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  1. Mooncrystal

    Card Errors Database (Include Images!)

    RE: *** Card Errors and Misprints Database *** (Provide a Picture When Reporting Any) I've had this Moltres card for so long now... I think since 2000?
  2. Mooncrystal

    XY What Type might Sylveon be?

    RE: What Type might Ninfia (Sylveon) be?? I believe that it's going to be a female normal evolution. It kinda makes sense to me. The only way to make it even more interesting on the whole 'Eevee's regular (normal) form' would be to make it a little strange, pleasing both parties. I mean, both...
  3. Mooncrystal

    TCG Players in (Southern) New Jersey!

    Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you guys a heads up that I'm currently in the process of starting up a new League site at AdventureLand Store in the Voorhees Town Center (formerly known as the Echelon Mall) located in Voorhees, NJ. Until we get the official OK, we've been running friendly get...
  4. Mooncrystal

    DNA, Oh... I somehow missed that part there... >_>;;

    DNA, Oh... I somehow missed that part there... >_>;;
  5. Mooncrystal

    DNA, Is that who I need to contact? I didn't know who to ask about it. ^_^;

    DNA, Is that who I need to contact? I didn't know who to ask about it. ^_^;
  6. Mooncrystal

    Blastoise/Cryogonal/Delibird/Keldeo EX/Mewtwo EX Deck

    Since that last post, I've been modifying my deck a bit here and there... Any tips or feedback is greatly appreciated. :) Pokemon - 8 Squirtle x1 Wartortle x1 Blastoise x1 Articuno EX x1 Mewtwo EX x1 Mew EX x1 Keldeo EX x1 Kyurem EX x1 Trainers - 30 Colress Machine x1 Energy...
  7. Mooncrystal

    DNA, lol, yes. Yes I am. :3

    DNA, lol, yes. Yes I am. :3
  8. Mooncrystal

    I guess the Professor Group. All I know is that I passed my exam back in January and would love...

    I guess the Professor Group. All I know is that I passed my exam back in January and would love to have one of those fancy labcoat icons under my name. :3
  9. Mooncrystal

    I guess the Professor Group. All I know is that I passed my exam back in January and would love...

    I guess the Professor Group. All I know is that I passed my exam back in January and would love to have one of those fancy labcoat icons under my name. :3
  10. Mooncrystal

    Ruling Who do I talk to...

    If I passed my Professor Exam? Passed it back on January 12th.
  11. Mooncrystal

    (1) ‘CoroCoro’ Cover Reveals Silhouetted Pokemon, More Leaks Soon [2/11]

    You can kinda see a small part of what looks like an in-game battle screenie in the upper corner :3
  12. Mooncrystal

    (1) ‘CoroCoro’ Cover Reveals Silhouetted Pokemon, More Leaks Soon [2/11]

    I think it's an Eevolution. The right ear looks like it has a bow on it.
  13. Mooncrystal

    What cards are in the theme decks from Plasma Storm?

    Are the cards out in retail stores yet?
  14. Mooncrystal

    Card Errors Database (Include Images!)

    RE: *** Card Errors and Misprints Database *** (Provide a Picture When Reporting Any) How is it a fake. :(
  15. Mooncrystal

    Card Errors Database (Include Images!)

    RE: *** Card Errors and Misprints Database *** (Provide a Picture When Reporting Any) I have a Torterra card with a spelling error on it.
  16. Mooncrystal

    spiritomb, Nah, I'm from New Jersey.

    spiritomb, Nah, I'm from New Jersey.
  17. Mooncrystal

    Blastoise/Cryogonal/Delibird/Keldeo EX/Mewtwo EX Deck

    Pokemon -12 Squirtle x2 Wartortle x2 Blastoise x1 Delibird x4 Cryogonal x1 Keldeo EX x1 Mewtwo EX x1 Trainers - 25 Cilan x4 Cheren x4 Great Ball x3 Professor Juniper x2 N x2 Switch x2 Revive x2 Energy Retrieval x2 Skyla x2 Super Rod x1 Skyarrow Bridge x1 Energy - 23...
  18. Mooncrystal

    Ruling I know it's probably been asked...

    But I just can't seem to understand the ruling with Burmy Sandy Cloak's 'Sandy Cloak' ability. Specifically, the one that's used on the Professor Exam. This is like the 10x I got this question wrong. I can never remember it. I'm sorry if this has (more than likely) been asked on here already. I...
  19. Mooncrystal

    Ruling Roserade and Rainbow Energy

    I havent been able to find an answer to this one... There's a Roserade card with the Poke-Power 'Energy Signal', where if you attach one {G} or one {P} Energy this turn from your hand, depending on the Energy, the opponent Pokemon will become either Confused or Poisoned. Which condition takes...
  20. Mooncrystal

    The Returning Player's Guide

    Cool, thankies :)