[COMPLETE]Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

Is it possible to [for a limited time only, of course] include slingshots made especially for shooting Box-o's? It would help you kill flys that are interfiring with your breakfeast !
RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

"Dear Nod3,

I like the way you think! However, there may be trouble getting your weapons across the border. We have very strict policies on these things. You could construct a weapon...

World of Boxes Customer Service"

Well, Since nod2 decided that we should make our crawlers deployable from an underground tunnel network, I could call for a crawler to drill out to where I am, and the driver will hand me the centurion suit. Simple eh?
RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

I've got my cereal box ready for training. I'll be ready when I can go to the world of boxes.
RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

Dear Leafy101,

Yes! They're going for 10 Points(World of Box currency) in stores now! Pick yours up today! Get one now! They sell out fast! Don't miss out!

World of Boxes Advertising Department


Dear Nod3,

"Nod2"? There are more of you? I'm sorry, we don't like mafia gangs in our world. Feel free to visit without the group any time however!

World of Boxes Customer Service


Dear Rock Wrecker,

Truly you are a master. Please join us in our next Box-on-head meditation session. We have much to learn from you.

Wek Tan Gel, Mediator
RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

It's not a mafia. We're commanders of... Well, nod is the commanders kane is the leader who brought aliens to earth, and well, basicly we're in a war with GDI (Global defense initiate)

Please note, it is 2073 in out world (you heard me). There are only 3 weapons that GDI uses that have existed sinse 1995- Mastodon, Titan and mammoth tank.

Number of soldiers: 110,000
Weapon capability: laser-Nuclear is possible, but highly unlikely.
RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

Dear Nod3,

The nice men are coming to take you away soon. By the time this letter arrives you may be gone. Just remember, you being committed is for the better.

World of Boxes Mental Health Unit
RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

Box-O's? I think that might be a bit complicated for the general public...
I didn't even know what an "O" was until I looked it up in the enboxopedia. Maybe call them Box-Squares?
RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

I have been practicing putting big things in boxes if the Nods come to Box Land. I think I could squeeze a tank in a cereal box if I tried hard enough. (You don't know the size of cereal boxes you can get!)
RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

Too bad you can't squeeze a Avatar in one (Do you even know how big they are. They're massiv- Owww.....We're under attack by GDI!)
RE: Think Outside the Box [GAME](Not Pokemon)

Ooo. This looks interesting. Maybe have some different types of box to play as?

(and Nod, I'm pretty sure there's no tiberium there. You're wasting resources. :p)
To whom it may concern,

Sorry for the slow replying! The entire team has been busy over last few days, preparing the world for people to start spilling in. It is available at the bottom of the first letter. Please tell us what you think! And if you wish to vote for us in the contest, please make sure you try the other entrances first. Thank you!

Very sincerely,
World of Boxes Team



1) Why would you want to illegally change a box with a snazzy bow's name, 42C?
2) I can only find one exit in the second room (the one with the tree).
Dear 42chocolate,

Press escape to backspace, arrow keys to choose the letter, and enter to select. Have fun!

World of Boxes Customer Support


Dear squirtli,

It's all down to choice with names. We're pro-choice here in the world of Boxes!

I hope you're having a good time! Don't forget that the open door counts as an exit. You only need two exits to move on. I hope you're having fun! Please tell us what you think!

World of Boxes Customer Support
Dear World of Boxes Customer Support,

My game has frozen twice now, in the third level. After attempting to block the ghost with a bible.

42 chocolate
Dear 42 chocolate,

Oh dear! This error has popped up in other places as well. We have resolved it, but sadly we can't put up this new version until after the contest! Our only advise is "Save before you use the switch". Also, please remember, it will only freeze if you were using the wrong item.

Sincerely sorry,
World of Boxes Customer Support