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  1. priestkalim

    The game in jeopardy once Rayquaza EX hits?

    At worse, I could see the game devolving into Rayquaza KO exchanges, but that's not jeopardizing the game, we have that now with Mewtwo anyway. But I don't see the game devolving like that, I see Pokemon Catcher and Raikou EX becoming ridiculously important for Eels KO exchanges.
  2. priestkalim

    TCG Theorymon Exercises - Week 7

    I'd like to give it 110 HP and make the Absorption optional, and also give it a 3 retreat cost. It's blowing itself up anyway so the cost will rarely matter, and it should always have enough energy to blow up as soon as you drop it barring Crushing Hammer, so you won't get Catchered into a bad...
  3. priestkalim


    I can tell you from experience, this deck's biggest problem is that 130 isn't hard to hit anymore. Before ND it pretty much always took a Pluspower to one shot a 130, which was blocked by Goth. Now we have EXs that do 150+ and a Stage 2 can't stream at all. The game will quickly devolve into...
  4. priestkalim

    Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

    RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX Well, I'm thinking retool the deck to work with the Vileplume. Vileplume/Amoonguss with Cinccino as the main attacker rather than getting a Reshiram and a Victini ready to go. What else is there to replace the Reshi/Fliptini with, besides more TSS?
  5. priestkalim

    Cloak of Zoroark. HELP ME PLEASE!!!

    Nitpicking, but unless I'm missing something there are no reasons not named Lost Remover to not max Special Dark energies, and Lost Remover has DCEs and Prisms as well so you're not making it any more likely to be dead by using basic dark. - 2 Dark Energy + 2 Special Dark Energy Otherwise, I...
  6. priestkalim

    *DARKRAI EX DECK* Using for upcoming battle roads! HELP!!!

    I don't see the purpose of the deck. What does it do better than a more typical Dark rush build? If you are playing Reuniclus, it just makes you waste time setting up when you could be attacking, and Regigigas takes too long to set up manually to be worth it. I see the concept on paper, I don't...
  7. priestkalim

    Cinccino/Amoonguss Lock Ex

    RE: Cinccino/Amoonguss/Victini EX Maybe Vileplume? It slows the deck down, but you're massively weak to both Catcher and Switch.
  8. priestkalim

    Kyurem ex combo

    My mistake, I was remembering Giga Impact as needing CC not CCC. I'd take a Stage 2 that only needs one DCE over a Basic that needs three turns of accelerationless energy drops any day, at least for this concept.
  9. priestkalim

    Kyurem ex combo

    Not to mention this existed in a better form before ND with Haxorus/Dodrio, and that never went anywhere...
  10. priestkalim

    Recoil (Lucario/Landorus)

    2 Mienfoo ND67 2 Mienshao ND68 3 Riolu ND63 3 Lucario ND64 1 Druddigon NV89 2 Mewtwo EX ND54 3 Landorus NV74 1 Cleffa HS17 Pokemon: 17 3 Pokemon Collector 3 Professor Juniper 3 Professor Oak's New Theory 2 Sage's Training 2 Engineer's Adjustments 2 Rocky Helmet 3 EXP Share 1...