Rocky Helmet (NV # 94) {8/23/12}

Vulpix Yolk

\ \ durant gang \ \

Card of the Day: Rocky Helmet​
Well, it hasn't been very usable lately, but I think it will work in the right deck. Druddigon/Amoongus- Attach Helmet to Druddigon and use Amoongus to poison/confuse, and use Clutch to prevent them retreating. At that point if they don't have a Switch they basically have to either pass or try to attack and do either 30 to themself and nothing to me or 40 to themself and damage to me. Just an idea...
I wish Lucario ND wasn't weak to Mewtwo, I'd make a Terrakion EX/Lucario deck with Rocky Helmet. Othe than Lucario or Druddigon, it doesn't have much placement anymore.
9Tailz said:
Well, it hasn't been very usable lately, but I think it will work in the right deck. Druddigon/Amoongus- Attach Helmet to Druddigon and use Amoongus to poison/confuse, and use Clutch to prevent them retreating. At that point if they don't have a Switch they basically have to either pass or try to attack and do either 30 to themself and nothing to me or 40 to themself and damage to me. Just an idea...

Fun, ima go build it.
Opponent damages you and that's 170, enough to KO a Mewtwo EX. Oh, I also have a list (BW-DRX) in the Deck Garage, if anyone's interested.