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  1. ~Magma King~

    The World Library (Updated at 5/9/09 Pacific)

    RE: The World Library (Updated at 3/30/09 Pacific) Where Dragons Sleep Thanks ^__^.
  2. ~Magma King~

    (1) Protect Your Computer! [3/26]

    The virus isn't real. D:
  3. ~Magma King~

    Writing Where Dragons Sleep

    Only TG. And this isn't a TR fanfic. XD That being said, because I was in my extra special do-my-fic-instead-of-important-homework-project kind of mood, here's Chapter 1! You'd better enjoy it, because I'm gonna be in a heep of trouble tommorow. ^_^ Chapter 1- Midnight in the Mountains...
  4. ~Magma King~

    Writing Superhero Member story thing? Chapter 2 Is up People :)

    Awesome chapter. I'd like to see how this turns out. ^_^
  5. ~Magma King~

    Writing Where Dragons Sleep

    To funnyness in writing? It'll be funnier than the last one. And no, what do you mean another rocket fic? Firstly, it isn't about Team Rocket, and secondly, there IS no Rocket fic. :S But thanks anyway! I love the encouragement.
  6. ~Magma King~

    Writing Where Dragons Sleep

    Thanks a lot guys! I wasn't so sure about the poem at first, but it's great to see people like it. Chapter 1 is in the works. In the meanwhile, please comment on the prologue! ^__^
  7. ~Magma King~

    Writing Where Dragons Sleep

    So I've decided to make a story. Again. Pokebeach-Cliff Hanger died tragically when I was found unable to keep track of the overflow of new mods, and how I was never satisfied with how I rushed things so much. And so, I have decided to create a more pokemon story. It tracks the events of a group...
  8. ~Magma King~

    Writing Superhero Member story thing? Chapter 2 Is up People :)

    RE: Superhero Member story thing? Chapter 1 has been made again! He's being laaazy. I bet he hasn't even started ;O.
  9. ~Magma King~

    Pokemon Is the 4th generation overrated?

    Pokemon are worse, yes. Excluding some of Hoenn's.
  10. ~Magma King~

    Pokemon How long will pokemon last?

    If Nintendo gets money there's little point in stopping it. It will simply end when it's not popular... Which'll be a while.
  11. ~Magma King~

    Neu Admins

    Well done guys! ^__^ Just super-admin left to go.
  12. ~Magma King~

    Who Likes Eastenders???

    RE: Who Likes Eastenders? They do but it isn't as possible. And I hate it, btw.
  13. ~Magma King~

    Writing Seven Days of Terror

    RE: Seven Days of Terror (it's chapter 11 time!!!) Epic. :O Brilliant, brilliant chapter. Can't wait to see the end too. ^___^
  14. ~Magma King~

    Seven Days of Terror (now with an epilogue)

    RE: Seven Days of Terror (it's chapter 11 time!!!) Epic. :O Brilliant, brilliant chapter. Can't wait to see the end too. ^___^
  15. ~Magma King~

    Writing Jun's Adventure! Read first post!!!

    RE: Jun's Adventure! Read first post! It's still a panda, even if it looks slightly like a raccoon, it looks more like a panda. Yinyanda is also a big giveaway. :P And yes, the Excerpt was very well done. I'm much looking forward to the next chapter. ^__^
  16. ~Magma King~

    Writing Jun's Adventure! Read first post!!!

    RE: Jun's Adventure! Chapter 9 Halfway done! Yinyanda is a panda. :P
  17. ~Magma King~

    What do you think about Rihanna getting beaten with an umbrella?

    Rihanna sucks. If she was beaten with an umbrella, why should she? :S
  18. ~Magma King~

    Who Likes Friends??

    I don't. Har. It is the silliness.
  19. ~Magma King~

    Frog Dissection Yes or No?

    May I repeat, PEOPLE NEED BREAKS FROM POWERPOINTS. Dissection is a great way of looking at things through other methods, as opposed to just writing down a load of text on frogs.