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  1. E

    Saves space? I took 1 Shaymin EX for 1 Giratina EX, that's it. And he doesn't do the same thing...

    Saves space? I took 1 Shaymin EX for 1 Giratina EX, that's it. And he doesn't do the same thing better. Try tanking with an Eviolited Hydregion and see how far it gets you dumping all the Energy. To add, Giry doesn't get OHKO'd by Zekrom EX, and with an Eviolite, can survive against a Garchomp's...
  2. E

    Dragons Are Out, But Are They Really That Good?

    IMO the only dragon out right now that isn't that good is Ray EX. Yes he can do a lot of damage, but you have to run him like Raikou EX for him to be useful. And even then, he can't abuse Max Potion like Raikou EX. He's just not as good as he should be.
  3. E

    alternative for ShayminEX in darkrai/hydreigon?

    I play Giratina EX, it's harder to set up, but has much more versatility. You can lead to prize exchange, instead of waiting for someone to get KO'd. It's a fun tech that can abuse Max Potion and Dark Trance, but like I said, it's harder to setup. Another Pro to him is the mirror match up, Mmm...
  4. E

    Darkrai/Hydreigon for Fall 2012 BRs

    You have to play Garbodor like Speed Darkrai, get a butt-load of energy onto multiple Darkrai's and use your Catchers, take out Trubbish's quick and don't play Dieno until you know it's safe. Play Shaymin EX A.S.A.P. Even with this srategy, it's a very uphill Battle, so good luck. As for the...
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    Rocky Helmet (NV # 94) {8/23/12}

    That's going into your turn, I was talking about going into their turn.
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    Rocky Helmet (NV # 94) {8/23/12}

    Wait for the Virbank City Gym to come out in Novemeber. You can do up to 130 without confusion and 160 with.
  7. E

    Rocky Helmet (NV # 94) {8/23/12}

    I wish Lucario ND wasn't weak to Mewtwo, I'd make a Terrakion EX/Lucario deck with Rocky Helmet. Othe than Lucario or Druddigon, it doesn't have much placement anymore.
  8. E

    Nintales/Amoonguss BOUNDRIES CROSSED LIST

    RE: Nintales/Amoonguss Honestly, in this deck it's save Amoongus, or save Ninetails. I like GC better.
  9. E

    Enhanced Hammer and it's use with Garbador.

    So, I've been doing some more research, and it seems that it's not that played, but it's still viable for space. But from what I've read, it's just to get energy off Hydregion...and that's it. So I don't think it's that played, but only more testing will reveal it.
  10. E

    Nintales/Amoonguss BOUNDRIES CROSSED LIST

    RE: Nintales/Amoonguss No, just use Puff's suggestions, except, don't drop a Ninetails, and Add in 2 Sableye. -1 Cheren -1 Fire +2 Sableye.
  11. E


    I play this deck with Giratina EX, and he's great against Zekrom Reshiram and Kruyem, he's also a life saver against Terrakion. And when you're opponent has an Eviolited EX, You can 2HKO them, and with Max Potion, it comes in handy to Tank with Giratina EX.
  12. E

    Escape Rope (Freeze Bolt # 54) {8/22/12}

    The only deck I could see this working inis Chadelure/Darkrai, or Dusknoir varients, where it doesn't nessesarily matter who's out front on your opponent side.
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    Giratina Ex is better than Shaymin EX IMO, just because of versatility. He may take a turn more to set up, but he's worth the turn, since he can OHKO Terrakion and the regular dragons.
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    -1 Sabeleye (2 is enough, trust me.) -1 Dark Energy (8 Works fine for me. +2 Dark Patch (Very, Very important in this deck, four is almost a must.)
  15. E

    Nintales/Amoonguss BOUNDRIES CROSSED LIST

    RE: Nintales/Amoonguss I think you should run a 2-of Sableye, I think it would help, but that just me.
  16. E

    Enhanced Hammer and it's use with Garbador.

    Well, he's not the counter, he's just the tech I put in over Shaymin EX. He's helped me a lot, most of the time it's situations that Shaymin EX couldn't help with. I only see Shaymin EX helping against Terrakion, butGiratina have more versatility, and honestly, it's worth the two turn setup. But...
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    TCG Theorymon Exercises - Week 14

    Giving it more HP actually makes it worse for one reason, Level Ball. Honestly, the ONLY thing I would change, is the attack would be 40+. Other than that, he's solid.
  18. E

    Enhanced Hammer and it's use with Garbador.

    Cuz I run Giratina EX, so I thought if I used Darkrai to KO their Garbador's, I could sweep with Giratina EX's Second Attack. It's a half-baked Idea that I thought might work.:/
  19. E

    Could Plusle work as a consistency Pokemon?

    RE: Could Plusle work as a Set Up Pokemon? I would never run Emolga in Darkrai/Hydregion. You really one need 2-3 Pokemon to be set up for most of the game. You might have to drop a tech later, but by then you won't need Emolga anyways.
  20. E

    Enhanced Hammer and it's use with Garbador.

    So, I've been playing a Dark-Region deck, and I have a theory about how to beat Garbador Variants without Tool Scrapper, but I need to know...How played is Enhanced Hammer in Garbador?