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  1. E

    Regionals Play?

    Ah, I see. Well in thatcase, Darkrai-Hydregion, but if your metaplays a lot of Garbodor's, go with Darkrai-Terrakion, but make sure you have Tool Scrapper in there somewhere.
  2. E

    Regionals Play?

    No Empoleon Variants? No Garbodor Variants? EmpoleRade is fast has intense amounts of speed, and T2 Garbodor/Terrakion with a tool hurts A LOT of decks. Both of these decks are Tier 1.5 or better.
  3. E

    PokéBeach Community Decklist #8: Darkrai/Hydreigon

    You do not need 3. I run 2 and mine functions just fine.
  4. E

    Virbank City Gym (Freeze Bolt # 57) {9/10/12}

    This card makes Ninetails/Amoongus extremely dangerous, and also fits in a great deck with Scolipede, Celebi EX, and the Whirlipede from EP. This card will be even more dangerous once Poison Hypnotic Beam - Trainer Item (Plasma) The Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned. Flip a coin. If heads...
  5. E


    It fills in for the colorless, that's what I meant.
  6. E

    The Penguin That Learned to Soar- Empoleon!

    I run two in mine, which should be the MAX of Grass Energy. And while it is situational, let's look at the decks it helps against: Anything with Terrakion meaning Garbador variants, Mewtwo/Terrakion, Garchomp (preferance), Ho-oh. Empoleon/Terrakion Now, that's quite a bit of the meta...
  7. E

    The Penguin That Learned to Soar- Empoleon!

    I gotta say, this is an amazing article, it helped me a lot when I needed help with my EmopoleRade deck. I have come acrossed a tech, that, most people probably wouldn't even dream of putting into and EmopleRade deck. Grass Energy. Yes, I know, it's an awkward tech, it's horrible, it's clunky...
  8. E


    Instead of Terrakion, consider taking out 2 Emolga for Stunfisk DRX, it allows you to Donk Tynamo's and makes the match-up WAY better. If you're getting taken out early, Stunfisk can help stall Raikou's, Eels, and Zekrom EX. And I know it's an odd change, but try adding in 2 Grass Energy. Here's...
  9. E

    Raticate (Freeze Bolt # 47) {9/04/12 - 9/05/12}

    I Love/Hate this card. I love it's second attack, but hate it's HP. This card goes Great with Amoonguss and/or Rocky Helmet, but is autoloss to a starting Landorus EX or a first turn Registeel, (by way of Dark Patch and Energy Switch (Darkrai/Tornadus/Mewtwo decks)). Granite if you don't have to...
  10. E

    PokéBeach Community Decklist #8: Darkrai/Hydreigon

    In my expreience with this deck, 2 Sableye is enough, I always draw into at least one, and always have a way to search for another, so my suggestion would be: -1 Sableye DE +1 Dark Patch (Four is incredibly useful against Garbador match-ups, and helps with speed.)
  11. E

    Every game (10 or 11) I've seen was autolose to Garbodor/Terrakion. If it's not autolose, then...

    Every game (10 or 11) I've seen was autolose to Garbodor/Terrakion. If it's not autolose, then it's a horrible matchup for Eels.
  12. E


    Darkrai/Hydregion is actually Auto-loss to this deck, along with Eels, and Emboar variants. Mewtwo/Darkrai is the same. TBH, the only Darkrai varient not Autoloss to this is Darkrai Tornadus, but even then, it's a hard match-up.[hr] Rocky Helmet actually helps against Darkrai and Zekrom EX...
  13. E

    Darkrai/Tornadus BW-on

    Garbodor Locks Dark Cloak, So If A Darkrai EX Gets Catcher'd without Energy, That Two Retreat Cost Hurts And Will Most Likely Result In Losing Darkrai, However, If You Only Have One Retreat Cost, You Can Get Him Out Quick. To Add, Switch Helps Against Paralock And Can Also Help Get A T1 Donk.
  14. E

    Nintales/Amoonguss BOUNDRIES CROSSED LIST

    RE: Nintales/Amoonguss Trust me, he won't have a problem drawing into them, he only needs one, and with 1/6th Energy, he can easily Juniper/N into one no problem.
  15. E

    Darkrai/Tornadus BW-on

    Aerodactyl won't do you much good, since he's pretty sketchy to get out. I suggest taking him out for -3 Aerodactyl (not needed) -3 Twist Mountain (^) +2 Sableye (Junk Arm for Dark Decks) +2 Sky Arrow (Helps A LOT against Garbodor) +2 Buoffolaunt (You only run EX's, so if they drop a Sigilyph...
  16. E

    The Penguin That Learned to Soar- Empoleon!

    Actually, with 2 Altaria's, Garchomp can OHKO Empoleon and Terrakion. They run Blend WFLM, so Dragonblade won't be uncommon. Making Garchomp more favorable.
  17. E

    There have been times where I've discarded important stuff, yes, but, it has never cost me a...

    There have been times where I've discarded important stuff, yes, but, it has never cost me a game in over 15 matches of getting Giratina out.
  18. E

    Nintales/Amoonguss BOUNDRIES CROSSED LIST

    RE: Nintales/Amoonguss TBH, you don't need 4 Blend Energy, the only reason you should have Blend Energy in this deck is for Sableye, which you don't have.
  19. E

    alternative for ShayminEX in darkrai/hydreigon?

    What I meant by the Two Turn setup, was that it takes two manually attached special Energy, and with Enhanced Hammer around, this could prove problamatic. The retreat cost is valid against Garbodor. Hydregion NV is not good, at all, your example is very situational, and other than than that...
  20. E

    Dragons Are Out, But Are They Really That Good?

    Giratina EX has use in Darkrai EX/Hydregion, as dmaster said, but he's really not all that bad. He's a great tech in the deck mentioned previously, and I've also seen some Gardevoir/Gothitelle decks with Giratina in him. As for setup, yes he's costly, but you get what you paid for so to speak in...