DPt: Rise of Champions! Spoiler makers are wanted, as well as a graphic artist!

I wanna do a spolier for: Ninetales Gl

Nintales GL Lv. 46 Hp: 80 [F]

Poke-Power: If Nintales GL is burned, you may attach as many [F] energies as you like from your hand to any of your pokemon. If you do, remove the special condition burned from Ninetales GL.

[F] Mystic Flames 20
Flip a coin if heads, Ninetales GL is burned. If tails this attack does 10 damage to each of your pokemon(Including Ninetales GL).

[F][F][C] Rushing Torch 60
If Nintales Gl is burned, any damage done to it is reduced by 30. The defending pokemon is now burned.

This card should be holo.

And I know, it is Extremely broken.
Starmie GL Lv. 30 80 HP [P]
Basic Pokémon

Poké-Body : Energy Reaction
As long as Starmie GL has 3 [W] or [P] energies in any combination, attached to it, prevent all effect of attack, Poké-Power or Poké-Body done to Starmie GL.

[W][C] Spin Turn 30
You may switch Starmie GL with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

[P][C] Energy Accelerate 10x
This attack does 10 damage times the number of energies attached to both Starmie GL and the Defending Pokémon.

W - [L] x2
R - [-]
RC - [-]
Shelgon Lv. 37 80 HP [C]
Stage 1 - Evolves from Bagon

[C][C] Iron Shell 20
During your next turn and your opponent's next turn, all damage done to Shelgon is reduced by 30.

[C][C][C] Dragon Charge 40+
You may do 40 damage plus 30 more damage. If you do, Shelgon does 30 damage to itself.

Weakness - [C] +20
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C][C]
I wanna reserve the Charizard Line!!!!!

{R} Charizard Lv.42--110 HP{R}

Stage 2-evolves from Charmeleon

{Poke-Body}::Flame change
When you attach a {R} energy to Charizard, all energies attached to Charizard become fire energies until the end of the turn.

{R}{C}::Flame Toss-20 damage
You may discard as many {R} energies as you want from Charizard. This attack does 10 more damage for each energy that you discarded this way.

{R}{R}{R}{R}::Inferno Burst-110 damage
The defending Pokemon is now burned. If the defending pokemon was knocked out by this attack, discard 2 energy attached to Charizard.

Weakness: {R} +30


Retreat Cost: {C}{C}
Venusaur C Lv. 62 110 HP [G]
Basic Pokemon (SP)

Poke-Power: Luring Aroma
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may have your opponent switch his or her Active Pokemon with one of his or her Benched Pokemon SP. This Power can't be used if Venusaur C is affected by a Special Condition.

[G][C] Nature Power 20+
If the Defending Pokemon is [R] or [L] type, the Defending Pokemon is now Burned. If the Defending Pokemon is [G] or [C] type, the Defending Pokemon is now Asleep. If the Defending Pokemon is [P] or [D] type, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned.
If the Defeding Pokemon isn't any of these types, this attack does 20 damage plus 30 more damage.

[G][G][G][G] Seed Bomb 50
This atack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon or 10 damage to 3 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon.

Weakness - [R] x2
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C][C][C]

Infernape Lv. 49 80 HP [R]
Basic Pokemon (SP)

Poke-Body: Burning Up
The Defending Pokemon can't remove the Special Condition Burned by Evolving or Devolving. As long as the Defending Pokemon is Burned, it can't use any Poke-Bodies.

[R][C] Burn Shot 10
If the Defending Pokemon is a Basic Pokemon or has any damage counters on it, the Defending Pokemon is now Burned.

[R][R][C] Ultra Flame
Choose 1 of your opponent's Evolved Pokemon. This attack does 50 damage if that Pokemon is a Stage 1 Evolved Pokemon, and 60 damage if that Pokemon is a Stage 2 Evolved Pokemon. If the Pokemon you chose was Lv. X, this attack does 70 damage to that Pokemon.

Weakness - [W] x2
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [C]
Raichu Lv.49 90 HP [L]
Stage 1 (Evolves from Pikachu)

[L] Recharge
If Raichu used Discharge during your last turn, search your discard pile for up to 2 [L] energy cards and attach them to Raichu.

[L][L][L] Discharge 60
Flip 2 coins. If at least 1 is Heads, the Defending Pokemon is now Paralyzed. Discard all energy cards attached to Raichu.

Weakness: [F] +20
Resistance: [M] -20
Retreat Cost: 0

Pikachu Lv.26 50 HP [L]

[L] Strange Pulse 10
You may discard an energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon. If you do, discard 1 energy card attached to Pikachu.

[C][C] Slam 30

Weakness: [F] +10
Resistance: [M] -20
Retreat Cost: [C]
^Who needs DSi, back in my day, we tore up the orange asphalt with our DS Lites.

I call Dustox line!

Dustox Lv. 45 120 HP [P]
Stage 2 - Evolves from Cascoon

Poke-Power: Insect Impulse
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may change Dustox's type from [P] to [G]. If you do, search your deck for a [G] Energy card and attach it to Dustox.

[P] Toxic Wing Scales
Put a Toxic Wing Scales marker on the Defending Pokemon, and each of your opponent's Pokemon that have the same name as the Defending Pokemon. Whenever a Pokemon with a Toxic Wing Scales marker comes into play, that Pokemon is now Poisoned, and put 2 damage counters instead of 1 on that Pokemon between turns.

[G][G][G][C] Silver Powder
This attack does 20 damage to all of your opponent's Pokemon that aren't [G] or [P] type. During your opponent's next turn, all Pokemon that were damaged by this attack can't use any Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies.

Weakness - [R] +30
Resistance - [-]
Retreat Cost - [-]
I hope that you like my Kingdra GL
Kingdra GL (Misty's or Clare's Kingdra)

Name: Kingdra GL
Type: Normal (AKA: Dragon)
HP: 120

Poke-Power: Swift Swim.
Once during your turn (before you attack). You may change Kingdra's type to {W}.

{W}{C} Dragon Wave 40
Filp a coin. If tails, discard an energy card from Kingdra GL

{W}{R} Dragon Burst 50x
Discard either all {W} Energy or all {R} Energy attached to Kingdra GL. This attack dose 50 damage times the amount of {W} or {R} Energy dicarded.

Weakness: {L}
Retreat: {C}{C}{C}
Pokefan4000 said:
I would like to reserve the Raticate and Staraptor line.

There yours.

Arcterra, you may do the Dustox line.

Light Venusaur, I like it, but it requires some editing. You don't mind if I make it more Metagamish, do you?
PokeChamp said:
Pokefan4000 said:
I would like to reserve the Raticate and Staraptor line.

There yours.

Arcterra, you may do the Dustox line.

Light Venusaur, I like it, but it requires some editing. You don't mind if I make it more Metagamish, do you?
Not at all (well, it is your set after all).
Light Venusaur said:
PokeChamp said:
Pokefan4000 said:
I would like to reserve the Raticate and Staraptor line.

There yours.

Arcterra, you may do the Dustox line.

Light Venusaur, I like it, but it requires some editing. You don't mind if I make it more Metagamish, do you?
Not at all (well, it is your set after all).

Okay, I made some minor edits to it, just to make it playable.

Thanks for your donation!
Pikachu Lv.X 100HP
Level up from Pikachu

Poke Power: Intense Charge
Once during your turn (before your attack) you may attach a {L} energy from your hand and on to Pikachu. This power can't be used if Pikachu is affected by a Special Condition.

Count the number of Lightning Energy in the discard pile. Remove damage counters from your Pokemon in any way you like for each energy in the discard pile. Then, return those energy back into your deck. If you do, Pikachu can't attack during your next turn.

{L}{L}{L}Ultimate Shock: 50
Count the number of Lightning Energy attached to Pikachu. This attack does 10 damage plus the amount of Lightning Energy attached to Pikachu. If this attack does more than 100 damage, then discard all energy attached to Pikachu. If you do, Pikachu does 20 damage to itself.

Weakness: {F}x2
Resistance: {M}-20

I think that's overpowered too...
{R} Charmeleon Lv.26-HP-70{R}

Stage 1-evolves from Charmander

:: Learned Skill
This Pokemon can use any moves, poke-powers, or poke-bodies of the

{R}{R}{C}:: Flame Smash-30
You may discard a {R} energy attached to Charmeleon. If you do, this attack does 30 more damage

Weakness: {W} +20


Retreat Cost: {C}

{R} Charmander Lv. 12-HP 40{R}

Basic Pokemon

[0]:: Scrape
Flip a coin. If heads, discard one energy attached to the defending pokemon.

{R}:: Burning claw-30 damage
Discard a fire energy attached to Charmander

Weakness: {W} +10


Retreat Cost:{C}

I noticed something. You forgot a few details in my Charizard Spoiler. Things like the 110 damage that inferno burst does.
Just to let you know, it takes about 1 hour to design a good fake card, and with all of those cards in the set nobody's gonna do them -_- the title's getting annoying.
Flygon999 said:
Just to let you know, it takes about 1 hour to design a good fake card, and with all of those cards in the set nobody's gonna do them -_- the title's getting annoying.

Well, it shouldn't be annoying. I need a graphic artist to do the cards in the set. They don't have to be that great. I just want it in card form. btw, you posting here didn't help me at all! I'd appreciate it if you could actually help me, instead of pointing things out that I already knew.
Light Venusaur said:
I can do PBR pics for cards.
Just like this Luxio I made.

Alright, but PBR is different from Pokemon Ranch :p

You may make some of the spoilers into cards like those. I wouldn't do any SP Pokemon, though, unless you know how to put the symbol on the card.

Thanks for all your help, LV!
Sure, both PikaFlash (who Ranch I'll be using) & I can do them.
I can even get them from dA (as Ranch is everyone's "storage" sysyterm).