Speed Darkrai/Virbank - Good Idea?


Go! Chandelure!
Do you think putting Virbank city gym comboed with hypnotoxic laser is worth taking out 4 spaces just to fit into a speed darkrai deck? Or do you think there is another use for those spaces (please do not post what those 4 spaces should be)? Or should it even be for into any deck for that matter?

---if this is not in the right place please move it
Well, let me ask you something. Do you think OHKO'ing Mewtwo EX, Tornadus EX, Keldeo EX, Klinklang, and Blastiose is good?
Emopanda133 said:
Well, let me ask you something. Do you think OHKO'ing Mewtwo EX, Tornadus EX, Keldeo EX, Klinklang, and Blastiose is good?

How do you OHKO a Tornadus EX with Darkrai EX? HTL with Virbank and Dark Claw don't add nearly enough damage to OHKO any of those EX's.

I think it is a good idea. Hitting 160-170 HP EX's (Mewtwo, Keldeo, Tornadus, Ho-Oh) for 140 with Night Spear with Dark Claw, HTL and Virbank, and then hitting them on the bench with Night Spear damage is very powerful. Or you could one shot a Blastoise or Klinklang. I've been testing it, and I think the power it adds is worth it, especially since you can use HTL on the turns you're using Junk Hunt, and add damage on early.
It's a really great addition to any Darkrai deck. You hit for 110 + poison and leave them with the condition. They are forced to either retreat and leave their 170hp EX's in a ko range for Night Spear spread or don't retreat and take the poison damage again. Or you just ohko the ones that got 30 damage on them from previos Night Spears.
Adding on to Soul's post, its good in all Darkrai variants except Hydreigon. Also, because it is so good you may want to include Keldeo EX to get out of other status conditions.
There pretty much isn't a better use for the spaces that go to 4 Hypnotoxic Laser and 2/3 Virbank City Gym in a Darkrai deck.

The math that Hypnotoxic Laser provides when you factor in the Virbank Stadium and Dark Claw is just way too good to pass up in a more basic oriented Darkrai deck.

dmaster out.
Machamp the Champion said:
Emopanda133 said:
Well, let me ask you something. Do you think OHKO'ing Mewtwo EX, Tornadus EX, Keldeo EX, Klinklang, and Blastiose is good?

How do you OHKO a Tornadus EX with Darkrai EX? HTL with Virbank and Dark Claw don't add nearly enough damage to OHKO any of those EX's.
It's not so much an OHKO as it is defined, but if you only hit them once and they get KO'd, it's a form of OHKO. At the end of their turn, unless they retreated, they get KO'd from only one hit. It's an OHKO, but in a different sense.
140 turn 1-2, 110 with a plus power so 120-130 +HTL and virbank is +30 for 150 to 160 and 30 to 1 bench Pokémon, does make it a very viscous contender regardless of decks like tornadus (220). So yeah I can see it being a very viable threat.
^That's confusing (and probably wrong).

Put simply, Nightspear + Dark Claw + Hypnotoxic Laser with Virbank (Who would run Plus Power with Lasers anyway?) = 140
90 + 20 + 30

If they stay Active, poison kills them going into your turn; if they retreat out of it, the 30 from Nightspear kills them anyway. Literally, you can run, but you can't hide... Unless you play Super Scoop Up.