RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)
Ooo. This looks interesting. Maybe have some different types of box to play as?
(and Nod, I'm pretty sure there's no tiberium there. You're wasting resources. :P)
(Pretty sure he was joking btw)
Uh, yeah, we do cooking and stuff at school, which I hate. Still, it's fun to do cooking outside of school, where you needn't worry about all the pressure and that. An important skill to have, yes.
Hit lots of stuff. Preferably not people. Otherwise, I'm not really sure. If you're just generally annoyed at things, try and find somewhere you can be by yourself and think about things.
(then again, my advice generally isn't 100% reliable...)
RE: PokeBeach- The Ultimate Big Bad Battle
No, but I just wanted to neaten things up a bit before I took screenshots. Still, at least people can see I'm doing stuff. :F
As for the, uh, "spotlight", you may notice that an attack is being used...
RE: PokeBeach- The Ultimate Big Bad Battle
Things are going pretty well for the most part. However, it is extremely hard to do maps, storyline events etc as I have no tileset. If anybody's any good with tiles please tell me if you can help, as it's a really big issue right now.
RE: PokeBeach- The Ultimate Big Bad Battle
@CHAZRAD: Of course you will be. Spritewise, overworlds and tiles are really needed at the moment so if you could help with any of those it'd be fantastic.
@PAKCHOMP: It shouldn't be hard to complete, I could get some sort of preview/demo thing out...
RE: PokeBeach- The Ultimate Big Bad Battle
Originally it was actually a SSB type thing but the game engine was pretty terrible. Currently it's a more pokemon styled fighting system but the game is far more flexible and easier to do stuff.
For your other question, I don't see why not.
Jeeez. I don't get anywhere near as much homework as you people. May be partly due to the fact I rarely do it but I still don't get anything like two hours per day.
RE: PokeBeach- The Ultimate Big Bad Battle
If anybody knew how to change the font that would be great as it's probably the biggest "problem" so far. The font doesn't fit with the new backgrounds and stuff at all so I'd really like to change it.
RE: PokeBeach- The Ultimate Big Bad Battle
That's basically what it is. Mainly just choosing moves, best stats, appearance stuff etc.
Character list updated! Images will be up soon.