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  1. E

    Plasma Klinklang

    Klinklang is like any other stage two based deck, take out the stage 2 line quick and the whole deck goes up in flames. The problem though, is that isn't easy to do much of the time. So you have to find a way to OHKO the stage Two. Really the only two cards that can successfully do this to...
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    Darkrai / Hydreigon

    It doesn't really gain anything from Plasma except Colress.
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    Rayquaza EX / Eelektrik

    Both are better than Thuderus at this point and time. I think it's more preference to be honest, since they have different uses. Rotom can get energy into the discard quick as well as giving you draw power, but is also nice because since he hits for all trainer cards (Items, Supporters, and...
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    Rayquaza EX / Eelektrik

    80 damage just isn't enough to do anything useful. He used to be a great starter, but even then, Rotom is WAY better as a starter who has a potiential attack damage matching that of Zekrom BW.
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    Blastoise / Keldeo EX / Black Kyurem EX

    RE: Keldeo EX / Blastoise It's got a chance with the right list, Tier 2 at most, but it still has it. It's not heavily reliant on Lugia EX (The list I've seen anyway) so the Plasma Energy goes to Articuno for lock purposes. Snorlax is great for early Darkrai Lock (Which is a big thing since...
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    Blastoise / Keldeo EX / Black Kyurem EX

    RE: Keldeo EX / Blastoise I think Blastiose will be the winner of multiple states, not Keldeo. There's four lists that I've seen that have major success (Keldeo, Black Kyurem EX, Kyruem/Kyogre spread (some with Lugia EX), and Team Plasma (Articuno EX, Lugia EX, Snorlax)). With the amount of...
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    Ho-oh EX Variants

    I'm going to address Klinklang like I addressed BKEX. Out speed it. How do you outspeed it? Tornadus EX, Bouffalant, Ho-oh EX, Registeel EX or Benchtini. All of these Pokemon can do 60+ (Except Registeel, but I'll explain why he's on the list in a second) damage for about five or six cards...
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    Ho-oh EX Variants

    You're gonna have to outspeed it. You can't go head to head with BKEX and expect to win the trade.
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    Ho-oh EX Variants

    Early Tornadus EX with HTL, that's it. Starting Tornadus EX, hitting VIrbank, a DCE, and HTL may be hard, but it's possible, that's the only possible way I see to counter BKEX
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    Speed Darkrai/Virbank - Good Idea?

    Well, let me ask you something. Do you think OHKO'ing Mewtwo EX, Tornadus EX, Keldeo EX, Klinklang, and Blastiose is good?
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    Darkrai EX / Mewtwo EX

    In my expieriance, Keldeo loses to Darkrai in general. Even a Tier 3 deck like Drakrai/Chandelure can beat it with a quick Darkrai with Dark Claw and one Chandelure out. Darkrai has too much speed for it IMO.
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    Gothitelle (Doom Decree)

    Mew EX is way too fragile to be any good, same with Victini 43. I have to flip twice either way, but if I get heads on both, I know I'm OHKOing something and not losing two prizes on the revenge KO.
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    Gothitelle (Doom Decree)

    A friend of mine built this deck, and has won a lot with it. A flippy as it is, it hits Doom Decree and average of three times a match. I wanna know what you all think about it. 3 -Gitotha EPO 43 1 -Gothorita DRX 56 3 -Gothitelle DRX 2 -Sigilyph DRX 52 2 -Victini NVI 98 1 -Mewtwo EX BW...
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    Darkrai EX / Landorus EX

    That's what I kept telling him, but he still thinks it's necessary.
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    On the same token though, if you get revenge hit by a Mewtwo EX, which will never happen, that's suicide, you can move the energy, Max Potion, then OHKO it back.
  16. E

    Dusknoir Variants

    I don't like having Dusknoir early, if I can do two Night Spears, I start getting Dusknoir and both Sigilyphs, with over 20 counters to play with you can OHKO anything with Darkrai EX or Sigilyph.
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    Darkrai EX / Landorus EX

    Yes, I don't like it, for a lot of reasons, but it helps with the Rayquaza EX KO's (80 retreat to Darkrai EX, GG). One of my friends did go 4-2 and missed Top Cut 8 by .75% with it, so i figured I throw him in the list.
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    Dusknoir Variants

    If you run Energy Switch, Sigilyph can be set up in one turn. Just attach DCE, Energy Switch. I don't like Mewtwo EX in here just because it turns into a powerhouse deck, meaning you need more damage on one pokemon to OHKO rather than spread so everything stays within OHKO range.
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    Darkrai EX / Landorus EX

    I think I've found all of the possible techs for this deck: If I missed any, feel free to say them. -Terrakion NVI -Mewtwo EX NXD -Ho-oh EX DRX -Sigilyph DRX -Landorus NVI -Aerodactyl DEX -Shaymin EX NXD -Rayquaza DRX/DRV -Terrakion EX DRX I played around a lot with this deck when Landorus EX...