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  1. LePokeRoi

    Help Lost to some grass deck using the new Vileplume. Could not beat it.

    This is brilliant. I have been looking for something I can put in a Mega Scizor EX deck to make it not auto-lose to Volcanion, and this could take it from an auto-loss to an auto-win! Just need to set it up before Guzma KOs Oddish/Gloom. Anyway, thank you for highlighting this obvious thing I...
  2. LePokeRoi

    Help Crobat/Seviper Poison Deck Ideas

    If you tried to play Toxapex-GX with Crobat, it would be WAY too clunky. Toxapex + Seviper could be a deck on its own, but you wanna stick with one main evolution line you wanna focus on. Altar of the Moone isn't necessary. Golbat and Crobat have free retreat. :-) Same with Toxapex-GX...
  3. LePokeRoi

    Help Crobat/Seviper Poison Deck Ideas

    I don't think that the rotation should harm your idea for a deck at all. Were you talking about the Sun and Moon Crobat? It has Triple Poison, which is what I thought you were talking about. As far as the trainers you should use, in standard format the following cards are going to be staples: 4...
  4. LePokeRoi

    Standard Mega Scizor/Tapu Fini

    You probably saw the title and were like "What the...?" Just roll with it. Mega Scizor is my favorite and I'm trying to get the deck to not auto-lose to Volcanion. This is my current deck. I tried one in the past using the Araquanid that is immune to fire types, but my opponent brought out a...
  5. LePokeRoi

    Standard Volcanion EX

    I would say that you need to choose who is going to be your main attacker: Turtonator GX or Volcanion? Both are good and viable, and until you get some Leles to search for the Kiawes, I would say that Volcanion is probably the better of the two. So drop two Turtonators for another Staryu and...
  6. LePokeRoi

    Noivern GX Deck List Ideas

    I don't think that getting a first turn item lock will be realistic in the next format without double dragon energy. And if you're playing 3 Mew for the energy acceleration, they're going to be ciphering energy from your deck so you'll miss the elixirs anyway. Plus you'll want to be evolving...
  7. LePokeRoi

    Standard Trevenant / Vileplume

    If you added the cards that TuxedoBlack mentioned, I would remove a level ball, and the extra trubbish and Garb for 3 Ns. Just for consistency and the ability to mess your opponent up later. Plus if they play their hand small, you can N them to a big hand so Trevenant hurts more. But other...
  8. LePokeRoi

    Noivern GX Deck List Ideas

    Garbodor is definitely a must in this deck, especially because you can lock Field Blowers, making the Abilities go away forever. You'll want a 2-2-3 line, with the 3 being Float stone. I say you just drop the Altar of the Moone all together, since Noivern GX has free retreat, Garb will have...
  9. LePokeRoi

    Standard Alolan Ninetales GX (Post Rotation with Baby Alolan Ninetales)

    I'm a big Ninetails fan, but I think you may be a little ironic in some of your card choices... I'm mainly talking about Sudowoodo. You play it because you want to stop your opponent from playing Lele, Octillery, Oranguru, etc. Yet you play them yourself. Sudowoodo has become much weaker since...
  10. LePokeRoi

    Standard Need opinions and Suggestions on this Toxapex-GX/Lunala Deck

    That's about right, 10-12 is usually the sweet spot. And I'm glad I could enlighten you on the LeRoi Moore fellow lol.
  11. LePokeRoi

    Alt. Format Tapu Bulu GX/Vikavolt (Post Rotation)

    Really like your deck. The only suggestion I would make is to lose Drampa for another Guzma and a Charjabug for a Choice Band. Drampa is a good card, but in this deck you shouldn't be retreating a whole bunch which means damage isn't as likely to make it to your bench, making it practically...
  12. LePokeRoi

    Standard Sylveon GX Post Rotation (BreakThrough-Burning Shadows)

    If you're just looking for a recursion engine, then I think the best option would be Starmie from Evolutions. It essentially means you only have to discard one card for Plumeria, and even that could be energy. You could try and use Darkrai GX + Super Scoop Up, then just rediscard them. That...
  13. LePokeRoi

    Standard Tapu Koko-GX (BKT-SHL)

    I think that you should drop Sudowoodo, Raikou from BKT, and the Baby Kokos for Max Elixirs. Otherwise you have to take a minimum 3 turns to set up, which is too slow. It doesn't even matter who you Elixir to. And none of those are going to have energy easy enough to be efficient, because Koko...
  14. LePokeRoi

    Standard Need opinions and Suggestions on this Toxapex-GX/Lunala Deck

    "Le Roi" is actually french and translates to "The King" I'm not french, just took french in high school and the name was a good one. I'll bet we got it from the same place though! As far as trainers go, there are some staples that should be in either deck: 4 Sycamore 4 N 3 Guzma 1 Brigette (if...
  15. LePokeRoi

    Standard Need opinions and Suggestions on this Toxapex-GX/Lunala Deck

    I think it's unnecessary. Super intense poison does 10 damage in between turns, so 100 to their turn, and 100 back. That's 200 damage. Each seviper would add 20 damage, and you can go from there. If you were to try and rock with non-GX Lunala, I'd run it without Toxapex. The two don't mesh, imo...
  16. LePokeRoi

    Standard Golisopod-GX (2018)

    Starting with the pokemon, you should drop Drampa, Tauros, and, although it almost made the cut, Wishiwashi. I would add two more Kokos. The free retreat does the same thing as Wishiwashi, and the spread damage can bring a lot of pokemon down into OHKO range for Golisopod GX. Tauros and Drampa...
  17. LePokeRoi

    Standard Sylveon GX Post Rotation (BreakThrough-Burning Shadows)

    A card that could be annoying and contribute a lot to this deck might be Mount Lanakila. At the very least it could make them spend more resources, which is exactly what we want. Also Lele and two DCEs need to leave, and add some more fairy energy. Other than that, just listen to this guy ^^. He...
  18. LePokeRoi

    Standard Need opinions and Suggestions on this Toxapex-GX/Lunala Deck

    I would need to check this, but can Toxapex-GX's Super Intense Poison be used if the opponent is already poisoned? If not, you should lose everything else that poisons them - Poison Barb, and the other Toxapex. I also would remove Eevee, Espeon, and the DCEs because they don't fit in this deck...
  19. LePokeRoi

    Standard Crabominable / Tapu Koko Post BUS

    I think you may have missed the point of the video - that Crabominable is fast. Tapu Koko is a great card because it can be hitting up to 120 (6 x 20) on the first turn. Crabominable can do the same thing (Strong energy, Wally, 2 Regirock EX, even Choice Band which is 150 on turn one (Holy...
  20. LePokeRoi

    Standard Drampa GX/Salazzle (Post Rotation)

    I'm not gonna lie; I like this list a lot. I would change a few things however. Definitely go Brigette instead of Pokemon Fan Club, as Brigette can get the Drampa along with, say, two Salandits. Salazzle GX is one of my favorite GXs from Burning Shadows, so I'm really glad it's here. I'd drop 2...