokemon retreat, draw a card. You cannot use more than 1 "Glittering Wings" Poke-Power per turn.

[G] Strange Powder 30
If Burmy Plant Cloak is under Mothim, search your deck for an energy card and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. If Burmy Sandy Cloak is under Mothim, place 1 damage counter on all non-[F] Pokemon in play. If Burmy Trash Cloak is under Mothim, search your discard pile for a Pokemon Tool and attach it to Mothim.

Weakness: [R] +20
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreat Cost:

Shelgon Lv. 37 80 HP [C]
Stage 1 - Evolves from Bagon

[C][C] Iron Shell 20
During your next turn and your opponent's next turn, all damage done to Shelgon is reduced by 30.

[C][C][C] Dragon Charge 40+
You may do 40 damage plus 30 more damage. If you do, Shelgon does 30 damage to itself.

Weakness - [C] +20
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C][C]

Starmie GL Lv. 30 80 HP [P]
Basic Pokémon - SP

Poké-Body : Energy Reaction
As long as Starmie GL has 3 [W] or [P] energies in any combination attached to it, prevent all effects of attack (excluding damage), Poké-Power or Poké-Body done to Starmie GL.

[W][C] Spin Turn 30
You may switch Starmie GL with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

[P][C] Energy Accelerate 10x
This attack does 10 damage times the number of energies attached to both Starmie GL and the Defending Pokémon.

W - [L] x2
R - [-]
RC - [-]

Staravia Lv.25 70 HP [C]
Stage 1 (Evolves from Starly)

Poke-Body: Intimidate
Damage done to Staravia by your opponent's Basic Pokemon is reduced by 10 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).

[C][C] Aerial Ace
Choose one of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon. Damage done by this attack isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects on any of your opponent's Pokemon.

Weakness: [L] +20
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Steelix Lv.43 100 HP [M]
Stage 1 (Evolves from Onix)

[M] Iron Tail 60
Discard an energy card attached to Steelix. If the Defending Pokemon has a [M] Weakness, change that Weakness to [M] x2 until the end of the turn.

[M][M][M] Metal Charge 50+
You may search your discard pile for up to 2 [M] energy cards and attach them to Steelix. This attack does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each [M] energy card attached in this way.

Weakness: [F] +20
Resistance: [L] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C][C][C]

Tyranitar C Lv. 67 100 HP [F]
Basic Pokemon (SP)

Poke-Body: Raging Sands
Whenever Tyranitar C attacks the Defending Pokemon, flip a coin for each [F] Energy attached to Tyranitar C. For each heads, Tyranitar C's attacks do 10 more damage to the Defending Pokemon.

[F][C] Earth Breaker 20
Discard 1 card from your hand and your opponent's hand.

[F][F][F][C][C] Hyper Crush 110
Tyranitar C can't use Hyper Crush during your next turn. During your opponent's next turn, all damage done to Tyranitar C is increased by 30.

Weakness - [W] x2
Resistance - [-]
Retreat cost: [C][C][C]

Venusaur C Lv. 62 110 HP [G]
Basic Pokemon - SP

Poke-Power: Luring Aroma
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may have your opponent switch his or her active Pokemon with one of his or her Benched Pokemon SP. This Power can't be used if Venusaur C is affected by a Special Condition.

[G][C] Nature Power 20+
If the Defending Pokemon is [R] or [L] type, the Defending Pokemon is now Burned. If the Defending Pokemon is [G] or [C] type, the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. If the Defending Pokemon is [P] or [D] type, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned.
If the Defending Pokemon isn't any of these types, this attack does 20 damage plus 30 more damage.

[G][G][G][G] Seed Bomb 50
This attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon or 10 damage to 3 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon.

Weakness - [R] x2
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C][C][C]


Bagon Lv. 17 50 HP [C]
Basic Pokemon

[.] Bite 10

[R] Ember
The Defending Pokemon is now Burned.

Weakness - [C] +10
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [-]

Beldum Lv.10 50 HP [M]
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Power: Genetic Fusion
Once during your turn (before your attack), if you have 3 other Beldum in play with the "Genetic Fusion" Poke-Power, you may shuffle them into your deck. Then, search your deck for a Metagross and play it on top of the remaining Beldum (this counts as evolving Beldum). Shuffle your deck afterward.

[M] Metal Charge 30
Discard 1 energy card attached to Beldum.

Weakness: [R] +10
Resistance: [P] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C]

Burmy Plant Cloak Lv.6 40 HP [G]

[.] Ram 10

[C] Cloak Attack 20
Before applying damage, you may change Burmy Plant Cloak's type to the type of a Basic Energy Card attached to Burmy Plant Cloak until the end of the turn.

Weakness: [R] +10
Retreat Cost: [C]

Charmander Lv. 12 HP40 [R]
Basic Pokemon

[.] Scrape
Flip a coin. If heads, discard one energy attached to the defending Pokemon.

[R] Burning claw 30
Discard a fire energy attached to Charmander.

Weakness: [W]+10
Retreat Cost: [C]

Empoleon G Lv.48 90 HP [W]
Basic (SP)

Poke-Body: Protection
All of your benched Pokemon, besides non-Pokemon-SP, cannot be damaged by your opponent's attacks.

[W][C] Swirling Current 20
Choose an Energy Card from your opponent's hand and attach it to the Defending Pokemon. Then, discard an Energy Card attached to the Defending Pokemon.

[M][C][C] Iron Claw 40+
Flip a coin for each Special Energy Card in your opponent's discard pile. This attack does 40 damage plus 10 more damage for each Heads.

Weakness: [L] x2
Resistance: [P] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C]

Hariyama GL Lv. 42 100 HP [F]
Basic Pokémon SP

Poké-Item: Black Belt
Any damage done by Hariyama GL is not effected by your opponent's Poké-Powers, Poké-Bodies, or Resistance.

[F][C][C] High Throw 80-
This attack does 80 damage minus 20 more damage for each special energy card attached to Hariyama GL.

W - [P] x2
R - [-]
RC - [C][C]

Infernape G Lv. 49 80 HP [R]
Basic Pokemon (SP)

Poke-Body: Burning Up
The Defending Pokemon can't remove the Special Condition Burned by Evolving or Devolving. As long as the Defending Pokemon is Burned, it can't use any Poke-Bodies.

[R][C] Burn Shot 10
If the Defending Pokemon is a Basic Pokemon or has any damage counters on it, the Defending Pokemon is now Burned.

[R][R][C] Ultra Flame
Choose 1 of your opponent's Evolved Pokemon. This attack does 50 damage if that Pokemon is a Stage 1 Evolved Pokemon, and 60 damage if that Pokemon is a Stage 2 Evolved Pokemon. If the Pokemon you chose was a Pokemon Lv. X, this attack does 70 damage to that Pokemon instead.

Weakness - [W] x2
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C]

Nintales GL Lv. 46 Hp: 80 [F]

Poke-Power: Brilliant Strategy
Once per turn, before you attack, if Nintales GL is burned, you may attach a [R] Energy card from your hand onto one of your Pokemon. If you do, remove the special condition burned from Ninetales GL. You can't use this Power if Ninetales GL is affected by a special condition.

[R] Mystic Flames 40
Flip a coin. If heads, Ninetales GL is burned. If tails this attack does 10 damage to each of your pokemon(Including Ninetales GL).

[R][R][C] Rushing Torch 60
If Nintales Gl is burned, any damage done to it is reduced by 30. The defending Pokemon is now burned.

Weakness: [W]x2
Retreat cost:

Oddish Lv.11 50 HP [G]

[.] Sprout
Search your deck for up to 2 basic [G] Pokemon and put them on your bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. Oddish is now Asleep.

[G] Miracle Powder 10
You may flip a coin. If Heads, choose any Special Condition. The Defending Pokemon is now affected by that Special Condition. If Tails, your opponent removes 2 damage counters from the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: [R] +10
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Onix Lv.26 70 HP [F]

[.] Tunneling
This attack does 10 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. Onix cannot use Tunneling during your next turn.

[F][C] Rock Toss 20
If the Defending Pokemon has a [F] Resistance, this attack's base damage is 60.

Weakness: [G] +10
Resistance: [L] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C][C]

Paras Lv. 19 50HP [G]
Basic Pokemon

[.] Spread Spores
Search your deck for a Pokemon named Paras or Parasect and put it into your hand. If you searched for a Paras, you may put it onto your Bench instead.

[G][G] Sleep Inducer 10
You may switch the Defending Pokemon with one of your opponent's benched Pokemon (before doing damage). The Defending Pokemon is now asleep.

Weakness: [R]+20
Retreat: [C]

Pikachu Lv.26 50 HP [L]

[L] Strange Pulse 10
You may discard an energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. If you do, discard 1 energy card attached to Pikachu.

[C][C] Slam 30

Weakness: [F] +10
Resistance: [M] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Pinsir Lv. 34 80HP [G]
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Body: Hyper Cutter
If Pinsir was damaged during your opponent's last turn, each of Pinsir's attacks does 10 more damage to the defending Pokemon until the end of your turn.

[F][F] Seismic Toss 40
This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects on the defending pokemon.

[F][G][C] Vicegrip 50
The defending pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

Weakness: [R]+20
Retreat: [C][C]

Probopass GL Lv.38 80 HP [M]
Basic Pokemon - (SP)

Poke-Body: Magnet Pull
Each of your opponent's [M] Pokemon cannot retreat. If the Defending Pokemon has the "Magnet Pull" Poke-Body, ignore this effect.

[F][M][C][C] Ironquake 100
Discard two [M] energy card from one of your [M] Pokemon in play.

Weakness: [W] x2
Resistance: [L] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C]

Psyduck Lv.15 Hp50 [W]
Basic Pokemon

[.] Blank Stare
Choose one random card in your opponents hand and look at it.

[P] Confusion 10 damage
Flip a coin. If heads, the defending Pokemon is now confused.

Weakness: [L]+10
Retreat cost: [C]

Ratatta Lv.9 50 HP [C]

[C] Scout
Look at the top card of your opponent's deck. Then, look at your opponent's hand and discard 1 card there.

[C][C] Counterfang 10+
This attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Ratatta. You may flip a coin. If heads, this attack's base damage is doubled (after the coin flip). If Tails, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: [F] +10
Resistance: --
Retreat Cost: [C]

Starly Lv.12 50 HP [C]

[.] Agitate
Flip a coin. If Heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused.

[C] Flock Attack 40
Unless you have 3 Starly on your bench, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: [L] +10
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Torterra G Lv.56 100 HP [G]
Basic (SP)

Poke-Body: Trip Up
When any player's Pokemon (besides Pokemon-SP) tries to retreat, flip a coin. If Heads, that Pokemon cannot retreat and place 2 damage counters on that Pokemon.

[G][C] Grass Knot 20+
This attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage for each [C] on the Defending Pokemon's Retreat Cost. If the Defending Pokemon was affected by 'Trip Up' during your opponent's last turn, this attack does 20 more damage.

[F][G][C][C] Hyperquake 70
Flip 2 coins. Place 1 damage counter on each player's Benched Pokemon for each Heads.

Weakness: [R] x2
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat Coist: [C][C][C]

Wurmple Lv. 8 40 HP [G]
Basic Pokemon

[G] Larva Swarm 10x
Search your deck for as many Caterpie, Weedle and Wurmple as you can and put them on your Bench. This attack does 10 damage for each Pokemon put on your Bench in this way.

Weakness - [R] +10
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C]


Dawn's Rally - Supporter

*Supporter Rule*

Choose 1 of your Pokemon in play. Search your deck for another copy of that Pokemon, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwords.

Misty's Assistance
Brock's Power

Giovanni's Bounty - Supporter


Search your deck for a SP Pokemon, a basic Energy card, and a Trainer card. Then place them on the top of your deck in any order. Shuffle your deck before placing the cards on top of your deck.

Nurse Joy's Attention [Supporter]

*Supporter Rule*

Discard up to 5 cards from your hand. Remove 2 damage counters from 1 of your Pokémon for each card discarded in this way. You can't remove more than 4 damage counters from each Pokémon.

Extreme Rares:

Jirachi (Shiny) HP80 [M]
Basic Pokemon

Poke Power: Wish Making
Once during your turn, you may flip a coin. If heads, either attach an energy card to one of your Pokemon, draw 2 cards, or increase the amount of damage done to your opponent's Pokemon by 20 during your next turn. This power can't be used if Jirachi is affected by a Special Condition. You can't use more than one Wish Making during your turn. You can only use Wish Making every other turn.

[M] Power Guard 10
During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to any of your Pokemon is reduced by 20.

[M][P][C] Third Eye 200
If you didn't use Wish Making this turn, this attack does nothing. Discard all energy attached to Jirachi. Jirachi does 20 damage to itself.

Weakness: [R]x2
Resistance: [P]-20
Retreat cost: [C]

Pikachu C Lv.X 100HP
Level up from Pikachu C - SP

Poke Power: Intense Charge
Once during your turn (before your attack) you may attach a Lightning energy from your hand on to Pikachu C Lv.X. This power can't be used if Pikachu is affected by a Special Condition.

[C] Recharge
Count the number of Lightning Energy in the discard pile. Remove damage counters from your Pokemon in any way you like for each energy in the discard pile. Then, shuffle those Energy back into your deck.. If you do, Pikachu C Lv.X can't attack during your next turn.

[L][L][L] Ultimate Shock 50
Count the number of Lightning Energy attached to Pikachu C Lv.X. This attack does 10 more damage for each Lightning Energy attached to Pikachu C Lv.X. If this attack does more than 100 damage, then discard all energy attached to Pikachu. If you do, Pikachu does 20 damage to itself.

Weakness: [F]x2
Resistance: [M]-20

Meowth R Lv.X 100HP [D]
Level Up from Meowth R - SP

Poke Power: Robbery
Once during your turn (before your attack) you may flip a coin. If heads, look at your opponent's hand and choose one Trainer or Supporter you find there. Use the effect of that Trainer or Supporter. This power can't be used if Meowth R is affected by a Special Condition.

[D] Balloon Burst
This attack does 10 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon. If Meowth R has 3 or more energy attached to it, this attack does 30 damage to each of your opponent's Pokemon instead.

[D][D] Blast Off 100
If the Defending Pokemon is not Knocked Out by the base damage of this attack, then discard all cards attached to Meowth R, and Meowth R goes to the discard pile (this doesn't count as a Knocked Out Pokemon.)

Weakness: [F]x2
Retreat: [C]

This is my new fake set. I need spoiler makers, as well someone with a knowledge of graphic design to make the actual cards of the set.

Prerelease promo:
And for a limited time only, you can get this card at a prerelease, not available anywhere else:
Snorlax G Lv. 43 100 HP [C]
Basic Pokemon (SP)

Poke-Body: REM Sleep
If Snorlax G is Asleep, Snorlax G's attacks do 10 more damage to the Defending Pokemon.

[C] Deeper Sleep 10
Remove 2 damage counters from Snorlax G. Snorlax G is now Asleep. (This attack can be used even if Snorlax G is Asleep.)

[C][C][C] Snore 50
This attack can only be used while Snorlax G is Asleep.

Weakness - [F] x2
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C][C][C][C]
May I do spoilers. =3

Here's one if I can,

Jirachi (Shiny) 80 HP {M}

Whenever this pokemon is knocked out your opponent draws two prizes instead of one.

Poke-Power: Wish

Once during your turn (Before your attack) you may attach as many energy cards as you like from your hand onto your Pokemon in any order you like. If you use this Power put 8 damage counters on Jirachi.

{.} Defense Wish

During your opponents turn any damage done to Jirachi is reduced by 30 (Before weakness and resistance is applied).

{.} Attack Wish

During your next turn any damage done by any of your pokemon is raised by 30.

{M}{P} Metallic Pulse 40

If Jirachi used Defense Wish on your last turn this attacks base damage is 70.

W- {F} +30
R {C} -30

A bit over-powered I know, but read the rule.
You might want to change the name of Brock's Training.
It could cause confusion with the existing card Brock's Training Method.

I'll do spoilers if I may, but not of the SP pokemon.
apophys said:
You might want to change the name of Brock's Training.
It could cause confusion with the existing card Brock's Training Method.

I'll do spoilers if I may, but not of the SP pokemon.

Okay, you may do some.

SOTS, I don't like the prize rule. I'll let someone else do Jirachi.
Tyrantitar C Lv. 67 100 HP [F]
Basic Pokemon (SP)

Poke-Body: Raging Sands
Whenever Tyranitar C attacks the Defending Pokemon, flip a coin for each [F] Energy attached to Tyranitar C. For each heads, Tyranitar C's attacks do 10 more damage to the Defending Pokemon.

[F][C] Earth Breaker 20
Discard 1 card from your hand and your opponent's hand.

[F][F][F][C][C] Hyper Crush 110
Tyranitar C can't use Hyper Crush during your next turn. During your opponent's next turn, all damage done to Tyranitar C is increased by 30.

Weakness - [W] x2
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C][C][C]
Meowth R 60HP
{D}-type Basic Pokemon

{.} Funds
Draw 1 card. If you have less cards in your hand then your opponent, draw 3 more cards.

{D}{D} Dark Claw 50
Discard cards from your opponents hand until both players have the same amount of cards in their hand.

W - {F}x2
R - {P}-20
RC - {-}

Meowth R Lv.X 90HP
Poke-Power: Rocket's Attack
Once during your turn, you may place one damage counter on each players Pokemon that have C in their name.

{C}{C}{C} Miraculous Win
Flip 9 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. Meowth does 10 damage to itself times the number of tails.

W - {F}x2
R - {P}-20
RC - {-}
Bippa201 said:
Meowth R 60HP
{D}-type Basic Pokemon

{.} Funds
Draw 1 card. If you have less cards in your hand then your opponent, draw 3 more cards.

{D}{D} Dark Claw 50
Discard cards from your opponents hand until both players have the same amount of cards in their hand.

W - {F}x2
R - {P}-20
RC - {-}

Meowth R Lv.X 90HP
Poke-Power: Rocket's Attack
Once during your turn, you may place one damage counter on each players Pokemon that have C in their name.

{C}{C}{C} Miraculous Win
Flip 9 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. Meowth does 10 damage to itself times the number of tails.

W - {F}x2
R - {P}-20
RC - {-}

I like Meowth R, but I do not like the Lv.X. The Poke-Power seems a bit too conditional, and the attack is horrible. I'll take Meowth R, though.
Weezing R Lv. 45 80 HP [P]
Basic Pokemon (SP)

Poke-Power: Volatile Burst
Once during your turn (before you attack), if Weezing R is your Active Pokemon, you may put damage counters on Weezing R until it is Knocked Out. Then, put that many damage counters on one of your opponent's Pokemon. You can only use this power if Weezing R has at least 1 [P] Energy attached to it.

[P][C] Noxious Fumes
If the Defending Pokemon isn't affected by a Special Condition, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. If the Defending Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition, the Defending Pokemon is now Confused. If the Defending Pokemon is affected by 2 Special Conditions, the Defending Pokemon is now Burned.

[P][P][C] Photochemical Gas 20x
This attack does 20 damage for each Special Condition on Weezing R and the Defending Pokemon. If either Weezing R or the Defending Pokemon isn't affected by a Special Condition, that Pokemon is now Poisoned. Put 2 damage counters instead of 1 on that Pokemon between turns.

Weakness - [P] x2
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C][C]
Jirachi (Shiny) HP: 80

Poke Power: Wish Making
Once during your turn, you may flip a coin. If heads, choose either attach an energy card to one of your Pokemon, draw 2 cards, or increase the amount of damage done to your opponent's Pokemon by 20 during your next turn. Then, you do what you chose from Wish Making. This power can't be used if Jirachi is affected by a Special Condition. You can't use more than one Wish Making during your turn. You can only use Wish Making every other turn.

{M}Power Guard.....10
During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to your Pokemon is reduced by 20.

{M}{P}{C}Third Eye...200
If you didn't use Wish Making this turn, this attack does nothing. Discard all energy attached to Jirachi. Jirachi does 10 damage to itself.

It may be a bit overpowered, but check it out.
Can I make some spoilers?

I already have the first one:

{G} Parasect Lv.39--HP:100{G}

{Pokepower}::Absorb Toxin
Once per turn, (before you attack) you may use this Pokepower. Remove a special condition from one of your opponents pokemon, then remove 6 damage counters from Parasect.

{G}{G} Deep Poison Shock:: 30
The defending Pokemon is now poisoned. Your opponent cannot remove special conditions by evolving or retreating his Pokemon during your opponents next turn.

Weakness: {R}+20


Retreat Cost:{C}
Pinsir (lv 34) 80 HP {G}
Basic Pokemon

Poke-Body: Hyper Cutter
If Pinsir was damaged during your opponent's last turn, each of Pinsir's attacks does 10 more damage to the defending pokemon.

{F}{F} Seismic Toss 40
This attack's base damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, or any other effects on the defending pokemon.

{F}{G}{C} Vicegrip 50
The defending pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

Weakness: {R}+20 Resistance: [.] Retreat: {C}{C}
I would like to make some.
I haz brought my originalityz.

Bellossom Lv.38 110 HP [G]
Stage 2 (Evolves from Gloom)

Poke-Body: Flower Link
If you have another Bellossom in play with the "Flower Link" Poke-Body, each of your [G] Pokemon can use the attacks of all of your [G] Pokemon in play.

[G][G][C] Solarbeam 90
Unless you have at least 4 [G] Pokemon on your bench, either discard 2 Energy Cards attached to Bellossom or Bellossom cannot use Solarbeam during your next turn.

Weakness: [R] +30
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Gloom Lv.23 80 HP [G]
Stage 1 (Evolves from Oddish)

[.] Bad Smell
The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. You may discard up to 2 energy cards attached to Gloom. If you discard 1 energy card, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned and Confused. If you discard 2 energy cards attached to Gloom, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned, Confused, and Burned.

[G] Razor Leaf 20

Weakness: [R] +20
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]

Oddish Lv.11 50 HP [G]

[.] Sprout
Shuffle one of your Pokemon and all cards attached to it into your deck. Search your deck for up to 2 [G] Pokemon and put them on your bench. Shuffle your deck afterward. Oddish is now Asleep.

[G] Miracle Powder 10
You may flip a coin. If Heads, choose any Special Condition. The Defending Pokemon is now affected by that Special Condition. If Tails, your opponent removes 2 damage counters from the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: [R] +10
Resistance: [W] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]

EDIT: Why no Crobat, Pokechamp? I thought you pledged your allegiance to Lord of the Bats. lol
Paras (lv 19) 50 HP {G}
Basic Pokemon

[.] Spread Spores
Search your deck for a pokemon named Paras or Parasect and put it into your hand. If you searched for a Paras, you may put it onto your Bench instead.

{G}{G} Sleep Inducer 10
You may switch the Defending Pokemon with one of your opponent's benched Pokemon (before doing damage). The Defending Pokemon is now asleep.

Weakness: {R}+20 Resistance: [.] Retreat: {C}

Joe, you need to reword Parasect's attack. Benched pokemon cannot be affected by Special Conditions.
I'd like to reserve the Salamence line.

Salamence Lv. 71 140 HP [C]
Stage 2 - Evolves from Shelgon

[C][C] Aero Crash 30+
If the Defending Pokemon has more than 3 Energy cards attached to it, discard 1 of those Energy cards, and this attack does 20 more damage.

[R][R][C] Flame Burst 70
Discard a [R] Energy attached to Salamence.

[C][C][C][C] Outrage 70
For each damage counter on Salamence, flip a coin. For each heads, this attack does 20 more damage. If Salamence does 110 or more damage this way, Salamence is now Confused.

Weakness - [C] +30
Resistance - [F] -20
Retreat Cost- [C][C][C]

We should have a hunger strike until PokeChamp throws a Crobat into this set.
Oh boy, I love strikes!

Metagross Lv. 55 130 HP [M]
Stage 2 (Evolves from Metang)

[P] Gravity
Place a Gravity Marker on a Stadium card in play. As long as a Gravity Marker is in play, each player's Pokemon need to pay [C] more to retreat and have no Resistance. If the Stadium card that a Gravity Marker is on is discarded, discard the Gravity Marker. You cannot have more than 1 Gravity Marker on a Stadium card.

[M] Bullet Punch 30+
If a Pokemon evolved into Metagross this turn, this attack does 30 damage plus 50 more damage.

Weakness: [R] +30
Resistance: [P] -20
Retreat Cost: 4

Metang Lv.27 70 HP [M]
Stage 1 (Evolves from Beldum)

[M][C] Iron Stike 20x
Search your deck for as many Beldum as you like and discard them. This attack does 20 damage times the number of cards discarded.

[M[M][C] Double Claw 50x
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads.

Weakness: [R] +20
Resistance: [P] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C][C]

Beldum Lv.10 50 HP [M]

Poke-Power: Genetic Fusion
Once during your turn(before your attack), if you have 3 other Beldum in play with the "Genetic Fusion" Poke-Power, you may shuffle them into your deck. Then, search your deck for a Metagross and play it on top of the remaining Beldum (this counts as evolving Beldum). Shuffle your deck afterward.

[M] Metal Charge 30
Discard 1 energy card attached to Beldum.

Weakness: [R] +10
Resistance: [P] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C]

And it only took 15 minutes to type this up on my DSi!
Bagon Lv. 17 50 HP [C]
Basic Pokemon

[-] Bite 10

[R] Ember
The Defending Pokemon is now Burned.

Weakness - [C] +10
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [-]

Bah, you children and your DSi. Back in my day, DS Lite was where it was at.
Jirachi Lv. 35 70 HP [P]
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Power : Nightly Wish
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may ask your opponent's to choose either a Trainer Card, Supporter Card or a Pokémon Card. Search your deck for that card. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Nightly Wish Poké-Power each turn. You can't use this power if Jirachi is effected by a Special Condition.

[.] Star Help
Search your discard pile for a Trainer card and use it's effect as the effect of this attack. Send that card in the Lost Zone afterward.

[P][M] Metallic Force 50

W - [R] +20
R - [P] -20
RC - [C]