DPt: Rise of Champions! Spoiler makers are wanted, as well as a graphic artist!

Shaymin Poke Doll HP30 Trainer card

You may play this card as a Pokemon from your hand during your turn onto your bench. If you do, treat this card as a Pokemon and a Trainer card while in play. The type of this card is [G]. This card has no attacks, no weakness, no resistance, and no retreat cost. When this card is knocked out, your opponent doesn't draw a prize card. At any time during your turn, you may shuffle this card back into your deck.
^Your Welcome.
*That Skymin Plush is the offical Pokémon Center one (which is on my wish list of Pokedoll Plushies).
Light Venusaur said:
^Your Welcome.
*That Skymin Plush is the offical Pokémon Center one (which is on my wish list of Pokedoll Plushies).

Yes, I want that plushie, too! ^_^
I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while. My computer wasn't letting me visit pokebeach for some reason.

Mothim Lv.31 80 HP [G]
Stage 1 (Evolves from Burmy)

Poke-Power: Glittering Wings
When any of your [G] Pokemon retreat, draw a card. You cannot use more than 1 "Glittering Wings" Poke-Power per turn.

[G] Strange Powder 30
If Burmy Plant Cloak is under Mothim, search your deck for an energy card and put it in your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward. If Burmy Sandy Cloak is under Mothim, place 1 damage counter on all non-[F] Pokemon in play. If Burmy Trash Cloak is under Mothim, search your discard pile for a Pokemon Tool and attach it to Mothim.

Weakness: [R] +20
Resistance: [F] -20
Retreat Cost: [0]

Burmy Plant Cloak Lv.6 40 HP [G]

[.] Ram 10

[C] Cloak Attack 20
Before applying damage, you may change Burmy Plant Cloak's type to the type of a Basic Energy Card attached to Burmy Plant Cloak until the end of the turn.

Weakness: [R] +10
Resistance: --
Retreat Cost: [C]

Steelix Lv.43 100 HP [M]
Stage 1 (Evolves from Onix)

[M] Iron Tail 60
Discard an energy card attached to Steelix. If the Defending Pokemon has a [M] Weakness, change that Weakness to [M] x2 until the end of the turn.

[M][M][M] Metal Charge 50+
You may search your discard pile for up to 2 [M] energy cards and attach them to Steelix. This attack does 50 damage plus 10 more damage for each [M] energy card attached in this way.

Weakness: [F] +20
Resistance: [L] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C][C][C]

Onix Lv.26 70 HP [F]

[.] Tunneling
This attack does 10 damage to 2 of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. Onix cannot use Tunneling during your next turn.

[F][C] Rock Toss 20
If the Defending Pokemon has a [F] Resistance, this attack's base damage is 60.

Weakness: [G] +10
Resistance: [L] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C][C]
Giovanni's Bounty


Search your deck for a SP Pokemon, an energy, and a trainer card. Then place one of the three cards you chose on the bottom of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Probopass GL Lv.38 80 HP [M]
Basic (SP)

Poke-Body: Magnet Pull
Each of your opponent's [M] Pokemon cannot retreat. If the Defending Pokemon has the "Magnet Pull" Poke-Body, ignore this effect.

[F][M][C][C] Ironquake 100
Discard a [M] energy card from each of your [M] Pokemon in play. If you do not discard at least 2 energy cards, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: [W] x2
Resistance: [L] -20
Retreat Cost: [C][C]

If nobody else wants to do it, I'd like to reserve Pikachu C.
Dawn's Rally

*Supporter Rule*

Chosse 1 of your Pokemon in play, or a Pokemon from your hand. Search your deck for all cards of that Pokemon, and put them in your hand. Shuffle your deck after.